Viewer SettingsΒΆ

Viewer settings can be assigned via a ViewerObjectSettings node.

Type Attribute Description
int viewer.default.pickable Defines whether the object can be selected in the viewer.
int viewer.default.drawOptions.hide Defines whether the object/group is visible in the viewer.
string viewer.default.drawOptions.fill The fill setting used in the viewer.
string viewer.default.drawOptions.light The lighting setting used in the viewer.
string viewer.default.drawOptions.smoothing The smoothing setting used in the viewer.
float viewer.default.drawOptions.pointSize The point size used for drawing.
string viewer.default.annotation.text The text of the annotation.
float[3] viewer.default.annotation.color The color of the annotation text.
string[2n] viewer.default.lightingTools.parameters List of parameters (parameter path and label) that will be available in the Lighting Tools.