Tool Functions

A list of functions for managing plug-ins, imported custom content, and other tools can be found in the table below.


How to access it

What it does

Opens this dialog box


View installed plug-ins

Menubar | Tools >

Displays a list of installed plug-ins.


Drag the edge of the
dialog box, and column headings within, to
display full content.

Open the Shader Console

Menubar | Tools > Shader Console

Opens the Shader Console to allow you to see GLSL errors and source code information, as well as to reload XML filed and shaders. Shader Console  

Custom Brushes

Menubar | Tools > Import Brushes

Allows you to select the custom Photoshop brush file that you want to import into Mari

Import Brushes

Photoshop custom brush files must be in the .abr file format.