Painting Palette

The Painting palette and the controls that can be found on it are described in the table below. When controls also bring up additional dialogs, these are referenced for more information.

What It Does

The Painting palette displays information and controls for managing painting features.

Painting Palette Fields



What it does

Opens this dialog box


Painter > Filtering | Image


The image filtering to use when
copying textures using the clone tools (CloneStamp and PaintThrough). One of:

Nearest - preserves edge detail, but gives quite "blocky" textures.

Bilinear - gives good results, but can produce square artifacts at extreme zoom.

Bicubic - provides more rounded results, slightly blurrier but without the square artifacts.



Painter > SourceGrade | Enabled


Enables source image grading.

Used this to grade your source image when cloning from or painting through an image.



Painter > SourceGrade | Blackpoint

entry box, slider

Sets the blackpoint of the RGB values.


Blackpoint is the color value at which the input is
considered to be 100% black.

Painter > SourceGrade | Whitepoint

entry box, slider

Sets the whitepoint of the RGB values.


Whitepoint is the color value at which the input is considered to be 100% white.

Painter > SourceGrade | Lift

entry box, slider

Lifts the blackpoint, while keeping the
whitepoint the same.



Painter > SourceGrade | Gain

entry box, slider

Adjusts the whitepoint, while keeping the blackpoint the same



Painter > SourceGrade | Multiply

entry box, slider

Multiplies the value to lighten the texture while preserving the blackpoint.



Painter > SourceGrade | Offset

entry box, slider

Specifies a fixed value to add in order to lighten the texture.


Adding negative values essentially darkens the

Painter > SourceGrade | Gamma

entry box, slider

Adjusts the midtones, while keeping the
whitepoint and blackpoint the same.



Painter > SourceGrade | Rgb

entry box, slider

Changes the overall color saturation for all three color components of the source image. Moving this also moves the separate Red, Green, and Blue sliders.



Painter > SourceGrade | Red

entry box, slider

Changes the color saturation in the Red component of the source image.



Painter > SourceGrade | Green

entry box, slider

Changes the color saturation in the Green component of the source image.



Painter > SourceGrade | Blue

entry box, slider

Changes the color saturation in the Blue component of the source image.



Painter > SourceGrade | Contrast

entry box, slider

Changes the contrast of the source image.



Painter > SourceGrade |

entry box, slider

Changes the color saturation of the source image. Used in addition to the RGB sliders.



Painter > SourceGrade | Value

curve editor

Allows you to edit the color value curve for the source image.



PaintBuffer > PaintBuffer | ColorDepth


Color depth of the paint buffer. 8, 16, or 32-bit color.



PaintBuffer > PaintBuffer | BufferSize


Onscreen resolution of the paint
buffer. This controls the amount of detail you can use when painting, not the resolution of the patches in your project.



PaintBuffer > PaintBuffer | Clamp


If this is checked, Mari restricts the range of the image to values between 0 and 1.



PaintBuffer > Transform |

entry boxes

The amount that the buffer has been translated (moved onscreen) from the default.



PaintBuffer > Transform | Scale

entry boxes

The amount that the buffer has been scaled (resized) from the default.



PaintBuffer > Transform |

entry box, slider

The amount that the buffer has been rotated from the default.



PaintBuffer > Transform | Reset


Resets the paint buffer to the default values, removing any translations or distortions you have applied.



PaintBuffer > Transform | Resetonbake



Enabled - the paint buffer
automatically resets to default
settings every time you bake the paint.

Disabled - any changes you have made to the paint buffer stay until you manually click the Reset



Projection Settings > Masking |
Masking Disabled


Disables all masking,
regardless of channel, and overrides the Masking Enabled setting.


When enabled, a icon
displays in the status bar.

Projection Settings > Masking |
Mask Preview Color


What color to display the
masking on-screen.



Projection Settings > Masking | MaskPreviewEnabled


Shows the masking. Areas that are covered by the current defined mask(s) are shown colored. This includes all the masking currently in use – for example, if you have both the edge mask and depth mask turned on, Mari shows the effects of both


When enabled, a icon
displays in the status bar.

Projection Settings > Painting |


The blending mode used when the paint bakes down onto the channel surface. The default is Normal (paint in the buffer overwrites the surface), but Mari supports a number of other blending modes.



Projection Settings > Painting |

entry box, slider, reset

How opaque the paint is. This is a multiplier on the paint
buffer contents. At 1.0, the paint bakes down to the
surface with the same opacity as it is in the buffer. At 0.5, the paint applied to the surface is half as transparent as when it's in the buffer.



Projection Settings > Projection |


The image filtering to use when calculating how to apply the paint buffer onto the
surface. One of:

Nearest - preserves edge detail, but gives quite "blocky" textures.

Bilinear - gives good results, but can produce square
artifacts at extreme zoom.



Projection Settings > Projection |


One of:

Manual - you have to bake manually. After a bake, the paint stays in the paint
buffer until you manually clear it.

ClearOnly - you have to bake manually. After a bake, the paint buffer clears

AutoBakeAndClear - Mari bakes, and then clears the paint buffer, whenever you move the model.



Projection Settings > Projection |


One of:

Front - paint only applies to the front of the model, as it is visible in the current view.

Through - paint applies to all surfaces on the model under your brush, whether or not there is something in front of them.



Projection Settings > Projection |



All - you can paint on all areas on your model(s),
selected or not.

SelectedOnly - you can only paint on the currently
selected areas.



Projection Settings > EdgeMask


Whether the edge mask is turned on or not. If this is on, but MaskPreviewEnabled is off, the model is masked but you won't see the masking. That is, you can see the mask's effects, but not the mask itself.


When enabled, a icon
displays in the status bar.

Projection Settings > EdgeMask >
General | FalloffEnd

entry box, slider, reset

Controls where the edge mask ends on the model. The higher the value, the closer, more
forward facing the mask


Range: 0.00 to 1.00 Reset: 0.00

Projection Settings > EdgeMask >
General | FalloffStart

entry box, slider, reset

Controls where the edge mask starts on the model. The higher the value, the more
forward facing the masking starts. If this is higher than the FalloffEnd, areas facing the view are paintable, and areas oblique to the view are masked. If this is lower, facing areas are masked and oblique areas are paintable.


Range: 0.00 to 1.00 Reset: 0.00

Projection Settings > ChannelMask


Whether the channel mask is turned on or not. If this is on, but MaskPreviewEnabled is off, the model is masked but you won't see the masking. That is, you can see the mask's effects, but not the mask itself.


When enabled, a icon
displays in the status bar.

Projection Settings > ChannelMask > General | MaskChannel


Sets the channel holding the mask for the paint buffer. This mask sets the paintable area within the buffer.



Projection Settings > ChannelMask > General | MaskAmount

entry box, slider, reset

The amount that the mask affects the paint buffer. 1.0 means that the mask
absolutely controls where you can paint; the effects of the mask decrease as the value gets lower.



Projection Settings > ChannelMask > General | MaskContrast

entry box, slider, reset

The contrast applied to the
original channel to derive the mask. At 1.0, the mask comes directly from the original
channel. Lower values make the mask fuzzier than the input channel, higher values make it sharper than the input channel.



Projection Settings > ChannelMask > General | Mask Curve

curve editor, reset

Sets how the channel masking works.

The x axis is the color of the source pixel (black to the left, white to the right). The y axis is how paintable the target pixel is. By default, the curve runs from the bottom at the left up to the top at the right - so black pixels are totally masked, white pixels are totally
paintable, and there's a
constant curve between the two. Use this if you want to change which pixel values are masked.



Projection Settings > ChannelMask > General | Invert

check box

Whether to invert the input from the mask. If this is
selected, the mask data is black on white rather than white on black.



Projection Settings > Ambient
Occlusion Mask


Whether the ambient
occlusion mask is turned on or not. If this is on, but
PreviewEnabled is off, the model is masked but you won't see the masking. That is, you can see the mask's effects, but not the mask itself.

Before using this, you should calculate the ambient
occlusion for each object in the project (Objects menu, select AmbientOcclusion).


When ambient occlusion
masking is enabled, a icon displays in the status bar.

Projection Settings >
AmbientOcclusionMask > General | Mask Amount

entry box, slider, reset

The amount of ambient
occlusion masking to apply.



Projection Settings >
AmbientOcclusionMask > General |

entry box, slider, reset

The contrast applied to the ambient occlusion to derive the mask. At 1.0, the mask comes directly from the
calculated ambient occlusion. Lower values make the mask fuzzier than the ambient
occlusion, higher values make it sharper.



Projection Settings >
AmbientOcclusionMask > General |

curve editor, reset

Controls how the ambient occlusion pixel values relate to the degree of masking. The horizontal axis is the darkness of the occluded pixels (black to the left, white to the right), the vertical axis is the degree of
visibility. By default, this is a direct line, where white pixels are totally masked, black pixels are totally unmasked, and 50% gray is 50% masked.



Projection Settings >
AmbientOcclusionMask > General |


If this is selected, the mask data is black on white rather than white on black.



Projection Settings > DepthMask


Whether the depth mask is turned on or not.


When enabled, a icon
displays in the status bar.

Projection Settings > DepthMask > General | Start

entry box, slider, reset

The depth in the scene for the depth masking to start.



Projection Settings > DepthMask > General | End

entry box, slider, reset

The depth in the scene for the depth masking to finish.



Projection Settings > DepthMask > General | Falloff

entry box, slider, reset

How fast the depth masking applies. Lower values make the mask apply slowly, higher values make it apply more quickly.



Projection Settings > BackfaceMask


Whether the backface mask is turned on or not.


When enabled, a icon
displays in the status bar.

Projection Settings > Fractal Noise Mask


Whether the fractal noise mask is turned on or not.


When enabled, a icon
displays in the status bar.

Projection Settings > Fractal Noise Mask > General | Seed

entry box, slider, reset

Changes the pattern of the noise by moving the pattern through 3D space.



Projection Settings > Fractal Noise Mask > General | Contrast

entry box, slider, reset

Controls the level of contrast applied to the fractal noise
features to derive the mask.



Projection Settings > Fractal Noise Mask > General | Roughness

entry box, slider, reset

Determines the roughness of the fractal noise features.



Projection Settings > Fractal Noise Mask > General | Size

entry box, slider, reset

Determines the size of the fractal noise features.



Projection Settings > Fractal Noise Mask > General | Mask Amount

entry box, slider, reset

The amount that the mask affects the paint buffer. 1.0 means that the mask
absolutely controls where you can paint; the effects of the mask decrease as the value gets lower.



ProjectionSettings > Fractal Noise Mask > General | Mask Curve

curve editor, reset

Controls how the fractal noise relates to the degree of
masking, based on the above fields. This allows you to fine tune the contrast and pattern appearance of the fractal noise mask.



Projection Settings > Fractal Noise Mask > General | Invert


If this is selected, the mask data is black on white rather than white on black.