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This node upgrades scene data with Katana 1.x attribute conventions for use with Katana 2.0. The conventions that are supported for conversion are attributeModifiers and scenegraphLocationModifiers (including AttributeScripts).

For example, if - in a 1.x version of Katana - you created an AttributeScript node in during attribute modifier resolve mode instead of immediate, it created attributes at your matching CEL locations, like so:


|-- name = 'root'

|-- scenegraphLocationModifiers

|    `-- AttributeScript

|        |-- type = 'OP_Python'

|              |-- args

|       |   |-- expr = 'print "hi"'

|        |   `-- historyName = 'AttributeScript'

|       `-- resolveIds = 'test'

`-- type = 'group'

AttributeUpgrade is useful when loading saved or serialized attributes that are in this form into Katana post-2.0 ops. Simply loading a 1.x file that contains an AttributeScript node in 2.0 prompts Katana to run through standard upgrade mechanisms, which means this AttributeUpgrade node isn't necessary in that case. This node is only needed when you're loading old attributes directly. Using an AttributeUpgrade node would, therefore, transform the previous example into:


|-- ops

|   `-- AttributeScript

|       |-- opType = 'AttributeScript'

|       |-- opArgs

|       |   |-- script = 'print "hi"'

|       |       `-- nodeName = 'AttributeScript'

|       `-- resolveIds = 'test'

`-- type = 'group'

Note:  The AttributeUpgrade Op is run automatically during a LookFileResolve, which means that most of the time, you shouldn't need to use this node explicitly.

Connection Type

Connection Name




The place in the node graph where you want to upgrade scene data to use post-Katana 2.0 attribute conventions.


Control (UI)

Default Value




Sets the attribute location to be upgraded.

The scene graph locations are specified using the Collection Expression Language (CEL). The celSelection parameter options are available by clicking Add Statements.

For more information, refer to the CEL Reference document found on the documentation HTML page (accessed through Help > Documentation) or the CEL Statement Widget Type in Common Parameter Widgets.