This node allows you to create and edit native USD lights in Katana. See more about the workflow and examples on the Native USD Lights page.
Connection Type |
Connection Name |
Function |
input | in | The incoming scene graph data that the node will operate on or modify. |
Control (UI) |
Connection Name |
Function |
action | create | Determines whether to either create a new light prim or edit an existing light prim. |
primPath | /lights/light | Location Paths of where to create or edit Prim. For example, /lights/light. |
primSpec | define |
Choose the specifier for the prim. This is the role or function of the prim in the scene description. • define - defines a new, complete specification for a prim and its properties within a layer. • class - defines a prim meant to act as a template for other prims. It ensures uniformity and reusability throughout the scene by allowing other prims to adopt or specialize it, inheriting its characteristics. • over - indicates that the prim is an override. It's used to non-destructively modify prims defined in lower-priority layers. A prim with an "over" specifier is meant to modify or extend the properties or hierarchy of existing prims, without redefining them entirely. For more information, refer to the USD Glossary under Specifier. |
lightType | N/A | Determines the type of light this prim will be. When in edit mode, this value is determined by the incoming light prim. |
primSpecHierarchy | enabled | Determines whether to create all prims in the provided hierarchy with the primSpec. If disabled, all but the final Prim will take on the primSpec to avoid writing over primSpecs in lower order layers. |
blockUpstreamAttributes | disabled | Determines whether to block all Attributes provided by the light Prim type. |
Properties > inputs | ||
color | 1.0000 | The color of the light (rgba). |
colorTemperature | 6500 | The color temperature of the light. |
diffuse | 1 | The amount of diffusal of the light. |
enableColorTemperature | disabled | Enable or disable color temperature. |
exposure | 0 | The amount of exposure of the light. |
intensity | 1 | The amount of intensity of the light. |
length | 1 | The length of the light. |
normalize | disabled | Normalizes the light's power with the shape of the light. |
radius | 0.5 | The radius of the light. |
Properties > inputs > shadow | ||
color | 0.0000 | The color of the shadow. |
distance | -1 | The distance of the shadow. |
enable | enabled | Enable or disable the shadow. |
falloff | -1 | The falloff of the shadow. |
falloffGamma | 1 | The gamma of the shadow’s falloff. |
Properties > inputs > shaping | ||
specular | 1 | The amount of specular shaping. |
Properties > inputs > shaping > cone | ||
angle | 90 | The angle of the cone in degrees. |
softness | 0 | The softness of the cone. |
focus | 0 | The focus of the cone. |
focusTint | 0.0000 | The color of the cone’s focus tint. |
Properties > inputs > shaping > ies | ||
angleScale | 0 | The scale which defines the angular distribution of the light. |
file | N/A | A file for an IES light which describes the angular distribution of the light. |
normalize | disabled | Normalizes the IES light's power with the shape of the light. |
Properties > inputs > texture | ||
file | N/A | This field is available for light types that require a texture, such as the DomeLight and Rectlight |
format | automatic | Format for the incoming file. |
Properties > inputs > light > filters | ||
materialSyncMode | noMaterialResponse | For a LightAPI applied to geometry that has a bound Material, which is entirely or partly emissive, this specifies the relationship of the Material response to the lighting response. Choose from noMaterialResponse, materialGlowTintsLight, and independent. |
shaderId | Same as lightType | Default ID for the light's shader. This defines the shader ID for this light when a render context specific shader ID is not available. |
Properties > inputs > proxyPrim | ||
purpose | default | Purpose is a classification of geometry into categories that can each be independently included or excluded from traversals of prims on a stage, such as rendering or bounding-box computation traversals. See for more detail about how purpose is computed and used. |
treatAsLine | disabled | A hint that this light can be treated as a 'line' light (effectively, a zero-radius cylinder) by renderers that benefit from non-area lighting. Renderers that only support area lights can disregard this. |
visibility | inherited | Visibility is meant to be the simplest form of "pruning" visibility that is supported by most DCC apps. Visibility is animatable, allowing a sub-tree of geometry to be present for some segment of a shot, and absent from others; unlike the action of deactivating geometry prims, invisible geometry is still available for inspection, for positioning, for defining volumes, etc. |
Properties > transform | ||
xformOpName | N/A | The name to be given to the XformOp when stored in USD. |
order | Scale Rot Trans | Select the order by which the three transformations are applied. |
rotateOrder | Rx Ry Rz | Select the axes order by which the rotation takes place. By default the rotation is first around the x axis, then y, and finally z. |
translate | 0.0 | The amounts to translate along the x, y, and z axes. |
rotate | 0.0 | The amounts to rotate the prims around the x, y, and z axes. |
scale | 1.0 | The amounts to scale the prims along the x, y, and z axes. |
pivotTranslate | 0.0 | The amounts by which the pivot point for transformations is translated along the x, y, and z axes. |
makeInteractive | Yes | When set to "Yes", the selected path can be interactively manipulated in the Viewer. This option is only available when the mode parameter is set to "Single Path". |
Note: This section will show different options depending on the type of light you select.