Correct Shots Using LensDistortion

Nuke Studio and Hiero's soft effect collection also includes a LensDistortion effect in the timeline. Using LensDistortion in the timeline enables new workflows for shot prep and distribution and you don’t have to go back and forth between the timeline and comp environments. The results can be applied to multiple shots that use the same lens metadata or at sequence-level across an entire show.

Just like Nuke's LensDistortion node, the timeline effect estimates the lens distortion in a given shot, either through Grid Detection or manual Line Detection. The warp can then be used to add or remove distortion or produce an STMap in the motion channel for use elsewhere.

See Working with LensDistortion for more information.

Remove Lens Distortion from a Shot

Here's how to remove distortion from a shot using the LensDistortion effect on the timeline.

Add Lens Distortion to a Shot

You can quickly add lens distortion to shots or whole sequences on the timeline by copying a LensDistortion effect set to Undistort and changing the Mode to Redistort. You might need to do this if your comp department didn't redistort the comp for you before sending it back from Nuke. In this example, we'll assume that our comp has come back from Nuke, but the CG elements are undistorted.

Remove Lens Distortion from Multiple Shots

If you intend to undistort multiple shots, it's a good idea to apply LensDistortion to one shot first and then clone the effect to the other shots in case you update the lens solve later on.