Using Multi-Tile Textures

The UV Viewer currently supports two different naming schemes for multi-tile textures, UDIM and the naming scheme used in Autodesk® Mudbox™.

UDIM values identify the integer position of a texture or patch. Each patch represents one square of 1x1 in UV space. UDIM values are a way of representing the integer coordinates of that square, from the coordinates of its bottom-left corner in UV space. UDIMs are up to ten patches across, and any number of patches upwards. This means the U index of a patch is in the range 0 to 9, and the V index upwards from 0. To calculate the exact UDIM value for a patch, use the following formula: 1001 + u + (10 * v).

For example, the UDIM of the bottom-left patch, which represents the UV space region (0, 0) to (1, 1), is 1001. The next patch to the right of that has a UDIM value of 1002, and the patch directly above the bottom-left is 1011. For example, the patch representing the UV space region (2, 5) to (3, 6) has a U index of 2 and a V index of 5, so replacing the values in the formula above we get: 1001 + 2 + (10 * 5) = 1053.

One way to load textures that use the UDIM format is to use a filename of the form <asset_name>_<texture_type>.#.<file_type>, for instance blacksmith_color.#.tx. The exact format used depends on your asset naming scheme, file sequence plug-in, and texture type. For more on the asset management and the file sequence plug-in, see the included technical PDFs in the ${KATANA_ROOT}/docs/pdf directory.

Multi-tile textures exported from Mudbox have a texture name of the form <name>_u<#>_v<#>.<file_type>, for instance blacksmith_u1_v2.tif.

Multi-Tile Naming Convention Table







0,1 to 1,2




1,1 to 2,2




2,1 to 3,2




3,1 to 4,2




UDIM: 1001

Area: 0,0 to 1,1

UV Tile: (0,0)

Mudbox: u1_v1


1,0 to 2,1




2,0 to 3,1




3,0 to 4,1


