Connecting Nodes

As you build up a scene, you’ll need to create connections between nodes or change the connections that already exist. Any nodes that are not connected to the overall node tree do not have any effect.

Nodes have input and output ports that are used to connect one node to another. Input ports are rectangles, usually located at the top of a node. Output ports are triangles, usually located at the bottom.

Connecting a Node into the Recipe

There are a number of different ways to connect a node into the recipe, you can:

1.   Click the output port of the first node you want to connect.
2.   Drag the resulting arrow to the input port of the second node.
3.   Release the mouse button when the input highlights in yellow.


1.   Hover the cursor over the first node you want to connect.
2.   Press the Backtick key () once.
3.   Hover the cursor over the second node and press the Backtick key again.


1.   Drag one node over the input or output of a second node, and release the mouse button to establish a connection.
2.   Click on an empty space in the Node Graph to then place the node there.


1.   Hover the cursor over the first node you want to connect.
2.   Press a number from 1 to 9 to choose the output port at that position.
3.   Hover the cursor over the second node and press a number from 1 to 9 to connect to the input port at that position.

Adding a Node Between Two Other Nodes

1.   Drag the node into the space between two already connected nodes.

When the cursor is over the connection, the connection becomes active (turns yellow).

2.   Release the node you are dragging.

It automatically wires itself into the network between the two nodes.