HSV Node

Access: Nodes > Filter > HSV

The HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) node is a filter node that adjusts the input data by letting you change the hue, saturation, and value of the colors that are fed into it.

HSV node's default settings

HSV node's Hue Shift decreased,
Value Scale increased

HSV node's Hue Shift decreased,
Saturation Scale
Value Scale increased

Note:  The HSV node is similar to the HUE filter. Unlike the HSV node the HUE filter is destructive. See Available Filters for more information.

HSV Node Inputs

Input - Any nodes containing textures or paint that need to be altered can be connected to the HSV node, for example, Tiled and Paint nodes.

HSV Node Properties

Hue Shift
floating point control

Changes the hue (or tint) of the colors. This moves the colors around the color wheel.

Saturation Scale
floating point control

Increases or decreases the depth of color of the hue.

Value Scale
floating point control

Increases or decreases the intensity of the hue.

HSV: Node Graph Workflow Example

In the example below, let’s use an HSV node to change the saturation of the texture.

1.   Create a Tiled node.

Adding a Tiled node to the scene.

2.   Create an HSV node. Connect the Tiled node to the Input input of the HSV node.

Adding an HSV node to the output of the Tiled node to adjust the saturation of the texture.

3.   Open the Node Properties (see HSV Node Properties) of the HSV node and change the value of the Saturation Scale.

Notice how the texture becomes more saturated as the Saturation Scale parameter is adjusted.

Changing the Saturation Scale value to adjust the saturation of the texture.

Related Nodes

Tiled node

Paint node

Triplanar Projection node