Icon Label Frames

Icon label frames are frames that contain an icon and a text next to it. The icon is laid out vertically centered to the left of the text, and the text is wrapped to fit inside of the available space of the widget.

Screenshot of an IconLabelFrame widget

HTML-style formatting can be used in the text, including <a> links. A callback function can be registered to be called when a link in an icon label frame’s text has been clicked.

Class Inheritance


class UI4.Widgets.IconLabelFrame

Bases: QFrame

Class implementing a frame that contains two labels for displaying an icon and a text next to it, with support for registering a callback function that is called when a link in the icon label’s text has been clicked.

The icon label and text label are contained in a horizontal box layout in a nested QtWidgets.QFrame, which itself is contained in a vertical box layout within the main QtWidgets.QFrame.

Example Screenshot:

Screenshot of an IconLabelFrame widget

class NestedIconLabelFrame(iconPixmap, text, parent=None)

Bases: QFrame

Nested class implementing a frame with a horizontal layout that contains the two labels for displaying an icon and a text next to it.

__init__(iconPixmap, text, parent=None)

Initializes an instance of the class.

  • iconPixmap (QtGui.QPixmap) – The icon image to show in the frame.

  • text (str) – The text to show in the frame.

  • parent (QtWidgets.QWidget or None) – The parent widget to own the new instance. Passed verbatim to the QtWidgets.QFrame initializer.

Return type:



The text shown in the icon label frame.


Slot that is called when a link in the text of the label has been clicked.

Calls the registered link click callback, if any, with the given link.


link (str) – The value of the HREF attribute of the link that was clicked.


Sets the foreground role to use for the label in the icon label frame.


foregroundRole (QtGui.QPalette.ColorRole) – The foreground role to use for the label in the icon label frame.


Sets icon image to show in the layout.


iconPixmap (QtGui.QPixmap) – The icon image to show in the layout.


Sets the function to call when a link in the label’s text has been clicked.


linkClickCallback (callable or None) – A callable object that should be called when a link in the label’s text has been clicked, or None to clear the registered callback function.


Sets the text to show in the icon label layout.


text (str) – The text to show in the icon label layout.


Sets whether text in the label inside of the icon label frame should break into multiple lines when necessary.


wordWrap (bool) – Flag that controls whether text in the label inside of the icon label frame should break into multiple lines when necessary.

__init__(iconPixmap, text, margin=0, parent=None, flags=0)

Initializes an instance of the class.

  • iconPixmap (QtGui.QPixmap) – The icon image to show in the frame.

  • text (str) – The text to show in the frame.

  • margin (int) – The margin to use in the main layout of the frame.

  • parent (QtWidgets.QWidget or None) – The parent widget to own the new instance. Passed verbatim to the QtWidgets.QFrame initializer.

  • flags (QtCore.Qt.WindowFlags) – The window flags to use in case no parent is given. Passed verbatim to the QtWidgets.QFrame initializer.

Return type:



The text shown in the icon label frame.

setContentsMargins(left, top, right, bottom)

Sets the margin to use in the main layout of the frame.

  • left (int) – The left margin to use in the main layout of the frame.

  • top (int) – The top margin to use in the main layout of the frame.

  • right (int) – The right margin to use in the main layout of the frame.

  • bottom (int) – The bottom margin to use in the main layout of the frame.


Sets the foreground role to use for the label in the icon label frame.


foregroundRole (QtGui.QPalette.ColorRole) – The foreground role to use for the label in the icon label frame.


Sets icon image to show in the icon label frame.


iconPixmap (QtGui.QPixmap) – The icon image to show in the icon label frame.


Sets the function to call when a link in the icon label’s text has been clicked.


linkClickCallback (callable or None) – A callable object that should be called when a link in the icon label’s text has been clicked, or None to clear the registered callback function.


This function is deprecated. Please use setContentsMargins() instead.


Sets the text to show in the icon label frame.


text (str) – The text to show in the icon label frame.


Sets whether text in the label inside of the icon label frame should break into multiple lines when necessary.


wordWrap (bool) – Flag that controls whether text in the label inside of the icon label frame should break into multiple lines when necessary.


pyqtSignal(*types, name: str = …, revision: int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.


class UI4.Widgets.IndicatorLabelFrame

Bases: IconLabelFrame

Class representing an icon label frame for displaying a message and the names of a number of nodes that can be clicked to jump to the respective node in a Node Graph tab.

Example Screenshot:

Screenshot of an IndicatorLabelFrame widget

__init__(activeIconName=None, inactiveIconName=None, autoHide=True, parent=None, flags=0)

Initializes an instance of the class.

  • activeIconName (str or None) – The name of the icon to show when the indicator label frame is in an active state, or None to not show an icon or to show a blank icon of the same size as the inactiveIconName icon.

  • inactiveIconName (str or None) – The name of the icon to show when the indicator label frame is in an inactive state, or None to not show an icon or to show a blank icon of the same size as the activeIconName icon.

  • autoHide (bool) – Flag that controls whether to automatically hide the widget if no message has been set.

  • parent (QtWidgets.QWidget or None) – The parent widget to own the new instance. Passed verbatim to the base class initializer.

  • flags (QtCore.Qt.WindowFlags) – The window flags to use in case no parent is given. Passed verbatim to the base class initializer.


Sets the flag that controls whether to automatically hide the widget if it is in an inactive state.


autoHide (bool) – True if the widget is to be automatically hidden when inactive, otherwise False.

updateDisplay(active, message='', nodeNames=None)

Updates the indicator label frame with the given message and names of nodes, and updates its icon according to the given active state.

  • active (bool) – Flag that controls whether to show the active icon or the inactive icon (or a blank icon) in the frame.

  • message (str) – The message to display in the frame’s label before the names of nodes (if any).

  • nodeNames (list or str or None) – A list of names of nodes or a single name of a node to display in the frame’s label after the given message.


class UI4.Widgets.AttributeEditorIndicatorLabel

Bases: IndicatorLabelFrame

Class representing an indicator label frame for showing the names of nodes that are registered for editing attributes of a currently selected scene graph location.

Example Screenshot:

Screenshot of an AttributeEditorIndicatorLabel widget


Initializes an instance of the class.


parent (QtWidgets.QWidget or None) – The parent widget to own the new instance. Passed verbatim to the base class initializer.

setDisplay(editable, message='', nodeName='')

Updates the indicator label frame with the given message and names of nodes, and updates its icon according to the given editable state.

  • editable (bool) – Flag that controls whether to show the active icon or the inactive icon (or a blank icon) in the frame.

  • message (str) – The message to display in the frame’s label before the names of nodes (if any).

  • nodeName (str) – A name of a node or a number of names of nodes, separated by commas, to display in the frame’s label after the given message.


class UI4.Widgets.ViewIndicatorLabel

Bases: IndicatorLabelFrame

Class representing an indicator label frame for showing currently viewed nodes.

Example Screenshot:

Screenshot of a ViewIndicatorLabel widget


Initializes an instance of the class.


parent (QtWidgets.QWidget or None) – The parent widget to own the new instance. Passed verbatim to the base class initializer.

setDisplay(editable, message='', nodeName='')

Updates the indicator label frame with the given message and names of nodes, and updates its icon according to the given editable state.

  • editable (bool) – Flag that controls whether to show the active icon or the inactive icon (or a blank icon) in the frame.

  • message (str) – The message to display in the frame’s label before the names of nodes (if any).

  • nodeName (str) – A name of a node or a number of names of nodes, separated by commas, to display in the frame’s label after the given message.