Editing LiveGroup Parameters

The wrench menu for a LiveGroup node that is edited in the Parameters tab contains not only the same generic options as other nodes, such as Edit User Parameters, Reset Parameters, and Save as Macro, it also has a unique set of options that change dynamically depending on whether the node is in a locked or editable state. These unique options can be used to represent the parameter interface of the contents of a LiveGroup node. Nodes inside of the LiveGroup node can reference these user parameters using Python expressions, thus allowing the developer of the LiveGroup's internal node network to make certain parameters of the nodes inside of the LiveGroup available to users of the LiveGroup asset. This effectively exposes the parameters on the outer interface of the LiveGroup node that uses the LiveGroup asset.

When loading a LiveGroup asset into a LiveGroup node, the user parameters of the LiveGroup node are initialized according to the user parameters in the LiveGroup asset. From then on, values and Python expressions on user parameters of the LiveGroup node are stored in the Katana project file itself, or more generally, in the parent node's context.

When reloading a LiveGroup asset from disk into a LiveGroup node, the user parameters are only updated in the sense of adding and removing parameters, but values and Python expressions are not modified as part of a reload. This is done deliberately, so as not to lose any modifications that might have been made to such values and Python expressions on user parameters of LiveGroup nodes.

Warning:  Katana doesn't currently determine whether values or Python expressions on user parameters of LiveGroup nodes have been modified intentionally, or left to their default values.

Consequently, changes to values or Python expressions on user parameters of a LiveGroup asset are not propagated to other LiveGroup nodes that use the same LiveGroup asset as their source.

For more information on loading LiveGroup assets into a LiveGroup node, see Loading and Reloading a LiveGroup. Alternatively, for information on accessing or editing any node’s parameters, generally, see Editing a Node’s Parameters.

In the Parameters tab, click the wrench icon, or right-click on the LiveGroup node.

When the LiveGroup node is in a locked, non-editable state, the following menu options are available:

Load... - opens the Load LiveGroup dialog to allow you to select a LiveGroup source for the node.

Reload - reloads the source file, if you already have one specified in the source parameter.

Edit Contents - changes the state of the node to be editable, so that contents of the node can be modified. In this state, the contents of the node are no longer loaded from its source, if a source is set.

Convert to Group - converts the LiveGroup node to a Group node. Note that the Group node does not retain the LiveGroup node’s source parameter.

Note:  Converting a LiveGroup node to a Group node discards any history or knowledge of the source file.

When the LiveGroup node is in an unlocked, editable state, the following menu options are available:

Revert - reloads the LiveGroup from its current source, thus discarding any changes made while it was unlocked. The Revert option is only available when a source has been set.

Publish... - opens the Publish LiveGroup dialog for publishing the parameters and contents of the LiveGroup node as a LiveGroup source file or asset.

Publish and Finish Editing Contents... - opens the Publish and Finish Editing Contents LiveGroup dialog for publishing the parameters and contents of the LiveGroup node as a LiveGroup source file or asset, and for loading the published source file or asset. This locks the LiveGroup node’s contents, making them non-editable.

To access any of the above menu options, right-click on the LiveGroup node, or click the wrench icon in the Parameters tab. The menus found, using either method, display the context-sensitive LiveGroup menu options.

In addition, parameters can be opened in a floating pane as well as in the Parameters tab displayed in your preferred layout by right-clicking on the LiveGroup node and selecting Show Parameters in Floating Pane from the context menu.