

Module providing the Criteria class.

class UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Criteria.Criteria(numberOfElements=1)

Bases: object

A wrapper for a set of arbitrary indexed values which can be retrieved as a tuple of Integers, Floats or Strings.

__dict__ = dict_proxy({'__module__': 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Criteria', 'setValue': <function setValue at 0x7f3460eec578>, 'getAsObject': <function getAsObject at 0x7f3460eec758>, 'getAsInt': <function getAsInt at 0x7f3460eec5f0>, 'getAsFloat': <function getAsFloat at 0x7f3460eec668>, 'getAsString': <function getAsString at 0x7f3460eec6e0>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Criteria' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Criteria' objects>, '__doc__': '\n A wrapper for a set of arbitrary indexed values which can be retrieved\n as a tuple of Integers, Floats or Strings.\n ', '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7f3460eec500>})

Initializes an instance of the class.

__module__ = 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Criteria'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Return type:tuple of float
Returns:The value(s) stored in this Criteria object as an ordered tuple of float.
Return type:tuple of int
Returns:The value(s) stored in this Criteria object as an ordered tuple of integers.
Return type:tuple of object
Returns:The value(s) stored in this Criteria object as an ordered tuple in their original form.
Return type:tuple of string
Returns:The value(s) stored in this Criteria object as an ordered tuple of string.
setValue(index, value)

Set the value at the given index.

  • index (int) – The numeric index which determines the position of the value set.
  • value (Any value capable of converting to Integer, Double or String) – The value to be set at the specified index.


Module providing the Evaluator base class.


Return the list of criteria for the evaluator registered under the given name.

Parameters:name (str) – The registered name of the Evaluator.
Return type:list of dict
Returns:Ordered list specifying the criteria accepted by the evaluator or None if the evaluator is not registered.
UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator.RegisterEvaluator(name, evaluatorClass)

Register the evaluator class type, evaluatorClass, against the specified name.

  • name (str) – Name to register the evaluator.
  • evaluatorClass (Evaluator) – The class type so instances of the evaluator can be created.
class UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator.Evaluator

Bases: object

The Evaluator class contains the method signatures that subclasses of Evaluator must implement.

__dict__ = dict_proxy({'__module__': 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator', '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Evaluator' objects>, 'evaluate': <function evaluate at 0x7f3460eecb18>, 'getName': <classmethod object at 0x7f3460eeae88>, 'registerCriteriaList': <classmethod object at 0x7f3460eeaec0>, 'clearCriteria': <function clearCriteria at 0x7f3460eecc80>, 'setCriteria': <function setCriteria at 0x7f3460eeccf8>, 'getCriteria': <function getCriteria at 0x7f3460eecb90>, 'getDefaultCriteria': <function getDefaultCriteria at 0x7f3460eecc08>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Evaluator' objects>, '__doc__': '\n The Evaluator class contains the method signatures that subclasses of\n Evaluator must implement.\n ', '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7f3460eecaa0>})

Initializes an instance of the class.

__module__ = 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Clears the criteria for this evaluator.


This method will be passed a value which you should evaluated against the criteria that have been set and return True or False.

Return type:bool
Returns:True or False depending on the input and criteria specified.
Return type:dict of dict
Returns:A dictionary of dictionaries describing the currently set criteria for the Evaluator.
Return type:tuple of (str, Criteria)
Returns:A tuple describing the criteria and it’s value that can be used where nothing has been supplied.
classmethod getName()
Return type:str
Returns:The name used to describe this evaluator.
classmethod registerCriteriaList()

This method should return an ordered list of dictionaries which describe the criteria this evaluator can accept.

The dictionary must specify the following key, value pairs:

name: C{str}
prefix: C{str}
suffix: C{str}
type: C{ColumnDataType}
default: C{object}
num_elements: C{int}


    "name": "Color",
    "prefix": "(RGB)",
    "suffix": None,
    "type": ColumnDataType.Color,
    "default": [255, 255, 255],
    "num_elements": 3

Users will create valid criteria based on the list you return from this function. name, prefix and suffix are human readable values that can be used to display in UIs.

Return type:list of dict
Returns:A list of dictionaries as specified above.
setCriteria(name, criteria)

Sets the criteria specified by name to the instance of the Criteria object, criteria.

  • name (str) – A name used to describe the criteria being set obtained from the list of criteria registered via registerCriteria().
  • criteria (Criteria) – An instance of a Criteria class.

registerCriteriaList, Criteria

class UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator.CelEvaluator

Bases: UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator.Evaluator

This Evaluator will evntually containg CEL matching evaluation (basically handing off its criteria to a CEL matching function yet we don’t have matching functions exposed in Python yet.

CriteriaList = [{'num_elements': 1, 'name': 'CEL Expression', 'default': '//', 'prefix': None, 'type': <class 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.ItemDelegates.ParameterItemDelegate.ParameterItemDelegate'>, 'suffix': None}]

Initializes an instance of the class.

__module__ = 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator'
classmethod getName()
classmethod registerCriteriaList()
class UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator.RegexEvaluator

Bases: UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator.Evaluator

Evaluator to provide regular expression matching.

Internally this evaluator uses Python’s re module.

CriteriaList = [{'num_elements': 1, 'name': 'Regex', 'default': '.*', 'prefix': None, 'type': <class 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.ItemDelegates.ParameterItemDelegate.ParameterItemDelegate'>, 'suffix': None}]

Initializes an instance of the class.

__module__ = 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator'
classmethod getName()
classmethod registerCriteriaList()
setCriteria(name, criteria)
class UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator.EqualToEvaluator

Bases: UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator.Evaluator

Class provides simple Equality testing for strings and numbers

In the case of ColumnDataType.Number we convert the criteria and value passed to the evaluate function to float via float().

If you don’t specify either a Phrase or Number then False will be returned.

CriteriaList = [{'num_elements': 1, 'name': 'Phrase', 'default': '', 'prefix': None, 'type': <class 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.ItemDelegates.ParameterItemDelegate.ParameterItemDelegate'>, 'suffix': None}, {'num_elements': 1, 'name': 'Number', 'default': 0, 'prefix': None, 'type': <class 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.ItemDelegates.NumberItemDelegate.NumberItemDelegate'>, 'suffix': None}]

Initializes an instance of the class.

__module__ = 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator'
classmethod getName()
classmethod registerCriteriaList()
class UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator.LessThanEvaluator

Bases: UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator.Evaluator

Provides Less Than Evaluator.

CriteriaList = [{'num_elements': 1, 'name': 'Number', 'default': inf, 'prefix': None, 'type': <class 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.ItemDelegates.NumberItemDelegate.NumberItemDelegate'>, 'suffix': None}]

Initializes an instance of the class.

__module__ = 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator'
classmethod getName()
classmethod registerCriteriaList()
class UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator.GreaterThanEvaluator

Bases: UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator.Evaluator

Provides Greater Than Evaluator.

CriteriaList = [{'num_elements': 1, 'name': 'Number', 'default': -inf, 'prefix': None, 'type': <class 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.ItemDelegates.NumberItemDelegate.NumberItemDelegate'>, 'suffix': None}]

Initializes an instance of the class.

__module__ = 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator'
classmethod getName()
classmethod registerCriteriaList()
class UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator.FuzzyEqualityEvaluator

Bases: UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator.Evaluator

Class provides floating-point comparison within specified tolerance levels.

You can specify:

  • Both:
  • PositiveTolerance Maximum allowable value from the value specified in the positive axis
  • NegativeTolerance Maximum allowable value in the negative axis
  • True == Value - NegativeTolerance < Test < Value + PositiveTolerance
  • Or:
  • Tolerance Maximum allowable in positive and negative axis.
  • True == Value - Tolerance < Test < Value + Tolerance

If neither are specified then Tolerance will be used with its default value.

This class is an example of more advanced use of the filtering system and is not currently made available.

CriteriaList = [{'num_elements': 1, 'name': 'Number', 'default': 0.0, 'prefix': None, 'type': <class 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.ItemDelegates.NumberItemDelegate.NumberItemDelegate'>, 'suffix': None}, {'num_elements': 1, 'name': 'PositiveTolerance', 'default': 0.1, 'prefix': None, 'type': <class 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.ItemDelegates.NumberItemDelegate.NumberItemDelegate'>, 'suffix': None}, {'num_elements': 1, 'name': 'NegativeTolerance', 'default': 0.1, 'prefix': None, 'type': <class 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.ItemDelegates.NumberItemDelegate.NumberItemDelegate'>, 'suffix': None}, {'num_elements': 1, 'name': 'Tolerance', 'default': 0.1, 'prefix': None, 'type': <class 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.ItemDelegates.NumberItemDelegate.NumberItemDelegate'>, 'suffix': None}]

Initializes an instance of the class.

__module__ = 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Evaluator'
classmethod getName()
classmethod registerCriteriaList()


Module providing the Rule class.

class UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Rule.Rule

Bases: object

Class draws together the Target and Evaluator classes and provides a method match which actually causes the invokation of the Evaluator’s evaluate() function for the resolved scene graph location.

__dict__ = dict_proxy({'setEnabled': <function setEnabled at 0x7f3460ee7c08>, '__module__': 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Rule', 'setTarget': <function setTarget at 0x7f3460ee7aa0>, 'getTarget': <function getTarget at 0x7f3460ee7e60>, 'setCriteria': <function setCriteria at 0x7f3460ee7b90>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Rule' objects>, 'getComment': <function getComment at 0x7f3460eec1b8>, 'getDefaultCriteria': <function getDefaultCriteria at 0x7f3460ee7d70>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Rule' objects>, '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7f3460ee7398>, 'flushLocationMatchCache': <function flushLocationMatchCache at 0x7f3460ee79b0>, 'isInverted': <function isInverted at 0x7f3460eec050>, 'isEnabled': <function isEnabled at 0x7f3460ee7f50>, 'setInverted': <function setInverted at 0x7f3460ee7c80>, 'setComment': <function setComment at 0x7f3460eec230>, '__doc__': "\n Class draws together the L{Target<UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.\n Target.Target>} and L{Evaluator<UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.\n Evaluator.Evaluator>} classes and provides a method L{match()} which\n actually causes the invokation of the Evaluator's evaluate() function for\n the resolved scene graph location.\n ", 'clearCriteria': <function clearCriteria at 0x7f3460ee7de8>, 'getEvaluatorName': <function getEvaluatorName at 0x7f3460ee7ed8>, 'getCriteria': <function getCriteria at 0x7f3460ee7cf8>, 'getShowChildren': <function getShowChildren at 0x7f3460eec0c8>, 'setShowChildren': <function setShowChildren at 0x7f3460eec140>, 'match': <function match at 0x7f3460ee7a28>, 'setEvaluator': <function setEvaluator at 0x7f3460ee7b18>})
__module__ = 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Rule'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Clears the criteria for this rule.


Empty the cache of match results for this rule.

Return type:str or None
Returns:This rule’s comment or None if one isn’t set.
Return type:dict of dict
Returns:A dictionary of criteria that have been set for this evaluator.
Return type:tuple of (str, Criteria)
Returns:A tuple describing the criteria and it’s value that can be used where nothing has been supplied.
Return type:str
Returns:The name of the evaluator being used by this rule.
Return type:Target
Returns:A reference to the target object.
Return type:bool
Returns:True if this rule is enabled, otherwise False.
Return type:bool
Returns:True if this rule is inverted, otherwise False.
match(handle, topLevelHandle)

Using the Target, Evaluator and Criteria specified using setTarget, setEvaluator, setCriteria. Test if the value, as resolved by the Target object, at sceneGraphLocation matches the specifed Criteria for the given Evaluator.

Return type:


  • handle (SceneGraphHandle) – Handle representing the scene graph location that will be used to test if the Evaluator and Criteria match.
  • topLevelHandle (SceneGraphHandle) – Handle representing the top-level scene graph location that contains the scene graph location to evaluate.

True if the Rule matches the scene graph location with the given handle under the scene graph location with the given top-level handle, otherwise False.


Sets the comment of this rule. The comment doesn’t affect the filtering itself, but is useful for documenting and identifying rules.

Parameters:comment (str or None) – The new comment of this rule.
setCriteria(name, criteria)

Sets the Criteria required by the Criteria you have specified.

  • name (str) – The name used to refer to these particular criteria.
  • criteria (Criteria) – The criteria object as described by the criteria required by the Evaluator you are using.

Sets the enabled state of this rule. If not enabled, the rule will always match positively.

Parameters:enabled (bool) – The new enabled state of this rule.

Sets the Evaluator object to be used by this rule.

Parameters:evaluator (Evaluator) – The evaulator that will be used to evaluator the rule.

Sets the inverted state of this rule. If inverted, the rule will invert the result of its matching procedure.

Parameters:inverted (bool) – The new inverted state of this rule.

Sets the Target object used to be used by this rule.

Parameters:target (Target) – The target object that will be used to translate scene graph locations into actual values.


Module provides a simple Rule configuration user interface.

class UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.RuleConfigDialog.RuleConfigDialog(bridge, parent=None)

Bases: PyQt4.QtGui.QDialog

Class to provide a simple filter rule configuration modeless dialog box.

__init__(bridge, parent=None)
__module__ = 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.RuleConfigDialog'


Module providing the RuleManager class.

class UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.RuleManager.RuleManager(bridge, evaluateRuleCallback)

Bases: object

Class to encapsulate the storage of filtering rules and rule matching logic.

MatchAllPolicy = 2
MatchAnyPolicy = 1
__dict__ = dict_proxy({'__module__': 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.RuleManager', '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'RuleManager' objects>, 'setRuleEnabled': <function setRuleEnabled at 0x7f3460f042a8>, 'addRule': <function addRule at 0x7f3460efded8>, 'setRuleCriteria': <function setRuleCriteria at 0x7f3460f041b8>, 'getRuleByName': <function getRuleByName at 0x7f3460f04488>, 'setRuleComment': <function setRuleComment at 0x7f3460f04398>, 'removeRule': <function removeRule at 0x7f3460efdf50>, 'setRuleMatchPolicy': <function setRuleMatchPolicy at 0x7f3460f04578>, 'getCurrentRules': <function getCurrentRules at 0x7f3460f04500>, 'MatchAllPolicy': 2, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'RuleManager' objects>, 'setRuleEvaluator': <function setRuleEvaluator at 0x7f3460f04140>, '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7f3460efde60>, 'MatchAnyPolicy': 1, 'setRuleInverted': <function setRuleInverted at 0x7f3460f04320>, '_RuleManager__populateAvailableMatchingPolicies': <function __populateAvailableMatchingPolicies at 0x7f3460f047d0>, 'setRuleMatchInversion': <function setRuleMatchInversion at 0x7f3460f045f0>, 'setRuleShowChildren': <function setRuleShowChildren at 0x7f3460f04410>, '_RuleManager__callRuleEvaluationCallback': <function __callRuleEvaluationCallback at 0x7f3460f04758>, 'setRuleTarget': <function setRuleTarget at 0x7f3460f040c8>, 'getRuleMatchInversion': <function getRuleMatchInversion at 0x7f3460f04668>, 'renameRule': <function renameRule at 0x7f3460f04050>, 'clearRuleCriteria': <function clearRuleCriteria at 0x7f3460f04230>, '__doc__': '\n Class to encapsulate the storage of filtering rules and rule matching\n logic.\n ', 'match': <function match at 0x7f3460f046e0>})
__init__(bridge, evaluateRuleCallback)
__module__ = 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.RuleManager'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Adds a new rule to the current rule set using the specified name which can be used later to configure the rule.

The rule name must not be already used otherwise this function will raise an exception.

Parameters:ruleName (str) – Name of the rule by which you can reference it later.
Raises:eRuleManagerException if ruleName already exists in the current rule set.
clearRuleCriteria(ruleName, triggerEvaluation=True)

Clears the criteria that have been set for the given rule.

  • ruleName (str) – The rule to be cleared.
  • triggerEvaluation (bool) – Whether clearing the criteria should trigger re-evaluation of the rule set. This can be useful for managing user interaction.

Return a dict of dict containing the list of current rules and their values.

Return type:dict of dict
Returns:Dictionary of dictionaries containing the current rule set.
Parameters:ruleName (str) – Name of the rule to return:
Return type:Rule or None
Returns:The rule object corresponding to the rule name or None if it does not exist.
Return type:bool
Returns:A boolean value indicating whether the result of rule evaluation will be inverted.
match(handle, topLevelHandle)

Using the current rule matching policy and rules that have been configured test if the current scene graph location matches the filter criteria.

Return type:


  • handle (SceneGraphHandle) – Handle representing the scene graph location to evaluate.
  • topLevelHandle (SceneGraphHandle) – Handle representing the top-level scene graph location that contains the scene graph location to evaluate.

True if the rule set matches the scene graph location with the given handle under the scene graph location with the given top-level handle, otherwise False.


Removes the rule specified by ruleName from the current rule set.

Parameters:ruleName (str) – The ruleName to remove from the rule set. If if doesn’t exist this function will have no effect.
renameRule(oldName, newName)

Renames the given rule from the oldName to the newName. If this RuleManager instance already contains a Rule named the same as newName, name mangling will occur to avoid a conflict (_1, _2, etc will be appended to the end until a unique name is found). If the given oldName does not name a valid Rule, a ValueError is raised.

The result value is the finalised new rule name, after any potential name changes due to conflicts have taken place.

Return type:


  • oldName (str) – The name of the rule to be renamed.
  • newName (str) – The new name to rename the rule to.

The finalised new rule name, after any potential name changes due to conflicts have taken place.

setRuleComment(ruleName, comment)

Sets the comment of the given rule.

  • ruleName (str) – The rule whose inversion state we wish to set.
  • comment (str or None) – The new comment of the given rule.
setRuleCriteria(ruleName, criteriaName, criteria)

Sets the criteria of the specified evaluator for a given rule.

This function will have no effect if ruleName refers to a non-existent Rule.

  • ruleName (str) – The rule name assigned to the Rule.
  • criteriaName (str) – The criteria name required by the evaluator.
  • criteria (Criteria) – The criteria object.
setRuleEnabled(ruleName, isEnabled, triggerEvaluation=True)

Sets the enabled state of the given rule.

  • ruleName (str) – The rule whose enabled state we wish to set.
  • isEnabled (bool) – The new enabled state of the given rule.
  • triggerEvaluation (bool) – Whether setting this state should trigger re-evaluation of the rule set. This can be useful for managing user interaction.
setRuleEvaluator(ruleName, evaluator, useDefaultCriteria=False)

Sets the evaluator of the specified rule.

This function will have no effect if ruleName refers to a non-existent Rule.

  • ruleName (str) – The rule name assigned to the Rule.
  • evaluator (Evaluator) – The evaluator object to set.
setRuleInverted(ruleName, isInverted, triggerEvaluation=True)

Sets the inversion state of the given rule.

  • ruleName (str) – The rule whose inversion state we wish to set.
  • isInverted (bool) – The new inversion state of the given rule.
  • triggerEvaluation (bool) – Whether setting this state should trigger re-evaluation of the rule set. This can be useful for managing user interaction.

Sets whether the final result of all rule evaluation should be inverted.

Parameters:invertMatch (bool) – A boolean value indicating whether the result of rule evaluation should be inverted.

Sets the rule matching policy the RuleManager should apply when testing scene graph locations against the current set of configured rules.

Parameters:policy (int) – A valid rule matching policy
setRuleShowChildren(ruleName, showChildren, triggerEvaluation=True)
setRuleTarget(ruleName, column)

Sets the target of the specified rule.

This function will have no effect if ruleName refers to a non-existent Rule.

  • ruleName (str) – The rule name assigned to the Rule.
  • column (SceneGraphColumn) – The column which will be targeted for the rule.


Module providing the Target class.

class UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Target.Target(sceneGraphColumn, bridge, mode=0)

Bases: object

__dict__ = dict_proxy({'__module__': 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Target', 'resolve': <function resolve at 0x7f3460eec398>, 'getSceneGraphColumn': <function getSceneGraphColumn at 0x7f3460eec320>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Target' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Target' objects>, '__doc__': None, '__init__': <function __init__ at 0x7f3460eec2a8>})
__init__(sceneGraphColumn, bridge, mode=0)

Creates a new instance of the Target class.

  • sceneGraphColumn (SceneGraphColumn) – The column object.
  • bridge (Bridge) – A valid implementation of the Bridge class.
  • mode (int) – The mode in which Target should behave, currently only AttributeMode is enabled.
__module__ = 'UI4.Widgets.SceneGraphView.Filtering.Target'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)

Return type:SceneGraphColumn
Returns:The column against which to resolve each scene graph location.
resolve(handle, topLevelHandle)

Resolves the scene graph location specified to a particular value based on the target column and its current configuration.

Return type:


  • handle (SceneGraphHandle) – Handle representing the scene graph location to resolve to a value, in combination with the column with which this Target is associated.
  • topLevelHandle (SceneGraphHandle) – Handle representing the top-level scene graph location that contains the scene graph location to evaluate.

The value at the column and location pair.


NotImplementedError – If Target mode is not AttributeMode.