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Flix Server Options
This is the full list of options for the config.yml server configuration file.
Required Options
The following options must be specified to run a Flix server.
hostname - IP address or fqdn for the Flix Server to run on, e.g. or localhost
Note: You will need to make sure that the hostname option is set to a publicly available hostname or IP address. We recommend a fully qualified domain name and unique hostname for each server.
http_port - Port number for the Flix Server to run on, e.g. 8080
Note: Ensure that Flix Server is accessible through the server's firewall to connect to it. Refer to the Opening ports on your firewall for Flix communication Knowledge Base article for more information on how to open ports through a firewall.
Tip: We recommend pinging the Flix server hostname via the command line to test for accessibility to the server.
mysql_hostname - Address of the db server, IP or fqdn.
mysql_username - MySQL username with access to the Flix schema
mysql_password - MySQL password
mysql_port - Port number for the MySQL database. Default: 3306
mysql_database - Name of the database for Flix. Default: flix
db_backup_directory - Provides an alternate path to where the database backup file is created. e.g., ./flix_server -db_backup_ /var/flix/db_backup
Asset Storage
asset_directory - Path to where assets should be stored. Defaults to the Flix Server install directory
shared_storage - Configures server to use shared storage for Flix assets.
Note: If switching from local to shared storage, you will also need to migrate your assets for Flix Server to pick them up with the new configuration. Refer toMigrating Assets When Switching to a New Assets Directory for more information.
floating_license_hostname - Address of the license server (if using floating licensing)
floating_license_port - Port number for the license server to run on (if using floating licensing)
See User Management for a full list of authentication options.
smtp_hostname - The hostname e.g.,
smtp_port - Port number e.g., 465
smtp_username (optional) - SMTP email address e.g.,
smtp_password (optional) - SMTP password e.g., MyP@ssword
smtp_send_from - Sets the email address Flix uses for notifications, e.g.,
Note: If the smtp_username and smtp_password config options are not set, Flix Server attempts to connect to the smtp server without authenticating when sending notification emails.
max_log_mb - Sets default log file size to 5 MB. After this data limit is reached, the log file rotates and the older data is split off and stored in archived logs.
log_file - Sets the filename and location for server logs. The CLI flag will make the directory if it doesn't exist. e.g., ./flix_server --log-file= mnt/var/flix/logs/serverlogs.log.
font_directory - Path to access fonts
flix5_compatible_imports - Use in Flix 6 when reconforming Avid AAFs created in Flix 5 to relink correct panels.
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