Source code for hiero.core.FnVersionScanner

import hiero.core
from hiero.core import MediaSource
from hiero.core import Clip
from hiero.core import Version
from hiero.core import log
from hiero.core.util import findViewInPath
from PySide2.QtCore import QDir
import os.path
import glob
import re

[docs]class VersionScanner(): """ VersionScanner is a helper class that, given a Version, will scan for additional Versions and provides methods for working with Versions. Version scanning can detect a verion index using either the directory, or the full file path. See setVersionScanningIndexDetectionMethod() for more details. See in the examples for a demonstration of how you might use the VersionScanner. """ # WARNING: Modifying these regexes for "equivalent" ones might break code that depends on the grouping # (parentheses) in them for obtaining bits of data. Be extra-careful if you do so. # NOTE: kRawSequenceRegex checks for preceding chars to distinguish from versions. This means it includes # exactly 2 chars in front of the actual frame number, that need to be trimmed to retrieve it. _kVersionRegex = "([/._]v)(\\d+)" # e.g.: "_v1", ".v024", "/v13" _kPaddedSequenceRegex = "%((\\d)*)(d)" # e.g.: "%01d", "%d" _kRawSequenceRegex = "(.[^v0-9]|[^/._]v)(\\d+)(\\.[^\\.]+)$" # e.g.: "0001.dpx", "1.exr" - not preceded by "_v", ".v", "/v", or a digit # See the class description for more infomation on version index detection methods kDetectVersionDirectoryOnly = 0 kDetectVersionFullPath = 1 # Default scanning method DefaultVersionScanningIndexDetectionMethod = kDetectVersionFullPath def __init__(self): self._versionScanningIndexDetectionMethod = VersionScanner.DefaultVersionScanningIndexDetectionMethod # Optimisation: Cached regex matches (used by getMatches in checkNewVersion) self._regexMatches = None # Optimisation: Set of strings containing "file heads" for visited clips (used by isVisitedClip in checkNewVersion) self._visitedClips = set() # Path remaps that were applied to the clips being scanned. This will contain # tuples of (remapped path, original path) self._pathRemaps = set()
[docs] def setVersionScanningIndexDetectionMethod(self, detectionMethod): """ Set the method for detecting additional versions of Clips or TrackItems. It can be set to either VersionScanner.kDetectVersionDirectoryOnly or VersionScanner.kDetectVersionFullPath, and defaults to kDetectVersionFullPath. Given an example path, '/dir_v1/file_v2.dpx', we can see how each method works: VersionScanner.kDetectVersionDirectoryOnly will get the version index from the directory, so the version would be v1. VersionScanner.kDetectVersionFullPath will get the version index from the full path, so v2. Note: we always find the version index looking from the right. @param detectionMethod: The detection method. @return: Nothing. """ assert (detectionMethod == VersionScanner.kDetectVersionDirectoryOnly or detectionMethod == VersionScanner.kDetectVersionFullPath) self._versionScanningIndexDetectionMethod = detectionMethod
[docs] def getVersionScanningIndexDetectionMethod(self): """ Get the method for detecting additional versions of Clips or TrackItems. @return: The current method for detecting the version. """ return self._versionScanningIndexDetectionMethod
[docs] def doScan(self, version): """ Given a Version, scan for additional versions. @param version: An existing version. @return: A list of any versions found. """ foundVersionFiles = self.findVersionFiles(version) binitem = version.parent() # Add versions to binitem, respecting the sorting newVersions = self.insertVersions(binitem, foundVersionFiles) VersionScanner.VersionScanLogger().info("ScanForVersions - Versions found for %s: %s", version, newVersions) return newVersions
[docs] def findVersionFiles(self, version): """ Find additional versions of an existing version @param version: An existing version. @return: A list of files that are different Versions of the given Version """ binitem = version.parent() origfilename = self.getFilename(version) self._origextension = os.path.splitext(origfilename)[1] foundVersions = self.findNewVersions(version) VersionScanner.VersionScanLogger().info("files found for {} (before sorting/filtering):\n{}".format(version, '\n'.join(foundVersions))) # Filter versions according to filterVersion foundVersions = [v for v in foundVersions if self.filterVersion(binitem, v)] # Sort versions according to sortVersions (uses versionLessThan) foundVersions = self.sortVersions(foundVersions) VersionScanner.VersionScanLogger().info("files found for {} (after sorting/filtering):\n{}".format(version, '\n'.join(foundVersions))) return foundVersions
[docs] def findNewVersions(self, version): """ Scan for files matching an existing Version. @param version: An existing Version. @return: A list of files corresponding to different Versions of the given Version """ return self.findNewVersionsInPath(self.getFilename(version))
[docs] def findNewVersionsInPath(self, filename): """ Scan for files matching an existing path. Note: This will include the files used by already added versions. @param filename: An existing Version's filename. @return: A list of matched files. """ files = set() globex = self.getGlobExpression(filename) # If the path contains multi-view placeholders, first replace these with # wildcards in the glob expression so new versions with any views are found. isMultiViewPath = '%v' in filename or '%V' in filename if isMultiViewPath: globex = globex.replace('%v', '?').replace('%V', '*') foundFiles = [foundFile for foundFile in glob.iglob(globex)] foundFiles.sort() VersionScanner.VersionScanLogger().info("initial file={} glob={} found {} files" .format(filename, globex, len(foundFiles))) # If the original path was multi-view, ensure any matched versions also are # and contain the configured view names. In this case convert the matched # files back to %v form. if isMultiViewPath: project = version.parent().project() views = project.views() foundMultiViewFiles = [] for foundFile in foundFiles: result = findViewInPath(foundFile, views) if result and result[1] not in foundMultiViewFiles: foundMultiViewFiles.append( result[1] ) foundFiles = foundMultiViewFiles for foundFile in foundFiles: foundFile = re.sub("\\\\", "/", foundFile) if self.checkNewVersion(filename, foundFile): VersionScanner.VersionScanLogger().info("Found new version for file {}".format(foundFile)) files.add(foundFile) # Clear cache (it is only valid per Version object and needs clearing) self._regexMatches = None self._visitedClips.clear() return files
[docs] def getFilename(self, version): """ Get the file name of a given Version @param version: A Version. @return: The name of the Version's file. """ assert isinstance(version, Version) clip = version.item() readNode = clip.readNode() def cleanPath(path): return path.replace('\\', '/') # Normalize the original path and the remapped one to avoid issues with # backslashes etc. Note: using QDir.cleanPath() to do this because it # converts \ to / which is what is wanted here. filename = cleanPath(readNode['file'].getValue()) # Filter through path remapping. If it was remapped, we want to look for files # in the remapped location but set the path on the new clips without the remapping, # so find the remapped part and store so the remapping be reversed when creating # the new clips remappedFilename = cleanPath(hiero.core.remapPath(filename)) if filename != remappedFilename: for i in range(-1, 1-len(filename), -1): if filename[i] != remappedFilename[i]: self._pathRemaps.add( (remappedFilename[0:i+1], filename[0:i+1]) ) break return remappedFilename
[docs] def getActiveIndexFromPath(self, filepath): """ Get the active version from a file path. This will be affected by the index detection method. See setVersionScanningIndexDetectionMethod() for more details. @param filepath: The path of a file. @return: The index of a Version, given it's filepath. """ (dirpath, filename) = os.path.split(filepath) if (self._versionScanningIndexDetectionMethod is VersionScanner.kDetectVersionDirectoryOnly): searchpath = dirpath elif (self._versionScanningIndexDetectionMethod is VersionScanner.kDetectVersionFullPath): searchpath = filepath # Replace version indices matches = [match for match in re.finditer(VersionScanner._kVersionRegex, searchpath, re.IGNORECASE)] if len(matches) > 0: # Obtain version index from the last version string, ignore the others match = matches[-1] versionIndex = int( return versionIndex
[docs] def getGlobExpression(self, filename): """ Find substrings representing sequence padding (_kPaddedSequenceRegex) and version (_kVersionRegex) and replace them with suitable token strings in 'glob' format. For example: "/files/clip_v13.%03d.dpx" -> "/files/clip_v***.*" "/files/clip_v1.%01d.dpx" -> "/files/clip_v***.*" "/files/v3/clip_v1.%01d.dpx" -> "/files/v3/clip_v***.* @param filename: The name of the file. @return: The given filename reformatted to the 'glob' format. """ # Replace version indices matches = [match for match in re.finditer(VersionScanner._kVersionRegex, filename, re.IGNORECASE)] if len(matches) > 0: # Obtain version index from the last version string, ignore the others match = matches[-1] # Get the version index from the file path versionIndex = self.getActiveIndexFromPath(filename) # Iterate through matches, if the version string equals versionIndex ("active one"), substitute # NB: Reverse iteration guarantees safety of modifying filename by splitting at given positions (match.start() / end()) for match in reversed(matches): prefix = index = # #mat: This is where we're filtering ONLY on our active version index if int(index) == versionIndex: filename = filename[:match.start()] + prefix + "*" + filename[match.end():] # Replace sequence padding. matches = [match for match in re.finditer(VersionScanner._kPaddedSequenceRegex, filename, re.IGNORECASE)] if len(matches) > 0: # Iterate through matches, if the version string equals versionIndex ("active one"), substitute # NB: Reverse iteration guarantees safety of modifying filename by splitting at given positions (match.start() / end()) for match in matches: pre = filename[:match.start() - 1] # -1 is to remove possibly leading '.' or similar before sequence padding post = filename[match.end():] filename = pre + "*" + post # Replace extension # NB: This also allows for sequence padding to appear before the extension, in case the original filename did not have a frame number filename = os.path.splitext(filename)[0] + "*.*" return filename
[docs] def checkNewVersion(self, originalFile, newFile): """ Check that newFile correctly matches a version of originalFile, where newFile is a real filename and originalFile includes sequence padding tokens (e.g. "%03d"). @param originalFile: The original file. @param newFile: The new file. @return: True if the newFiles matches the version of originalFile, False otherwise. """ if self.isVisitedClip(newFile): return False if newFile.endswith( '~' ) or newFile.endswith(".tmp") or newFile.endswith('.autosave'): ## ignore backup, tmp and autosave files return False # Fetch regex matches from cache or compute if needed originalVersionMatches = self.getMatches(originalFile) # Retrieve original originalVersionString bit for originalFile and check it matches in newFile if len(originalVersionMatches) > 0: originalVersionString = originalVersionMatches[-1].group(2) if not originalVersionString.isdigit(): VersionScanner.VersionScanLogger().debug("checkNewVersion: originalVersionString is not digit %s", originalFile) return False originalVersionIndex = int(originalVersionString) # Retrieve version bit for this file newVersionMatches = [ match for match in re.finditer(VersionScanner._kVersionRegex, newFile, re.IGNORECASE) ] # If several matches, just look at the last one. Also check that we are looking at the right one # (same number of matches for original and new versions) if len(newVersionMatches) != len(originalVersionMatches): VersionScanner.VersionScanLogger().debug("checkNewVersion: number of originalVersionString strings differ for original and new files %s, %s", originalFile, newFile) return False # Obtain new version index newVersionString = newVersionMatches[-1].group(2) if not newVersionString.isdigit(): VersionScanner.VersionScanLogger().debug("checkNewVersion: new version is not digit %s", originalFile) return False newVersionIndex = int(newVersionString) # Iterate through matches in the new file, comparing them to the matches in the old one for i in range(len(originalVersionMatches)): originalVersionIter = originalVersionMatches[i].group(2) newVersionIter = newVersionMatches[i].group(2) if not (originalVersionIter.isdigit() and newVersionIter.isdigit()): VersionScanner.VersionScanLogger().debug("checkNewVersion: version is not digit %s, %s", originalFile, newFile) return False originalVersionIndexIter = int(originalVersionIter) newVersionIndexIter = int(newVersionIter) # If this match contains the "active version" for the original file, we need to perform further tests, # but otherwise, the string should be the same since the globex replacement did not change it if originalVersionIndexIter == originalVersionIndex: if newVersionIndexIter != newVersionIndex: VersionScanner.VersionScanLogger().debug("checkNewVersion: found version string not updated to new version number %s, %s", originalFile, newFile) return False self.markVisitedClip(newFile) return True VersionScanner.VersionScanLogger().debug("checkNewVersion: No version found for original file %s, %s", originalFile, newFile) return False
[docs] def getMatches(self, originalFile): """ Convenience function. When we get the glob results, we use regex to compare the original filename with the found files. Using _regexMatches, we ensure this regex matches are computed only once for each original filename. @param originalFile: The original file. @return: The regex matches. """ if self._regexMatches == None: # Retrieve original version bit for originalFile and check it matches in newFile versionMatches = [ match for match in re.finditer(VersionScanner._kVersionRegex, originalFile, re.IGNORECASE) ] self._regexMatches = versionMatches return versionMatches return self._regexMatches
[docs] def isVisitedClip(self, filename): """ Convenience function for determining whether a given file is part of an already visited sequence. @param filename: The name of the file. @return: True if the file has already been visited, False otherwise. """ filehead = self.getFileHead(filename) # VersionScanLogger().debug("isVisitedClip: %s is %d for %s", filename, (filehead in self._visitedClips), self._visitedClips) return filehead in self._visitedClips
[docs] def markVisitedClip(self, filename): """ Convenience function that will add a file's path to a list of files already visited. @param filename: The name of the file. @return: Nothing. """ filehead = self.getFileHead(filename) self._visitedClips.add(filehead)
[docs] def getFileHead(self, filename): """ Extracts "filehead" from "filename", removing sequence numbers. @param filename: The name of the file. @return: The filehead of the given file. """ newSeqMatches = [match for match in re.finditer(VersionScanner._kRawSequenceRegex, filename, re.IGNORECASE) ] if len(newSeqMatches) > 0: # To avoid matching version numbers as sequence numbers, we include in the regex the two leading chars # before the sequence number to make sure they are not the prefix "_v". We need to trim this two chars # before performing substitution: sequence = newSeqMatches[-1].group(0)[2:] index = newSeqMatches[-1].start() # Let's try putting the extension on to prevent it filtering out .jpg files when we're doing a version scan on .dpx for example fileExtension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1] return filename[:index] + filename[index:].replace(sequence, "") + fileExtension else: return filename
[docs] def filterVersion(self, binitem, newVersionFile): """ Determine whether the file newVersionFile should be included as a new Version of binitem @param binitem: The BinItem. @param newVersionFile: The new Version file. @return: True if it should be included as a new Version, false otherwise. """ extension = os.path.splitext(newVersionFile)[1] movieformats = set(['.mov', '.mp4', '.m4a', '.m4p', '.m4b', '.m4r', '.m4v', '.r3d']) ismovieformat = extension.lower() in movieformats isorigmovieformat = self._origextension.lower() in movieformats # Don't mix movie extensions with sequence extensions as it can much up the frame ranges if ismovieformat != isorigmovieformat: return False index = 0 while index < binitem.numVersions(): version = list(binitem.items())[index] source = version.item().mediaSource() if (source is not None and source.fileinfos() is not None): versionFile = source.fileinfos()[0].filename() if (versionFile == newVersionFile): return False index += 1 return True
[docs] def sortVersions(self, versionFiles): """ Basic bubble sort for versions (we do not expect large numbers of versions). @param versionFiles: a list of the Version files to be sorted @return: A list containing all the files in versionFiles, sorted according to versionLessThan(). """ versions = list(versionFiles) stop = False while not stop: stop = True for i in range(len(versions)-1): version1 = versions[i] version2 = versions[i+1] if self.versionLessThan(version2, version1): versions[i] = version2 versions[i+1] = version1 stop = False return versions
[docs] def versionLessThan(self, filename1, filename2): """ Compare method for sorting. Compares version filenames according to: 1st) Version index 2nd) File extension 3rd) Full file name. @param filename1: The name of the first file @param filename2: The name of the second file @return: True if filename1 is less that filename2, False if filename2 is less. """ # Retrieve version bit for these files newVersionMatches1 = [ match for match in re.finditer(VersionScanner._kVersionRegex, filename1, re.IGNORECASE) ] newVersionMatches2 = [ match for match in re.finditer(VersionScanner._kVersionRegex, filename2, re.IGNORECASE) ] if len(newVersionMatches1) > 0 and len(newVersionMatches2) > 0: # Obtain version indices versionString1 = newVersionMatches1[-1].group(2) if versionString1.isdigit(): versionIndex1 = int(versionString1) else: VersionScanner.VersionScanLogger().debug("versionLessThan: version is not digit %s", filename1) versionIndex1 = -1 versionString2 = newVersionMatches2[-1].group(2) if versionString2.isdigit(): versionIndex2 = int(versionString2) else: VersionScanner.VersionScanLogger().debug("versionLessThan: version is not digit %s", filename2) versionIndex2 = -1 if versionIndex1 != versionIndex2: return versionIndex1 < versionIndex2 else: VersionScanner.VersionScanLogger().debug("versionLessThan: could not find version indices in versions %s, %s", filename1, filename2) ext1 = os.path.splitext(filename1)[1] ext2 = os.path.splitext(filename2)[1] if ext1 != ext2: return ext1 < ext2 return filename1 < filename2
[docs] def determineVersionIndex(self, binitem, newFilename): """ Get the index at which to insert new version files into a BinItem. @param binitem: The BinItem the Version will be inserted into. @param newFilename: The name of the Version file being inserted. @return: The index at which newFileNames's associated Version should be inserted into the binitem. """ destinationIndex = 0 while destinationIndex < binitem.numVersions(): version = list(binitem.items())[destinationIndex] if version and version.item() is not None and version.item().mediaSource() is not None: if self.versionLessThan(newFilename, version.item().mediaSource().firstpath()): VersionScanner.VersionScanLogger().info("{} was less than version {} {}".format(newFilename, version, version.item().mediaSource().firstpath())) break else: VersionScanner.VersionScanLogger().debug("Problem found with version at position {} of object {}".format(destinationIndex, binitem)) destinationIndex += 1 return destinationIndex
[docs] def insertVersions(self, binitem, versionFiles): """ Create Versions for a list of files and insert them into a BinItem. @param binitem: The BinItem the Versions will be inserted into. @param versionFiles: The list of Version files. @return: A list of the created Versions. """ newVersions = [] for newFilename in versionFiles: newVersion = self.createAndInsertClipVersion(binitem, newFilename) if newVersion: newVersions.append(newVersion) return newVersions
[docs] def createAndInsertClipVersion(self, binitem, newFilename): """ Create a new Version of a clip for a path and insert it. @param binitem: The BinItem for which a new Version will be created. @param newFilename: The name of the new Version. @return: The created Version, or None if it fails. """ # Reverse any path remapping that was applied to the original clip for remappedPath, origPath in self._pathRemaps: if newFilename.startswith(remappedPath): newFilename = origPath + newFilename[len(remappedPath):] break destinationIndex = self.determineVersionIndex(binitem, newFilename) try: newVersion = binitem.createClipVersion(destinationIndex, newFilename) VersionScanner.VersionScanLogger().info("creating new version index={} file={}".format(destinationIndex, newFilename)) return newVersion except RuntimeError as e: VersionScanner.VersionScanLogger().error("failed to create version index={} file={} '{}'".format(destinationIndex, newFilename, e)) return None
[docs] def getVersionIndicesForPath(self, path): """ Scan the given path and return a list of all the version indices which exist there. @param: The file path to be scanned. @return: A sorted list of all the version indicies found in the given path. """ versionFiles = self.findNewVersionsInPath(path) versionIndices = sorted( [ self.getActiveIndexFromPath(path) for path in versionFiles ] ) return versionIndices
[docs] def getNewVersionIndexForPath(self, path): """ Find the existing versions for the given path, and return a new version index which doesn't already exist. @param path: The file path of the existing verions. @return: An index equal to the current highest Version index incremented by one. """ versionIndices = self.getVersionIndicesForPath(path) if versionIndices: return versionIndices[-1] + 1 else: # If there are no versioned files, raise an exception raise RuntimeError("No versioned files found")
[docs] @staticmethod def VersionScanLogger(): """ Returns a logger for logging messages relevant to the VersionScanner @return: The VersionScanner logger """ return log.getFileLogger("versionscanner")