Bakes a Look File for a scene graph location(s) specified in the rootLocations field.
Connection Type |
Connection Name |
Function |
orig |
The original, or pre-existing scene graph to which the default or additional inputs are compared. |
default |
A second scene graph that has a different pass to compare to the default. The Look File saves the difference between the original and default pass, or any additional passes. |
Control (UI) |
Default Value |
Function |
rootLocations |
rootLocations |
/root/world |
Sets the scene graph location(s) to bake the Look File information for. Any location under /root/world can be used, but it is recommended that components or assembly locations are specified. The rootlocations parameter options are available by clicking Add Locations or For more information, refer to the Scene Graph Location and Locations Widget Types in Common Parameter Widgets. |
passes |
passes |
None |
Passes are typically render passes, but could also be auxiliary baking passes for generating point clouds or brickmaps. A Look File can have one or multiple passes. To add a pass, select Add > Add Pass Input. A new pass input is created on the node, and a pass name field is added to the pass list. To change the pass name, simply change the name text field supplied. Note: All pass names must be unique. |
LookFileBake parameters continued |
saveTo |
None |
Sets where to store the baked Look File. For more information, refer to the Asset and File Path Widget Types in the Common Parameter Widgets. |
options |
outputFormat |
as directory |
Specifies whether to bake the Look File to a single archive (currently Zip), or instead to a per-pass directory representation. The directory option is higher performance and recommended for heavy-weight use cases. |
includeGlobalAttributes |
No |
When set to Yes, attributes on /root are stored in the baked Look File. |
alwaysIncludeSelectedMaterialTrees |
No |
When set to Yes, include all material locations at or below the paths specified by selectedMaterialTreeRootLocations without regard to whether they are assigned to geometry within the scope of the rootLocations paths. |
LookFileBake parameters continued |
Write Look File |
N/A |
Click to bake the Look File. |