
The KatanaToUsd node converts Katana’s geolib data to USD data, enabling you to handle multiple data types and complete the USD “round-trip” (alongside the UsdToKatana node). For more information and examples, see Conversion nodes - KatanaToUsd/ UsdToKatana.

This node will convert the following data to USD:

Primitive Types: If the location has no transform attribute, it is defined as a Scope Prim. There is an option to define as Xform Prim - see table below.

Geometry: the KatanaToUsd node converts any geometry to USD data as well as subdivided meshes.

Cameras: Both perspective and orthographic cameras can be converted. However, attributes that are not set when creating a camera in Geolib, such as focal length, are set to a default value and saved to info.usd.

Materials: Fully fledged material conversion, including: single Material nodes, NetworkMaterialCreate and NetworkMaterialEdit nodes, child materials, material assignments, layout attributes, parameter interface attributes, default values, material overrides and its round-tripping, deferred material ops as well as renderer specific materials. An option can be found which disables the conversion of material assignment if the target primitive is being ignored - see table below.

Lights: Currently, Katana lights get converted to its USD counterpart as long as a matching shader identifier can be found in the shader registry. There is an option to convert light list information - see table below.

Face sets and Time samples: Face sets are converted over to its USD equivalent; UsdGeomSubsets. KatanaToUsd supports the conversion of time sampled data, such as multi-sampled attributes and time sampled attributes.

Custom Attributes: KatanaToUsd allows for generic conversion of Katana attributes to USD attributes. More detailed information on this as well as the attribute convention can be found in the developer guide.


Connection Type

Connection Name


input in The place in the node graph for the conversion to USD data to take place.


Control (UI)

Default Value




The location path specifying the hierarchy to convert to USD. For example, /root/world/geo will convert this part of the scene, along with all paths below.



Determines the specifier of the Prim path defined in the prefixPath.

prefixPath N/A The parent hierarchy for the converted prims. This determines where the converted information should go in Usd's section of the Scene Explorer.



Determines whether to remove the converted locations from Katana’s side of the Scene Explorer.



Determines whether the conversion stops when an attribute conversion fails. If enabled, an FnError prim will be generated on first error and conversion will be stopped. If disabled (default), conversion continues despite failures



Unit of the focal length to convert. Either millimeters or centimetres. Set to millimeters by default.

incomingApertureUnit cm Unit of the aperture to convert. Either millimeters or centimetres. Set to centimetres by default.



Disables converting the mesh and transform data on polymesh or submesh locations. This will not change which locations are pruned from the Katana Scene. This is useful if only the material assignments or other mesh overrides are desired in the conversion.



Location path to set where the light list should be written, If none is specified, no light list information is written.



The composition arc for the Prim containing a light deriving fromMeshLightAPI or VolumeLightAPI, to compose the attributes from the Prim storing the MeshLightAPI or VolumeLightAPI onto the Mesh/Volume itself.

onlyConvertIfMaterialExists enabled If set, any material assignment properties targeted to materials that are not converted in the KatanaToUsd node, will be removed from the primitive.
groupsAsXforms disabled

When disabled, they will be defined as Scope prims, unless the locations contain transformation attributes, in which case they will be converted as Xform prims.If enabled, all Group location types will be defined as Xform type prims.

Note:  You can find an ignore Path widget on the KatanaToUsd node. This widget is used to select certain Katana locations to be ignored by the KatanaToUsd node and won't be converted over to the USD native space.

Note:  The KatanaToUsd node currently supports the primtypes mentioned above as well as custom primdecorators.

Tip:  Use the KatanaToUsd node in conjunction with the Native USD Layer Export workflow when handling a lot of upstream data to improve performance.

Tip:  See Conversion nodes - KatanaToUsd/ UsdToKatana examples to learn how to convert between Geolib and USD data.