Toolbar Buttons

Toolbar buttons are buttons for use in toolbars.

Class Inheritance


class UI4.Widgets.ToolbarButton

Bases: QPushButton

Class implementing a button for use in a toolbar. The button has no label, but uses an icon with optionally different states and modes to indicate whether specific functionality is turned on or off.

Example Screenshot:

Screenshot of a ToolbarButton widget

__init__(toolTip, parent, normalPixmap, disabledPixmap=None, rolloverPixmap=None, onPixmap=None, sizeFromPixmap=False, isToggle=False, disabledRolloverPixmap=None, onRolloverPixmap=None, errorPixmap=None, errorRolloverPixmap=None, clickAction=None, buttonType='toolbar')

Initializes an instance of the class.

  • toolTip (str) – The tooltip to use for the button.

  • parent (QtWidgets.QWidget or None) – The parent widget to own the new instance. Passed verbatim to the base class initializer.

  • normalPixmap (QtGui.QPixmap) – The image to use for the button’s icon in its default state.

  • disabledPixmap (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the button is disabled (/made unavailable).

  • rolloverPixmap (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the pointer is placed over the button (/hovered).

  • onPixmap (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the functionality represented by the button is turned on.

  • sizeFromPixmap (bool) – Flag that controls whether the button’s size is determined from the given normal pixmap. If True, the button is set to a fixed size that matches the given normal pixmap’s size.

  • isToggle (bool) – Flag that controls whether the button is treated as toggling some piece of functionality that can be turned on and off.

  • disabledRolloverPixmap (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the pointer is placed over the button (/hovered) while the button is disabled (/made unavailable).

  • onRolloverPixmap (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the pointer is placed over the button (/hovered) while the functionality represented by the button is turned on.

  • errorPixmap (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the button is meant to indicate an error state.

  • errorRolloverPixmap (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the pointer is placed over the button (/hovered) while the button indicates an error state.

  • clickAction (QtWidgets.QAction or None) – An optional action that should be associated with the button. If an action is given, its tooltip is applied to the button, and when the button is clicked, the action is triggered. Furthermore, if the given action is checkable, the button’s on state is determined by the action’s checked state. Note that when an action is given, the isToggle parameter is ignored.

  • buttonType (str) – A button type name that controls the button’s appearance through the application’s style sheet.

Return type:

QtGui.QPixmap or None


The image used for the button’s icon when the button is disabled (/made unavailable).

Return type:

QtGui.QPixmap or None


The image used for the button’s icon when the pointer is placed over the button (/hovered) while the button is disabled (/made unavailable).


Event handler for widget enter events.

Reimplemented in order to set a flag to indicate that the pointer has been placed over the button, to update the button’s icon accordingly.


event (QtCore.QEvent) – An object containing details about the enter event to process.

Return type:

QtGui.QPixmap or None


The image used for the button’s icon when the button is meant to indicate an error state.

Return type:

QtGui.QPixmap or None


The image used for the button’s icon when the pointer is placed over the button (/hovered) while the button indicates an error state.

Return type:



A button type name that controls the button’s appearance through the application’s style sheet.

Return type:



True if the button is available for the user to click, otherwise False.

Return type:



True if the button indicates an error state, otherwise False.

Return type:



True if the functionality represented by the button is turned on, otherwise False.


Event handler for widget leave events.

Reimplemented in order to reset a flag to indicate that the pointer is no longer placed over the button, to update the button’s icon accordingly.


event (QtCore.QEvent) – An object containing details about the leave event to process.


Event handler for mouse press events.

Reimplemented in order to emit the 'rightClicked' signal when the right mouse button has been pressed, and to emit the 'mousePressEventSignal' when the left mouse button has been pressed.

Accepts and ignores the mouse press event if the button is disabled.


mouseEvent (QtGui.QMouseEvent) – An object containing details about the mouse press event to process.


pyqtSignal(*types, name: str = …, revision: int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.

Return type:



The image used for the button’s icon in its default state.

Return type:

QtGui.QPixmap or None


The image used for the button’s icon when the functionality represented by the button is turned on.

Return type:

QtGui.QPixmap or None


The image used for the button’s icon when the pointer is placed over the button (/hovered) while the functionality represented by the button is turned on.


Simulates a click of the button, and changes the button’s appearance to look pressed down.


Changes the button’s appearance to look normal (not pressed down).


pyqtSignal(*types, name: str = …, revision: int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.

Return type:

QtGui.QPixmap or None


The image used for the button’s icon when the pointer is placed over the button (/hovered).


Sets the name of the button type that controls the button’s appearance through the application’s style sheet.


buttonType (str) – The name of the button type to use for the button.


Makes the button unavailable or available, depending on the given value, and updates its appearance accordingly.


disabled (bool) – Flag that controls whether to make the button unavailable True or available False.


Sets the image to use for the button’s icon when the button is disabled (/made unavailable), and updates the button so that its icon reflects the given image.


p (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the button is disabled (/made unavailable).


Sets the image to use for the button’s icon when the pointer is placed over the button (/hovered) while the button is disabled (/made unavailable), and updates the button so that its icon reflects the given image.


p (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the pointer is placed over the button (/hovered) while the button is disabled (/made unavailable).


Makes the button available or unavailable, depending on the given value, and updates its appearance accordingly.


enabled (bool) – Flag that controls whether to make the button available True or unavailable False.

setError(error, toolTip=None)

Updates the button to indicate an error state, or to indicate that the error state has been resolved.

  • error (bool) – Flag that controls whether the button should indicate an error state.

  • toolTip (str or None) – Optional tooltip to use for the button if it indicates and error state.


Sets the image to use for the button’s icon when the button is meant to indicate an error state, and updates the button so that its icon reflects the given image.


p (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the button is meant to indicate an error state.


Sets the image to use for the button’s icon when the pointer is placed over the button (/hovered) while the button indicates an error state, and updates the button so that its icon reflects the given image.


p (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the pointer is placed over the button (/hovered) while the button indicates an error state.

setMenu(self, QMenu)

Sets the image to use for the button’s icon in its default state, and updates the button so that its icon reflects the given image.


p (QtGui.QPixmap) – The image to use for the button’s icon in its default state.


Updates the button’s icon to indicate that the functionality represented by it is turned on or off, depending on the given value.


on (bool) – Flag indicating whether the functionality represented by the button is turned on or off.


Sets the image to use for the button’s icon when the functionality represented by the button is turned on, and updates the button so that its icon reflects the given image.


p (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the functionality represented by the button is turned on.


Sets the image to use for the button’s icon when the pointer is placed over the button (/hovered) while the functionality represented by the button is turned on, and updates the button so that its icon reflects the given image.


p (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the pointer is placed over the button (/hovered) while the functionality represented by the button is turned on.


Sets the image to use for the button’s icon when the pointer is placed over the button (/hovered), and updates the button so that its icon reflects the given image.


p (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the pointer is placed over the button (/hovered).


Turns the functionality represented by this button on or off, depending on its current state.

Emits the 'toggled' signal with the new on/off state of the button.


Triggers the optional click action associated with the button.


clickAction in __init__()


Updates the button’s icon depending on its state and on the availability of the various images that indicate the button’s state.

Takes into account whether the pointer is placed over the button.

The precedence in which images are used is: enabled/disabled trumps error/no error trumps on/off.


class UI4.Widgets.AutoKeyAllToggle

Bases: ToolbarButton

Class implementing a toolbar button to toggle the global auto keyframe state.

Registers an event handler for the "parameter_setAutoKeyAll" event, to update the button when the state changes.

Uses a slot to update the state when the button is clicked.

Uses NodegraphAPI.GetAutoKeyAll() to determine the state, and NodegraphAPI.SetAutoKeyAll() to set the state.

Example Screenshot:

Screenshot of an AutoKeyAllToggle widget


Initializes an instance of the class.


parent (QtWidgets.QWidget or None) – The parent widget to own the new instance. Passed verbatim to the base class initializer.


class UI4.Widgets.CatalogLockWidget

Bases: ToolbarButton

Class implementing a toolbar button to lock or unlock a specific catalog item against or for replacement and deletion.

Code example:

catalogLockWidget = UI4.Widgets.CatalogLockWidget()

Example Screenshot:

Screenshot of a CatalogLockWidget widget


Initializes an instance of the class.


parent (QtWidgets.QWidget or None) – The parent widget to own the new instance. Passed verbatim to the base class initializer.


Sets or resets the catalog item whose locked state to represent by this button.


catalogItem (CatalogAPI.CatalogItem.CatalogItem or None) – The catalog item whose locked state to represent by this button, or None to reset the catalog item.


Updates the visibility of this button and its on/off state depending on whether a valid catalog item is associated with this button, and on whether that item is locked.


class UI4.Widgets.LabeledToolbarButton

Bases: QWidget

Class implementing a QtWidgets.QWidget containing a UI4.Widgets.ToolbarButton and a clickable QtWidgets.QLabel.

Note that a normal UI4.Widgets.ToolbarButton is a QtWidgets.QPushButton, but although it could have a label on its own, that label would depress when clicked, and the icon and label would center together.

Code example:

labeledToolbarButton = UI4.Widgets.LabeledToolbarButton('Labeled Toolbar Button', None,

Example Screenshot:

Screenshot of a LabeledToolbarButton widget

__init__(label, parent, normalPixmap, disabledPixmap=None, rolloverPixmap=None, onPixmap=None, sizeFromPixmap=False, isToggle=False, disabledRolloverPixmap=None, onRolloverPixmap=None, errorPixmap=None, errorRolloverPixmap=None, clickAction=None, buttonType='toolbar')

Initializes an instance of the class.

  • label (str) – The text to use for the button.

  • parent (QtWidgets.QWidget or None) – The parent widget to own the new instance. Passed verbatim to the base class initializer.

  • normalPixmap (QtGui.QPixmap) – The image to use for the button’s icon in its default state.

  • disabledPixmap (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the button is disabled (/made unavailable).

  • rolloverPixmap (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the pointer is placed over the button (/hovered).

  • onPixmap (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the functionality represented by the button is turned on.

  • sizeFromPixmap (bool) – Flag that controls whether the button’s size is determined from the given normal pixmap. If True, the button is set to a fixed size that matches the given normal pixmap’s size.

  • isToggle (bool) – Flag that controls whether the button is treated as toggling some piece of functionality that can be turned on and off.

  • disabledRolloverPixmap (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the pointer is placed over the button (/hovered) while the button is disabled (/made unavailable).

  • onRolloverPixmap (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the pointer is placed over the button (/hovered) while the functionality represented by the button is turned on.

  • errorPixmap (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the button is meant to indicate an error state.

  • errorRolloverPixmap (QtGui.QPixmap or None) – The image to use for the button’s icon when the pointer is placed over the button (/hovered) while the button indicates an error state.

  • clickAction (QtWidgets.QAction or None) – An optional action that should be associated with the button. If an action is given, its tooltip is applied to the button, and when the button is clicked, the action is triggered. Furthermore, if the given action is checkable, the button’s on state is determined by the action’s checked state. Note that when an action is given, the isToggle parameter is ignored.

  • buttonType (str) – A button type name that controls the button’s appearance through the application’s style sheet.

Return type:



True if the functionality represented by the button is turned on, otherwise False.


Updates the button’s icon to indicate that the functionality represented by it is turned on or off, depending on the given value.


on (bool) – Flag indicating whether the functionality represented by the button is turned on or off.


pyqtSignal(*types, name: str = …, revision: int = …, arguments: Sequence = …) -> PYQT_SIGNAL

types is normally a sequence of individual types. Each type is either a type object or a string that is the name of a C++ type. Alternatively each type could itself be a sequence of types each describing a different overloaded signal. name is the optional C++ name of the signal. If it is not specified then the name of the class attribute that is bound to the signal is used. revision is the optional revision of the signal that is exported to QML. If it is not specified then 0 is used. arguments is the optional sequence of the names of the signal’s arguments.