Uninstalling on Windows

To uninstall Katana on Windows , there are a few things you need to do:

1.   Navigate to Start > All Programs > The Foundry > Katana8.0v1 and select Uninstall.

The Katana Uninstall dialog displays.

2.   Click Yes to uninstall Katana.
3.   Delete, rename, or move your .katana folder, if it exists.

The .katana folder is usually found under the directory pointed to by the HOME environment variable. If this variable is not set, which is common, the .katana directory is under the folder specified by the USERPROFILE environment variable, which is generally one of the following:

drive letter:\Documents and Settings\login name\

drive letter:\Users\login name\

To find out if the HOME and USERPROFILE environment variables are set, and where they are pointing at, enter %HOME% or %USERPROFILE% into the address bar in Windows Explorer. If the environment variable is set, the folder it's pointing at is opened. If it's not set, you get an error.

4.   Delete, rename, or move your cached files, which reside in the following directory by default:


Where ~ is equal to %HOME% or %USERPROFILE% as detailed above.

Note:  If you specified an alternate directory using the KATANA_TMPDIR environment variable, purge those files as well as the default location. See Help > Developer Guide for more information.