Popdown Labels

Popdown labels are labels that are shown with a menu indicator arrow, and that can be clicked to show a menu with certain menu items.

The classes listed here are all derived from QT4Widgets.PopdownLabel. Each class defines a buildMenu() function that populates the respective menu when a label defined by the respective class has been clicked.


class UI4.Widgets.AssetIDLabel

Bases: QT4Widgets-v0.PopdownLabel.PopdownLabel

Class implementing a “popdown label” (label which shows a menu when clicked) for use in the application’s main menu bar for showing which asset is currently loaded. When clicked, the label shows a menu allowing the user to copy the asset ID or underlying filesystem path to the clipboard.

Example Screenshot:

Screenshot of an AssetIDLabel widget


Initializes an instance of the class.

Parameters:parent (QtGui.QWidget or None) – The parent widget to own the new instance. Passed verbatim to the base class initializer.
__module__ = 'UI4.Widgets.AssetIDLabel'

Called by PopdownLabel to add items to the menu that is shown when clicking the widget.

Parameters:menu (QtGui.QMenu) – The menu to add items to.


class UI4.Widgets.ProxyResCombo

Bases: QT4Widgets-v0.PopdownLabel.PopdownLabel

Example Screenshot:

Screenshot of a ProxyResCombo widget

__module__ = 'UI4.Widgets.ProxyResCombo'

Called by PopdownLabel to add items to the menu that is shown when clicking the widget.

Parameters:menu (QtGui.QMenu) – The menu to add items to.


class UI4.Widgets.RoiCombo

Bases: QT4Widgets-v0.PopdownLabel.PopdownLabel

Example Screenshot:

Screenshot of a RoiCombo widget

__module__ = 'UI4.Widgets.RoiCombo'

Called by PopdownLabel to add items to the menu that is shown when clicking the widget.

Parameters:menu (QtGui.QMenu) – The menu to add items to.