The UsdTransformEdit node enables you to edit certain transformOps. By filling in the xformOpName, this will populate the translate, rotate and scale with its values. When values are changed, this will overwrite the transformOp.
To learn more about transformations, see Native USD Transformations.
Connection Type |
Connection Name |
Function |
input | in | The incoming scene graph data that the node will operate on or modify. |
Control (UI) |
Default Value |
Function |
primPath |
N/A |
Specify the prim which you want to transform. |
xformOpName |
N/A |
Specify the TransformOp to be edited. |
order |
Scale Rot Trans |
Select the order by which the three transformations are applied. |
rotateOrder |
Rx Ry Rz |
Select the order by which the three transformations are applied. |
translate | 0.0 | The amounts to translate along the x, y, and z axes. |
rotate |
0.0 |
The amounts to rotate the prims around the x, y, and z axes. |
scale |
1.0 |
The amounts to scale the prims along the x, y, and z axes. |
pivotTranslate |
0.0 |
The amounts by which the pivot point for transformations is translated along the x, y, and z axes. |
pivotRotate | 0.0 | The amounts by which the pivot point for transformations is rotated along the x, y, and z axes. |
makeInteractive | Yes | When set to "Yes", the selected path can be interactively manipulated in the Viewer. This option is only available when the mode parameter is set to "Single Path". |