Cook Interface (C++)

std::string Foundry::Katana::GetInputLocationType(const GeolibCookInterface &interface, const std::string &location = std::string(), int inputIndex = kFnKatGeolibDefaultInput)

Returns the location type for specified location on the corresponding GeolibCookInterfaces’s input.

The location’s 'type' attribute. If type attribute is invalid an empty string will be returned, if it is not set then group will be returned by default.
  • interface -

    A reference to a valid GeolibCookInterface object.

  • location -

    The scene graph location path.

  • inputIndex -

    The input index on which to retrieve the specified scene graph location path.

std::string Foundry::Katana::GetAbsOutputLocationPath(const GeolibCookInterface &interface, const std::string &outputLocationPath)

Resolves a relative output scene graph location path to an absolute path.

This method cannot be used to query input locations (such as those used with methods such as GeolibCookInterface::getAttr()) but those methods that operate on the Op’s output such as GeolibCookInterface::createChild(). If you require the absolute scene graph location path for an input location you should use GetAbsInputLocationPath().

The corresponding absolute location path.
  • interface -

    A reference to a valid GeolibCookInterface object.

  • outputLocationPath -

    The relative output scene graph location path.

std::string Foundry::Katana::GetAbsInputLocationPath(const GeolibCookInterface &interface, const std::string &inputLocationPath)

Resolves a relative input scene graph location path to an absolute path.

This method cannot be used to query output locations (such as those used with methods such as GeolibCookInterface::createChild()) but those methods that operate on the Op’s output such as GeolibCookInterface::getAttr(). If you require the absolute scene graph location path for an output location you should use GetAbsOutputLocationPath().

The corresponding absolute location path.
  • interface -

    A reference to a valid GeolibCookInterface object.

  • inputLocationPath -

    The relative input scene graph location path.

void Foundry::Katana::RenameChild(GeolibCookInterface &interface, const std::string &src, const std::string &dst)

Renames the specified child.

  • interface -

    A reference to a valid GeolibCookInterface object.

  • src -

    The name of the child to rename.

  • dst -

    The new name of the child.

FnAttribute::Attribute Foundry::Katana::GetGlobalAttr(const GeolibCookInterface &interface, const std::string &name, const std::string &location = std::string(), int inputIndex = kFnKatGeolibDefaultInput)

Returns attribute from the input scene, including inherited attributes.

The specified attribute at the given location including inherited attributes.
  • interface -

    A reference to a valid GeolibCookInterface object.

  • name -

    The name of the attribute.

  • location -

    The location at which the attribute should be found.

  • inputIndex -

    The input index of which to search for the input scene graph location.

void Foundry::Katana::ReportError(GeolibCookInterface &interface, const std::string &message)

Reports the specified error message to the scene graph at the current scene graph location.


void Foundry::Katana::ReportWarning(GeolibCookInterface &interface, const std::string &message)

Reports the specified warning message to the scene graph at the current scene graph location.

  • interface -

    A reference to a valid GeolibCookInterface object.

  • message -

    The warning message.

FnAttribute::GroupAttribute Foundry::Katana::MergeImmediateGroupChildren(const std::vector<FnAttribute::GroupAttribute> &attrs)

Merges the unique children of the specified GroupAttribute.

The left-most definition for a child attribute “wins”, and the left-most attribute ordering is preserved.

This matches the combination logic used in Merge for lightList, renderSettings.outputs, relativeScopedCoordinateSystems, collections, etc.
A GroupAttribute containing the merged GroupAttributes.

FnAttribute::GroupAttribute Foundry::Katana::GetGlobalXFormGroup(const GeolibCookInterface &interface, const std::string &inputLocationPath = std::string(), int inputIndex = kFnKatGeolibDefaultInput)

Returns the global transform as a GroupAttribute, where the immediate children represent all the entries from /root to the leaf which have an 'xform' attribute present.

If a collapsed 4x4 transform matrix is required pass the result of this function to the FnGeolibServices::FnXFormUtil::CalcTransformMatrix..() functions.
The global transform at the specified location.
  • interface -

    A reference to a valid GeolibCookInterface object.

  • inputLocationPath -

    The input scene graph location to retrieve the global transform from.

  • inputIndex -

    The input index from which to retrieve the scene graph location.

float Foundry::Katana::GetCurrentTime(const GeolibCookInterface &interface)

Returns the current time from the current Graph State.

The current time.

float Foundry::Katana::GetShutterOpen(const GeolibCookInterface &interface)

Returns the shutter open time from the current Graph State.

The shutter open time.

float Foundry::Katana::GetShutterClose(const GeolibCookInterface &interface)

Returns the shutter close time from the current Graph State.

The shutter close time.

int Foundry::Katana::GetNumSamples(const GeolibCookInterface &interface)

Returns the number of time samples from the current Graph State.

The number of time samples.

FnAttribute::Attribute Foundry::Katana::GetGraphStateVariable(const GeolibCookInterface &interface, const std::string &variableName)

Returns the specified variable from the current Graph State.

The Graph State Variable specified by variableName.
  • interface -

    A reference to a valid GeolibCookInterface object.

  • variableName -

    The name of the graph state variable.

FnAttribute::DoubleAttribute Foundry::Katana::GetBoundAttr(const GeolibCookInterface &interface, const std::string &inputLocationPath = std::string(), int inputIndex = kFnKatGeolibDefaultInput)

Returns the bound attribute at the specified input scene graph location.

A 6-element DoubleAttribute containing the bound attribute or an invalid DoubleAttribute if bounds do not exist at the specified location.
  • interface -

    A reference to a valid GeolibCookInterface object.

  • inputLocationPath -

    The scene graph location to obtain the bound attribute from.

  • inputIndex -

    The input index on which to find the scene graph location.

void Foundry::Katana::GetBoundAttrValue(double outMinBound[3], double outMaxBound[3], const FnAttribute::DoubleAttribute &boundAttr, float sampleTime)

Fills the array’s outMinBound and outMaxBound with the values stored in the DoubleAttribute boundAttr.

  • outMinBound -

    A 3-element array that will contain x-min, y-min, z-min.

  • outMaxBound -

    A 3-element array that will contain x-max, y-max, z-max.

  • boundAttr -

    The bounds attribute to process.

  • sampleTime -

    The sample time that the bounds attribute boundAttr should be sampled at.

void Foundry::Katana::GetTransformedBoundAttrValue(std::vector<BoundPoint> &outPoints, const FnAttribute::DoubleAttribute &boundAttr, float sampleTime, const double xform[16])

Returns the bounding box specified by the bound attribute boundAttr after being transformed by the 4x4 transform matrix xform.

  • outPoints -

    An empty vector that will filled with the 8 points of the transformed bounding box.

  • boundAttr -

    A 6-element DoubleAttribute specifying the bounding box to be transformed.

  • sampleTime -

    The sample time that the bounds attribute boundAttr should be sampled at.

  • xform -

    A 4x4 transform matrix by which boundAttr will be transformed.

void Foundry::Katana::GetTransformedBoundAttrValue(double outMinBound[3], double outMaxBound[3], const FnAttribute::DoubleAttribute &boundAttr, float sampleTime, const double xform[16])

Returns the axis-aligned bounding box specified by the bound attribute boundAttr after being transformed by the 4 x 4 transform matrix xform.

  • outMinBound -

    A 3-element array that will contain the transformed x-min, y-min, z-min.

  • outMaxBound -

    A 3-element array that will contain the transformed x-max, y-max, z-max.

  • boundAttr -

    A 6-element DoubleAttribute specifying the bounding box to be transformed.

  • sampleTime -

    The sample time that the bounds attribute boundAttr should be sampled at.

  • xform -

    A 4x4 transform matrix by which boundAttr will be transformed.

FnAttribute::DoubleAttribute Foundry::Katana::MergeLocalBoundAttrs(const std::vector<FnAttribute::DoubleAttribute> &boundAttrs)

Returns a single bound attribute, given a vector of bounds in the same local coordinate system.

If any of the bounds are multi-sampled the result will promoted to a multi-sampled attribute. The resulting time samples will be the union of the supplied sample times. Missing values will be synthesized using either DoubleAttribute::fillInterpSample(). This is the same combination logic used by Merge Op’s sumBounds option.

The merged bound attributes.
  • boundAttrs -

    A vector of 6-element bound attributes in the same local coordinate system to be merged.

FnAttribute::GroupAttribute Foundry::Katana::FilterNullAttributes(const FnAttribute::GroupAttribute &groupAttr)

Returns a newly constructed GroupAttribute based on groupAttr with all NullAttribute removed.

A new instance of type GroupAttribute which contains all values in groupAttr except NullAttributes.

FnAttribute::GroupAttribute Foundry::Katana::ResolveReferentialInheritance(const FnGeolibOp::GeolibCookInterface &interface, const std::string &keyAttrName, const std::string &attrName, const std::string &inputLocationPath = std::string(), int inputIndex = kFnKatGeolibDefaultInput)

Returns a GroupAttribute which contains the attributes stored at the location contained in the specified attribute "keyAttrName".

Currently attrName is ignored.
A GroupAttribute which is a combination of those attributes at the location specified in keyAttrName and those attributes stored under the attribute specified at attrName.
  • interface -

    A reference to a valid GeolibCookInterface object.

  • keyAttrName -

    The attribute name on the input scene graph location that contains the reference location(s).

  • attrName -

    The attribute(s) that will be merged with those at the referenced location. If an empty string is specified then all attributes will be used.

  • inputLocationPath -

    The input scene graph location path at which attrName will be found.

  • inputIndex -

    The input index on which inputLocationPath can be found.

class Foundry::Katana::GeolibCookInterface
#include <FnGeolibCookInterface.h>

Provides a unified interface for querying and manipulating the scene graph.

A reference to an instance of GeolibCookInterface is passed to your Op’s cook() each time it is called by the Runtime.

Its methods can broadly be divided into two categories:

  • Methods which query the incoming, or upstream, scene graph. These methods provide read-only access to the incoming scene graph.
  • Methods which modify the output scene graph, observable after executing this Op. This involves creating new scene graph locations, modifying attributes of incoming scene graph locations, or entirely deleting locations.

Query Input

The following functions refer to queries on the connected input scene graph. Client code is free to do scattered queries of the incoming scene graph as required to express the desired processing.

If your Op makes multiple scattered queries in a single cook() call, it is recommended that prefetch() is used.

Input scene graph locations which have not been cooked at the time of the query may throw an internal exception, aborting execution of the requesting Op. Client code should not catch these exceptions, they are a signal to the the runtime to recook the Op when the inputs are ready.

FnAttribute::Attribute getAttr(const std::string &attrName, const std::string &inputLocationPath = std::string(), int inputIndex = kFnKatGeolibDefaultInput) const

Returns the specified attribute on the Op’s input.

It is often necessary to perform some action or compute a value based on the result stored in another attribute. The getAttr() function allows you to interrogate any part of the incoming scene graph by providing the attribute name and a scene graph location path (either absolute or relative).

By default getAttr() will return the specified attribute on the Op’s default input. In most cases where the Op only has one input branch this will suffice. If the Op has multiple inputs (e.g. the Merge node) the inputIndex parameter can be used to specify a particular branch. When specified, inputIndex must satisfy 0 <= inputIndex < getNumInputs().

It is important to remember that getAttr() will only interrogate the Op’s input scene graph. Calls made to setAttr() will not be visible to getAttr(). If you need to see what attributes have been set during an Op’s execution you should call getOutputAttr().
The attribute at the specified location path and input index.
getNumInputs(), getOutputAttr()
  • attrName -

    The name of the attribute.

  • inputLocationPath -

    The input location path the attribute should be retrieved from.

  • inputIndex -

    The input index the attribute should be retrieved from.

bool doesLocationExist(const std::string &inputLocationPath = std::string(), int inputIndex = kFnKatGeolibDefaultInput) const

Returns true if the specified location exists on the Op’s input.

true if the location exists at the specified location and index otherwise false.
  • inputLocationPath -

    The scene graph location path.

  • inputIndex -

    The input index that should be searched.

FnAttribute::StringAttribute getPotentialChildren(const std::string &inputLocationPath = std::string(), int inputIndex = kFnKatGeolibDefaultInput) const

Returns a StringAttribute containing list of names of potential children on input.

The ability for Ops, via deleteSelf(), to delete themselves gives rise to a subtle behavior. When an upstream Op is evaluated and creates children, if downstream Ops have the ability to delete them, the upstream Op can only go so far as to state that the children it creates may potentially exist after a downstream Op has been evaluated at those child locations. This is because the Op has no knowledge of what a downstream Op may do when evaluated at such a location. To that extent, getPotentialChildren() returns a list of all the children of a given location on the input of an Op.

A StringAttribute containing the potential children at the specified input location.
  • inputLocationPath -

    The input location path to obtain the potential children for.

  • inputIndex -

    The input index to be used.

void *getPrivateData() const

Returns a raw pointer to the private data stored in this Op or NULL.

Raw void pointer or NULL if no private data has been set.

void prefetch(const std::string &inputLocationPath = std::string(), int inputIndex = kFnKatGeolibDefaultInput) const

Indicates to the Runtime that the caller depends on the specified location.

Calling the prefetch() function within an Op’s cook() function instructs the Runtime that the specified location is required for the Op’s processing task.

The prefetch() function will return immediately, scheduling the computation of the requested location to be cooked concurrently or at some point in the future.

prefetch() is recommended if your Op makes multiple scattered queries during a cook. Note that it is not necessary to prefetch parent locations of your default input.

The use of a prefetch creates a data flow dependency, so do not prefetch locations or inputs inputs you do not need.

  • inputLocationPath -

    The scene graph location path to be prefetched.

  • inputIndex -

    The input index from which to request the specified inputLocationPath. In common cases the default input will suffice, however if your Op has multiple input branches (like a Merge Op) you will need to specify a particular input index.

FnAttribute::Attribute getOutputAttr(const std::string &attrName) const

Returns the specified attribute (if set) on the Op’s output for the current location.

This is useful for inspecting the output attributes set during an execOp() that may potentially require further processing after the exec’d Op has returned.

This is not recommended for normal usage.
The attribute set on the Op’s output. If not set an invalid attribute will be returned.
  • attrName -

    The name of the attribute to query.

Modify Output

void setAttr(const std::string &attrName, const FnAttribute::Attribute &value, const bool groupInherit = true)

Sets the specified attribute on the Op’s output.

attrName can be specified in dot-delimited form e.g. attr1.attr2.attr3, in which case a new GroupAttribute is created for each level required and the value of groupInherit will determine the GroupAttribute’s inheritance state.

Calls to setAttr() made in the current Op will not be reflected in subsequent calls to getAttr(). This is because functions which mutate the scene graph only affect the output of this Op. Methods such as getAttr() and doesLocationExist() query the input to this Op. This is also true for non-local queries i.e., when an Op queries attributes of its parent. In this case it will be querying the input at its parent, and thus does see the results of its own processing. If you need to see the attributes set during a cook call you should use getOutputAttr().
  • attrName -

    The name of the attribute to create. This can be specified in dot-delimited form.

  • value -

    The FnAttribute instance to be associated with attrName.

  • groupInherit -

    The group inheritance state for newly created GroupAttributes.

void copyAttr(const std::string &dstAttrName, const std::string &srcAttrName, const bool groupInherit = true, const std::string &inputLocationPath = std::string(), int inputIndex = kFnKatGeolibDefaultInput)

Copies the specified source attribute to the specified destination attribute.

The specified source attribute (determined by inputLocationPath and inputIndex) will be copied to the output of this Op as dstAttrName. If the source attribute or location does not exist this call is equivalent to calling deleteAttr() with the destination attribute.

  • dstAttrName -

    The name of the attribute to copy the attribute at srcAttrName to.

  • srcAttrName -

    The name of the attribute to copy to dstAttrName.

  • groupInherit -

    The group inheritance state of the destination attribute.

  • inputLocationPath -

    The scene graph location path on this Op’s input to copy from.

  • inputIndex -

    The input index to copy from (where multiple branches in the Op tree exist).

void extendAttr(const std::string &dstAttrName, const FnAttribute::Attribute &value, const std::string &srcAttrName = std::string(), const bool groupInherit = true, const std::string &inputLocationPath = std::string(), int inputIndex = kFnKatGeolibDefaultInput)

Extends the existing input attribute with additional values if the types match.

If no input attribute exists with the specified name then this call is equivalent to setAttr().

Multi-sampling is supported; the new attribute is constructed as the union of all incoming and new time samples, leveraging the FnAttribute’s existing interpolation.

If there is a type mismatch, it will be reported as a scene graph error. If more sophisticated or fine-grained type mismatch handling is required it is recommended to instead manually call getAttr() / setAttr()

Incoming NullAttribute’s are equivalent to the attribute not being set in the incoming scene.

setAttr(), getAttr()
  • dstAttrName -

    The name of the attribute to be extended.

  • value -

    The Attributes that will extend the specified attribute.

  • srcAttrName -

    The name of the attribute a specified location to be extended, if empty string is used this is the equivalent of setAttr().

  • groupInherit -

    The value of the group inheritance flag.

  • inputLocationPath -

    The input location path from which srcAttrName should be sourced from.

  • inputIndex -

    The input index to search for inputLocationPath on.

void deleteAttr(const std::string &attrName)

Deletes the attribute specified by attrName so it will no longer on this Ops output.

  • attrName -

    The name of the attribute to delete from the Op’s output.

void deleteAttrs()

Deletes all attributes on this Op’s output.

void replaceAttrs(const std::string &inputLocationPath = std::string(), int inputIndex = kFnKatGeolibDefaultInput)

Replaces the attributes on this Op’s output with those specified by the input scene graph location path.

  • inputLocationPath -

    The attributes at inputLocationPath will replace those on this Op’s output.

  • inputIndex -

    The input index to use where multiple input branches exist for this Op.

Change the Output Topology

void Foundry::Katana::GeolibCookInterface::createChild(const std::string & name, const std::string & opType = "", const FnAttribute::Attribute & args = FnAttribute::Attribute (), ResetRoot resetRoot = ResetRootAuto, void * privateData = 0x0, void(*deletePrivateData)(void *data) = 0x0)

Creates a new child at the specified location if one didn’t already exist.

If the child already exists in the incoming scene then the Op will be run and previously created attribute values and children will be preserved. To ensure the child will not have any pre-existing attributes or children it is recommended to first call deleteChild(), doing so will maintain the original child index ordering.

If the Op type is not specified or is an empty string the calling Op’s type will be inherited by the child.

To modify the result of getRelativeOutputLocationPath() in calls beneath this location the resetRoot argument can be set. If ResetRootAuto is specified then the child’s root location will be reset if and only if the Op’s type differs from the parent’s.

Multiple calls to createChild() for the same named child location causes the last specified opType to be used, that is to say, successive calls to createChild() mask prior calls.
  • name -

    The name of the child to create.

  • opType -

    The type of the Op that will be evaluated at the child location. If an empty string or nothing is specified then the current Op’s type will be used.

  • args -

    The Op arguments that will be passed to the Op when run at the child location.

  • resetRoot -

    Specifies what the root location for Ops run at child location should be.

  • privateData -

    A pointer to user data that can be used inside the Op.

  • deletePrivateData -

    A function pointer of the form void (*deletePrivateData)(void* data) that will be called to delete the privateData.

void replaceChildren(const std::string &inputLocationPath = std::string(), int inputIndex = kFnKatGeolibDefaultInput)

Replaces the children under the Op’s current scene graph location with children from an alternate input location and/or input index.

  • inputLocationPath -

    The input scene graph location whose children will replace this location’s children.

  • inputIndex -

    The input index on which the where the input location path should be retrieved.

void deleteChildren()

Deletes all children on this Op’s output, both newly created by the current Op and any incoming children.

void deleteChild(const std::string &name)

Deletes the specified child location on the Op’s output.

Calling deleteChild() is more efficient than allowing the child location to delete itself. Where possible you should prefer deleteChild() over deleteSelf().
  • name -

    The name of the child location to delete.

void deleteSelf()

Deletes the current output location.

It is common to return from cook() immediately following this call.

Calls to deleteSelf() will not remove the location from the location’s parent getPotentialChildren() list. Thus, if there is a way to structure code to use deleteChild() instead, it is generally preferable.

void copyLocationToChild(const std::string &child, const std::string &inputLocationPath = std::string(), int inputIndex = kFnKatGeolibDefaultInput, const std::string &orderBefore = std::string())

Copies the specified location in the input scene, to the specified child location.

The specified inputLocationPath will not be evaluated until the new child location is traversed. At this time, if the input does not exist, neither will the new child.

copyLocationToChild() can be used to rename a child location:

         rename(dst, src)
           copyLocationToChild(dst, src, kFnKatGeolibDefaultInput, src);

The inputLocationPath always refers to the input name, and child refers to output name, so multiple copyLocationToChild() calls are unambiguous.

  • child -

    The name of the child to be copied to the output of this Op.

  • inputLocationPath -

    The input scene graph location path to copy.

  • inputIndex -

    The input index to copy the inputLocationPath from.

  • orderBefore -

    The child that this should be precede in the scene graph ordering.

void Foundry::Katana::GeolibCookInterface::replaceChildTraversalOp(const std::string & opType, const FnAttribute::GroupAttribute & args, void * privateData = 0x0, void(*deletePrivateData)(void *data) = 0x0)

Replaces the Op type and Op arguments for child locations of this Op.

Newly created child locations (created with createChild()) only have access to the Op arguments / type and private data they were created with originally. Conceptually, this is the type and Op arguments used when traversing locations in the incoming scene.

  • opType -

    The Op type that will be evaluated at child locations.

  • args -

    The arguments that will be passed to the Op when run at the child locations.

  • privateData -

    A pointer to user data that can be used inside the Op.

  • deletePrivateData -

    A function pointer of the form void (*deletePrivateData)(void* data) that will be called to delete the privateData.

void stopChildTraversal()

Stops this Op from running at descendants of the current location.

void execOp(const std::string &opType, const FnAttribute::GroupAttribute &args)

Runs the specified Op with the provided arguments at the current location.

Children created as a result of the execOp() call will behave as expected in such that they will retain the type and Op arguments of the exec’d Op.

  • opType -

    The type of Op to be run.

  • args -

    A GroupAttribute describing the arguments that will be passed to the Op when run.

void resetRoot()

Marks this location as the new root location in the Op’s traversal.

Subsequent calls to getRelativeOutputLocationPath() at child locations will return paths relative to this one.

Calls to getRelativeOutputLocationPath() at the current location will remain unaffected by this function.

Public Types

enum ResetRoot

The values of ResetRoot control which root scene graph location will be used for Ops when run at child locations.

  • ResetRootTrue the root location of the Op evaluated at the new location is reset to the new location path.
  • ResetRootAuto (the default) - the root location is reset only if opType is different to the Op calling createChild().
  • ResetRootFalse - the root location of the Op evaluated at the new location is inherited from the Op that called createChild().


ResetRootFalse = kFnKatGeolibCookInterfaceResetRootFalse
ResetRootTrue = kFnKatGeolibCookInterfaceResetRootTrue
ResetRootAuto = kFnKatGeolibCookInterfaceResetRootAuto
typedef enum Foundry::Katana::GeolibCookInterface::ResetRoot ResetRoot

Public Functions

GeolibCookInterface(FnGeolibCookInterfaceHandle interfaceHandle, FnGeolibCookInterfaceSuite_v1 *interfaceSuite)
std::string getOutputName() const

Returns the leaf name for the output location.

For example:

      "/root/world/geo" returns "geo"

This is the successor to the getName() Geolib2.

The leaf name of the output location.

std::string getInputName() const

Returns the leaf name for the input location.

This will typically match getOutputName(), but may differ when copyLocationToChild() is used.

The leaf name for the input location.
copyLocationToChild(const std::string, const std::string, int inputIndex, const std::string)

std::string getOutputLocationPath() const

Returns the output scene graph location path in its absolute form.

The output scene graph location path is the scene graph location that is currently being cooked. For example:


The absolute output scene graph location path.

std::string getInputLocationPath() const

Returns the scene graph location path corresponding to the input scene graph location that is currently being traversed.

The input scene graph location that is currently being traversed.

std::string getRelativeOutputLocationPath() const

Returns the location path relative to the root execution location currently being traversed.

For Ops instantiated at document level:

  • “/root” returns “”
  • “/root/world” returns “world”
  • “/root/world/geo” returns “world/geo”

For an Op first executed at /root/world/geo (producing “a/b”)

  • “/root/world/geo” returns “”
  • “/root/world/geo/a” returns “a”
  • “/root/world/geo/a/b” returns “a/b”

The location path relative to the root execution location currently being traversed

std::string getRelativeInputLocationPath() const

Returns the relative location path corresponding to the input scene graph location that is currently being traversed.

The relative location path corresponding to the input scene graph location that is currently being traversed.

std::string getRootLocationPath() const

Returns the scene graph location corresponding to the root of the Op’s execution.

This may or may not be /root, specifically in the case where execOp() is called beneath /root.

The root of the Op’s execution.
execOp(const std::string &, const FnAttribute::GroupAttribute &);

bool atRoot() const

Returns true if we are at the topmost location this Op has been cooked at.

This is often, but not always /root. It is equivalent to the expression:

 getRootLocationPath() == getOutputLocationPath() 

true if we are at the topmost location this Op has been cooked at, otherwise false.

int getInputIndex() const

Returns the input index this scene graph location was created in.

In most cases getInputIndex() will return 0, this reflects the fact that most Ops operate on the default input or branch.

In specific cases, such as in a Merge Op, getInputIndex() may return an index > 0: Certain locations may be present only in additional input scenes, but not in the first (connected) input scene. Those locations are created in the output scene, and are then cooked by subsequent cook() calls of the Merge Op. For those locations, the Runtime keeps track of the index of the scene in which they were contained. That index is accessible using getInputIndex(). This allows the Merge Op to know which input scene a particular location came from, and is used for performance optimizations when certain circumstances apply.

The input index this location was created on.

int getNumInputs() const

Returns the number of input branches this Op has.

An Op can have the output from multiple other Ops as its input. Obvious use cases for this are instances where you wish to merge multiple scene graphs produced by different OpTrees into a single scene graph, comparing attribute values in two scene graph states, or copying one scene graph into another one. The getNumInputs() function allows you to determine how many Ops you have as inputs, which is a precursor to interrogating different branches of the OpTree for scene graph data.

The number of inputs this Op has.

std::string getOpType() const

Returns the type of this Op.

For user supplied Ops this will be the string that was used to register the Op in the REGISTER_PLUGIN() macro.

A string containing the Op’s type.

FnAttribute::Attribute getOpArg(const std::string &specificArgName = std::string()) const

Returns the specified Op argument or all Op arguments if an empty string is provided.

Op arguments are passed to the Op to configure how it should run. Op arguments are stored in a GroupAttribute. This method allows you to interrogate the Op arguments available to this Op.

If you supply an argument name this can be in the dot-delimited form i.e. a.b.c or the single name form.

An instance of Attribute containing the Op argument.
  • specificArgName -

    The dot-delimited name of the Op argument.

FnGeolibCookInterfaceHandle getHandle() const
FnGeolibCookInterfaceSuite_v1 *getSuite() const
class QueryAbortException
#include <FnGeolibCookInterface.h>

Thrown by the Runtime to abort the current.



This exception type will be thrown by methods on GeolibCookInterface and should never be caught by client code, consequently, you should avoid the use of in your code

class Foundry::Katana::GeolibPrivateData
#include <FnGeolibCookInterface.h>

Convenience base class that can be derived from to allow users who require private data in their Ops.

Public Functions

virtual ~GeolibPrivateData()

Public Static Functions

static void Delete(void *data)
struct Foundry::Katana::BoundPoint
#include <FnGeolibCookInterface.h>

Utility structure that can be used to represent a point in 3D space. Multiple points can be used to describe a bounding box.

Public Functions

BoundPoint(double x_, double y_, double z_)

Public Members

double x

x coordinate.

double y

y coordinate.

double z

z coordinate.

class Foundry::Katana::GeolibSetupInterface
#include <FnGeolibSetupInterface.h>

Provides functions to allow an Op to configure how it’s scheduled and evaluated by the Runtime.

Public Types

enum ThreadMode

By default an Op can potentially be evaluated by the Runtime in multiple threads concurrently. The ThreadMode enumeration provides a means to specify to the Runtime the concurrency requirements of an Op.

The Op can be evaluated concurrently with any other Op in the Op tree, In addition, the same op type can be evaluated by more than one thread concurrently. Ops which declare themselves ThreadModeConcurrent may be run at anytime, even during GlobalUnsafe execution.


Considerations for marking an Op as ThreadModeConcurrent:

  • Does the Op contain global static data? If yes, is it properly guarded against race conditions?
  • Does the Op make use of third party libraries and are these libraries thread-safe?
  • Does the Op pass or share the same private data instances amongst its children? If so, is that data structure also appropriately guarded for concurrent access and is its means of destruction thread-safe?

The Op will run in a single thread, only one GlobalUnsafe Op will be scheduled to run within the entire process at any one time even across multiple Runtime instantiations. Use this if the Op makes calls to unknown code, unknown libraries, or code known to be thread-unsafe.


GlobalUnsafe Ops do not prevent the concurrent execution of those explicitly white-listed as Concurrent.


ThreadModeConcurrent = kFnKatGeolibThreadModeConcurrent
ThreadModeGlobalUnsafe = kFnKatGeolibThreadModeGlobalUnsafe
typedef enum Foundry::Katana::GeolibSetupInterface::ThreadMode ThreadMode

Public Functions

GeolibSetupInterface(FnGeolibSetupInterfaceHandle interfaceHandle, FnGeolibSetupInterfaceSuite_v1 *interfaceSuite)
void setThreading(ThreadMode threadmode)

Sets the concurrency constraints the Runtime must adhere to when evaluating this Op.

  • threadmode -

    The thread mode (see ThreadMode) appropriate for this Op.