Mari 7.1v1 Release Notes
Release Date
9 December 2024
Previous Release
New Features
2D Painting Mode
With Mari 7.1v1 you can quickly send any image to a brand new 2D Painting Mode inside Mari itself. Paint custom decals and clone out imperfections with full access to Mari's powerful Paint Buffer, Node Graph, Layer Stack, and all of the functionality you've come to love without breaking your muscle memory.
- A new pane called 2D can be found next to the Orthographic view so that users can easily switch between 3D and 2D modes. By default, Mari projects now load with an empty image ready to be painted on.
- Any other image can be added to be modified through the Image Manager palette. Simply select an image, right-click > Send Image to 2D Paint, or use the new convenient icon at the bottom of the Image Manager. Alternatively, if you need a new empty image, you can right-click > Create New 2D Paint.
- In the Objects palette, there are now 2 different tabs for the Objects in 2D mode and 3D mode. Furthermore, artists can import and export their Node Graph to disk in 2D mode by right-clicking on a 2D object > Export/Import 2D Paint. This will export the image Node Graph to a new file format: .mrimg
- Image Write Node - Mari now has a new node type to be used in 2D mode. Similar to the Bake Point node, the Image Write node can be baked and it automatically exports an image to the Image Manager. This image will be linked, meaning that it will be updated on every rebake. For example, let’s say you have edited your image and exported it to the Image Manager using the Image Write node. In 3D mode, you can plug the image into some procedurals or projection nodes of your choice. If you decide that the image needs further editing later on, you can simply do the edits and rebake. This will automatically update the image used in all of your procedurals.
Smart Mask Shelf
Since Mari 4.6v1, artists have been able to create Custom Procedurals in our material system in order to create dynamic breakup masks and advanced material effects. To increase visibility, the decision has been made to rebrand Custom Procedurals as Smart Masks to help users visualise how they might want to use the procedural groups in their projects. All of the existing functionality of the Custom Procedural nodes remains the same and existing nodes will continue to work as expected.
In addition to this, a brand new group of over 50 Smart Masks and utilities has been added to the Shelf palette. As with Custom Procedurals, these new Smart Masks can be used in conjunction with Geo-Channels or baked maps from the Bakery in order to drive material looks such as Ambient Occlusion Dust, Crusty Dirt, Drips, Scratches and more. You can also use the 2D Placement group and other utility nodes to help debug and adjust your own creations further. Each Smart Mask has been designed by studio artist Stuart Ansley to be completely procedural and modular, meaning you can easily chop and change parts of the Smart Masks to create your own unique results.
Switch Node
For Node Graph users, we've introduced the long-awaited Switch node. The Switch node allows artists to create multiple variations of a texture, such as 'Clean' and 'Dirty', and be able to quickly change which upwards stream is used with a simple UI toggle that chooses which input should be actively compiled by the shader. This UI toggle can be promoted within a Material, Group or Smart Mask/Custom Procedural node for easy access.
Paint Node Creation Presets
In our endeavour to improve the general user experience of the Node Graph and remove excess clicks from the artist's day, we've made a small but impactful change to the Paint node. When creating a new Paint node, you will now be able to select from a batch of pre-selected swatches that are regularly used by artists; meaning you no longer have to open the Color Picker to choose mid-grey again. In addition to this, a new Shelf called Color Presets has been added to allow artists to add their own swatches to the Paint node creation list.
Grunge Shelf
A new Grunge shelf has been added to the Shelf palette, which comes loaded with high-quality grunge textures created by industry professionals. It includes:
- All of the textures used in the new Smart Masks collection, by Stuart Ansley
- The Grunge Textures for Mari pack released alongside Mari 7.0, by Johnny Fehr
The new shelf provides quick access to these textures for use as stencils, projections, and for creating your own Smart Masks and Materials.
Feature Enhancements
Automatic Project Backups
ID 568792 - Mari will now add the default suffix for project backup restoration if the suffix is not specified.
ID 568794 - During project load, Mari now attempts to repair any data blocks that are missing from the project sub-cache by recovering them from the project's backup location.
Please note that this only applies to projects that have a configured backup location and saved backups to recover from. -
ID 580058 - The Restore menu in the Projects tab now asks for a confirmation to help prevent accidental overwriting of project data.
Image Manager
ID 560644 - The Image Manager palette now has the ability to Package images which allows artists to save them out to a single directory.
ID 568808 - Two new actions have been implemented to aid Node/Image handling. These are:
- Node to Image Selection, which can be run on nodes to select any images in the Image Manager that have been loaded into the nodes.
- Image to Node Selection, which can be run on images in the Image Manager to select any nodes the images have been loaded into.
Additionally, Mari now maintains image selections across multiple Image Manager tabs.
The Python API for images has been extended, with the following Python API functions being added to the
functions also now take in an optional category parameter to return the subset belonging to the given category.
Installation and Licensing
ID 557776 - Mari Non-commercial is now blocked for all builds except release and release candidate phase builds.
ID 581146 - Mari Alpha and Beta pre-release builds are now time-limited for 90 days after their release.
ID 565178 - Mari's version of Curl has been updated to v8.5.0 and the version of OpenSSL to v3.0.13
Node Graph
ID 568804 - Mari now has the ability to swap node placements in the Node Graph. To replace the position of 2 nodes, hold down S while dragging and releasing a node over the desired one. The shortcut can be edited in the Shortcut Manager.
ID 568806 - Whole Backdrop Select mode has been introduced as part of our continued efforts to improve the experience of node interactions. This mode allows you to click anywhere within a Backdrop node to select it and any contained nodes instead of needing to click the titlebar of the Backdrop.
The default shortcut for Whole Backdrop Select mode is W - while holding the key, it is now possible to click and drag anywhere within Backdrops to reposition it, making reorganising large node networks while zoomed out far less fiddly! Shift and Ctrl modifiers can be used to add or remove from the current selection, respectively. Custom shortcuts including Shift or Ctrl modifiers will automatically be used for adding/subtracting from the selection.
ID 568818 - The Edge Sever mode for cutting node connections now automatically disables when the hotkey is released.
A new Select Backdrop Only action has been implemented to add a dedicated shortcut for selecting only a Backdrop node, without selecting its contents. Selecting a Backdrop while holding B will select the Backdrop but not any of its contained nodes. The shortcut can be customised in the Shortcut Manager.
As with the new Whole Backdrop Select action, Shift and Ctrl modifiers can be used to add or remove from the current selection, respectively. Custom shortcuts including Shift or Ctrl modifiers will automatically be used for adding/subtracting from the selection.
- ID 568801 - A new preference has been implemented for changing the internal Texture Manager Slot count, which can be found under Preferences > GPU > General > Texture Manager Slots.
If a scene has a large number of image based nodes/layers (such as Tiled or Triplanar), and the number of images causes a rendering failure, then increasing this number may help prevent errors. However, please note that increasing the texture slot number may also incur errors; therefore, it is recommended to leave this preference at the default value.
Project Data
ID 568791 - Mari now has a safe-guard against accidental project directory deletion as a consequence of editing the project's Summary.txt file.
ID 578497 - During project load, if Mari encounters a mismatch between an image's stored size and the actual data content size, additional information is now printed to the MariLog.txt including the image's stored and data content sizes and its UUID.
ID 578517 - Mari is now more tolerant against corruptions due to image size mismatches between stored image size and the actual data content size found during project load. The stored image size will now be adjusted based on the actual data content size. In these instances, a notification dialog will list errors that have been found while loading the project.
ID 560638 - Some of the Shelf palette's context menu items have been renamed such as:
Add New Shelf -> New
Load Shelf -> Import
Save Shelf -> Exportand some subsequent dialog texts:
Load Shelf -> Import Shelf
Save Shelf -> Export Shelf -
ID 560639 - Importing a shelf now creates a new shelf if no shelves are selected.
ID 560640 - The Shelf system now has a new menu item called Package Shelf. This allows artists to save shelf data while localizing the referenced resources to the same location for better portability.
ID 560643 - Shelf Items now carry thumbnails in their own data.
A new option Package Nodes is now available to the user, which exports nodes while localizing their resources for better portability.
The Import Material and Import Custom Procedural menu items have been removed in favor of Import Nodes.
ID 560651 - The Edit Script dialog in the Shelf now displays the script name in the title.
ID 583096 - The Shelf palette now allows the import and export of a new Shelf Item called Node Packages.
Similarly to Materials and Custom Procedurals, Node Packages bundle up the node network, along with any source images, into a single file. This provides easier portability of premade Node Graphs between artists by removing the need to re-import images that cannot be found at their original paths.
The Bakery
- ID 575150 - A new Sample Mode parameter is now available to the user in the Bakery for the Curvature recipe. The newly added Soft mode allows for a smoother blend between highly concave or convex areas.
- ID 568790 - The Export/Import dialogs no longer focus on the Cancel buttons in order to prevent accidentally cancelling the process.
Bug Fixes
API/SDK Changes
ID 500659 - Transformations set with
would revert to their previous transformation when the entities' transform handles were manipulated in the Canvas. To prevent this behavior,LocatorEntity.setTransform()
now reset entities' internally cached transformation driven by the transform handle in the Canvas.Additionally,
functions have been implemented to reset the entities' internally cached transformation driven by the transform handle in the Canvas. -
ID 522699 - The Python API
function incorrectly returned the most recently deleted Channel. -
ID 568783 - Under certain conditions, the Python API would not return the correct
object for the Node Graph palette. -
ID 568805 - The Python API did not raise an error when creating Paint or Bake Point nodes using the
function. The dedicatedcreatePaintNode()
functions should be used for creating these node types. -
ID 575949 - Removing Objects via the Python API would not remove their associated Selection Groups.
ID 576042 - When attempting to remove an object via the Python API, which has already been deleted in the UI, Mari was not correctly raising an error and instead crashed on exit.
ID 590335 - An Image Corruption warning was incorrectly displayed when importing nodes using the Python API
function and the destination Object had a different number of Patches compared to the source Object.
API/SDK Documentation
- ID 588672 -
The Custom Environment Cubemap API documentation was encouraging the use of an include file that no longer exists:Shaders/General/CubeRender.frag
The following include files should be used when writing a custom cubemap shader for Mari 7.0v1 onwards:Shaders/include/CubeRender_Main.glslh
Automatic Project Backups
ID 560619 - Selection Groups were not restored correctly from backups.
ID 568781 - The Automatic Project Backup system would incorrectly overwrite existing project without checking first if the backup project is usable.
If there is a point of failure when restoring a project from a backup, Mari would report it at the end which could lead to unnecessary waiting times.
Any of the created directories and files of the backup system were not properly removed which caused the project to store unnecessary data on disk.
ID 568793 - Occasionally, project restore would fail with a UUID collision, sub-cache directory already exists error.
Bake Points
ID 562902 - Baking a Bake Point immediately after switching to a new Object Version did not update all Patches.
ID 568802 - When Bake Point baking failed, Mari would incorrectly display the failed baked result.
Channel Presets
- ID 584440 - The Channel Presets dialog blocked creation of Channels that had been previously deleted from the current Project.
ID 560480 - .sp1d LUT files were not loading into the View Transform correctly.
ID 576090 - The sRGB2Linear node was producing incorrect results.
ID 584427 - Selecting the new default Paint Node Creation Preset swatches while the Scalar Data checkbox was enabled would select an incorrect fill color for the node.
Please note that selecting custom swatches from the Color Presets Shelf for scalar data still results in a fill color that does not match the displayed swatch color, as noted in the Known Issues section.
- ID 568815 - The OCIO was failing to find LUT files when the environment for the search path was changed.
Furthermore, the colorspace transform cache will now prompt the user when the 3D LUT texture fails to be resized and recover when it can.
- ID 578547 - The most recently deleted Channel was available in the Export Manager's Add Export Items menu.
Image Manager
ID 575953 - Mari would crash when dragging and dropping images from the Image Manager to the Node Graph if the image path contained non-ASCII characters.
ID 584273 - Extra Image Manager tabs were not being closed off when a project was closed and persisted to other projects.
Installation and Licensing
- ID 568832 - Installing a Mari Non-commercial license in Mari 7.0 blocked installation of the same license in later releases.
ID 576462 - The Example Project had Basic Lighting mode enabled by default, rather than Full.
Node Graph
ID 405148 - Duplicated or pasted Input and Output nodes inside a Group node were not correctly registered as Input and Output ports on the node.
Additionally, a new Python API exception has been added tomari.Node.setName()
which will raise an exception when naming an Input or Output node inside a Group node to share the same name as another Input or Output node within the Group. -
ID 551853 - Applying Patch Mirroring or Transformations to Paint nodes inside Groups would have no effect and raise an error.
ID 560621 - Importing Nodes in the Node Graph was not preserving their layout correctly.
ID 560625 - Imported or pasted nodes were automatically moved to the closest edge. This has been disabled in order to retain the original layout of the nodes.
ID 560633 - When upgrading existing nodes to a new version, Mari would display the output names incorrectly.
ID 560634 - When upgrading existing nodes to a new version, the input edge text would not be updated correctly.
ID 561401 - Certain Groups remained visually present in the Node Graph after being deleted or converted to Smart Masks.
ID 568817 - Paint nodes were not being copied between Objects with differing Patch counts or layouts correctly.
ID 582982 - Selecting multiple Paint nodes with a marquee selection caused a lag when the Paint nodes had different colorspace roles.
ID 584315 - Copying and pasting a Group node with attributes promoted through two Group levels resulted in the promoted attributes becoming incorrectly linked to each other.
ID 584566 - Repositioning nodes with opened node properties had slower performance compared to nodes without visible properties.
ID 586151 - Promoted knobs on Group nodes were intermittently becoming linked to attributes on other nodes during project load.
ID 587640 - Grouping a node selection created additional Input nodes for unconnected node inputs.
ID 589490 - Copying Input or Output nodes between Groups incremented the nodes' names unnecessarily.
- ID 123359 - It was possible to delete all Objects in a project by removing parent Locators.
ID 560626 - Mari would occasionally crash when merging multi-part geometry data.
ID 560627 - Importing Node Graphs containing a large number of Paint nodes was causing an incorrect texture display issue.
ID 560630 - Mari would occasionally not display textures correctly when upgrading an existing project to a new version.
ID 560645 - Nodes were incorrectly failing to upgrade to a new version.
ID 560646 - Unnecessary shelf thumbnail updates from disk were causing a startup slowdown.
ID 560648 - Running Python scripts many times could intermittently crash Mari.
ID 568803 - When working on a project with a Node Graph that exceeds the limits of the graphics card, Mari would display a graphical corruption in the viewport after a Bake Point has been baked.
ID 568809 - Mari would occasionally crash when deleting multiple nodes.
ID 568816 - An internal data handling issue was causing project data corruption.
ID 589704 - Opening projects from a previous Mari version containing Material nodes that had an unregistered Shader Model caused Mari to crash.
ID 563355 - The Post Process Command field in the Export Manager had no effect for Ptex exports.
Please note that post-process commands for Ptex exports are currently executed on the same thread as the export, so using post-process commands for Ptex exports may take longer than expected. -
ID 563583 - Using the Node Graph context menu's File > Export action on Channel nodes incorrectly spawned an empty dialog. Channel Export or the Export Manager should be used for exporting from Channels.
ID 582282 - Subdivided Ptex Objects created from .fbx or .abc files could not be painted on, and running the Bakery on these Objects caused Mari to crash.
Selection Groups
ID 568800 - When undoing the deletion of an Object Version of an Object that had an associated Selection Group, Mari would assign the Selection Group to any of the existing Object Versions even though it did not belong.
ID 573979 - Selecting a Selection Group shared by multiple Objects caused Mari to crash.
Session Scripts
- ID 543243 - Importing a Session after deleting Channels resulted in an error and import failure.
ID 560629 - Custom third-party nodes were triggering potential shader errors and redundant Convert Layers warning dialogs.
has been added to allow specific remapping of old node VersionUUID, inputs, outputs, and attributes to a new node for more flexible updating of existing nodes. -
ID 576661 - Defining and calling shader functions named after the MaterialX library functions caused a shader error.
ID 560622 - Occasionally, Shelf tree branch icons were not displaying correctly.
ID 560637 - The Shelf system would display warning dialogs in the terminal or execution modes, where no UI should appear.
ID 560649 - Dragging multiple images from the Image Manager to a Shelf would incorrectly result in only one image.
ID 560650 - Reassigning a new thumbnail to a Python Script Shelf Item was causing the image path in the Edit Script dialog to be missing.
ID 564457 - Python Script Shelf Items were not loading correctly if the script contained a line that ends with
. -
ID 575461 - Thumbnails and tooltip information were not being shown for Material or Smart Mask Shelf Items that were imported into the Project Shelf after the current project had been saved.
ID 589785 - Mari skipped loading Material thumbnails or metadata if either failed during import into the Shelf palette.
- ID 574530 - Using the Ctrl+N shortcut to create a new project caused temporary issues with further keyboard inputs.
The Bakery
- ID 565419 - The Bakery's confirmation window Don't show this message again state was remembered per-project instead of globally.
ID 578007 - When using the Grid Warp Tool on an area larger than the Paint Buffer, Mari would incorrectly warp the paint from the opposite side of the Paint Buffer.
ID 583503 - Rotating or scaling a Marquee Selection caused Mari to crash.
- ID 576787 - The Export Manager's Post Process Command field tool-tip had an incorrect description for the $EXT token.
ID 9566 - The Sorted by combobox was not initially displayed in the Projectors palette.
ID 560628 - The mouse cursor would appear hidden when message dialogs were displayed.
ID 568780 - When attempting to import a project from a path that does not exist, the progress bar would indefinitely be stuck in the Importing state.
ID 573557 - Subdivided geometries were not respecting the
attribute of their source USD file, and were generating inverted surface normals when theorientation
attribute was set toleftHanded
. -
ID 583692 - The USD Look Exporter now applies the
schema to nodes with material bindings.
Known Issues
2D Paint Mode
- ID 589611 - Rotating the Canvas in 2D Mode with Ctrl+R+LMB does not simultaneously rotate the Paint Buffer.
Automatic Project Backups
- ID 568794 / 590369 - The new Project Automatic Repair tool is currently not supported on Windows.
ID 582834 - Due to limitations of our current OCIO implementation, bright lighting may cause some painted values to appear over-exposed and banded in the viewport shader.
ID 589606 - Using the Tow Brush tool on Scalar Paint data produces an incorrect color for the towed paint.
ID 590190 - In Paint node, Bake Point node and Channel creation dialogs, selecting custom swatches from the Color Presets Shelf results in a fill color that does not match the displayed swatch color when the Scalar Data checkbox is ticked.
- ID 568026 - Applying Gaussian2D Filter to Selected Faces Of the Current Paint Target only blurs horizontally in the X-axis.
Image Manager
ID 568808 / 590368 - The new Node to Image Selection and Image to Node Selection actions do not currently have corresponding menu items within the Node Graph context menu.
ID 568808 / 590393 - Image to Node Selection only has an effect in the NODE_GRAPH shortcut context.
ID 568808 / 590391 - When multiple images have been loaded from the same path, Node to Image Selection will always select the most recently imported image.
Node Graph
- ID 568806 / 590365 - Moving Backdrop nodes without using the Whole Backdrop Select shortcut does not add records to the undo history.
ID 562492 - It is currently not possible to pan in the Node Graph with MMB or Alt+LMB while a node edge has been picked up by mouse cursor.
As a workaround, two alternative methods can be used for navigating the Node Graph while a node edge is attached to the cursor:- Panning with MMB or Alt+LMB is possible if the Pick Up Edge Under Mouse action is used to pick up the node edge, instead of LMB. The default shortcut for this action is the backtick ` key.
- While holding a node edge, moving the cursor towards the border of the Node Graph palette will automatically pan in that direction.
ID 568807 - A new menu item has been added to the Node Graph context menu, Assign Geo-Channel, for quick assignment of Geo-Channels to selected Geo-Channel nodes. However, this menu item is unfortunately not functioning correctly in this release.
- ID 568818 / 590367 - The Select Backdrop Only action shortcuts list contains extra shortcut combinations for the Meta key which are not relevant to the released build.
- ID 568801 / 590369 - Increasing the new Texture Manager Slots preference will currently have no effect until the project has been reloaded.
ID 540263 - Mari crashes on shutdown if
actions = widget.actions()
is used to add an Action to the Tools Toolbar. To workaround this, we have exposedToolBar.insertAction()
Roller Brush
- ID 524361 - Using the Roller Brush in conjunction with the Jittering Brush system set to Jitter per Tip, will create a gradient effect instead of using different colors for each tip that has been rolled.
VFX Reference Platform CY2023
Whilst Mari 7.1v1 remains on VFX Reference Platform CY2023, the following libraries have been updated:
Mari 7.0 | Mari 7.1 | |
Expat | 2.2 | 2.5 |
FBX | 2020.1.1 | 2020.3.4 |
libxml2 | 2.9.9 | 2.12.5 |
OpenCV | | 4.9.0 |
PTex | 2.4.1 | 2.4.2 |
Curl | 7.72.0 | 8.5.0 |
OpenSSL | 1.1.1m | 3.0.13 |
System Requirements
Note: Mari increases its level of performance with newer, more advanced hardware configurations. However, Mari is tested and capable of operating on many older, prior-generation systems. For this reason we are listing below-minimum requirements, which are recommended, and on which tests have been performed. Your particular needs may vary from that of other users.
Officially Supported Operating Systems
- Windows 10 and 11 64-bit
- Linux 64-bit operating system (Rocky/RHEL 9)
Note: Linux Desktop Managers
Mari is officially tested on GNOME. While it generally performs well on other desktop managers, most of our bug fixes will target this. We would be interested to know if there are any other preferred desktop managers to consider in the future so feel free to share your specifications with our Support Team at
Minimum Hardware Requirements
- Quad-core processor
- 10+GB disk space available for caching and temporary files
- At least 4GB RAM
- Display with 1680 x 1050 pixel resolution
- An NVIDIA or AMD* graphics card with the latest drivers
- 1GB of graphics memory
- OpenGL 3.2* or higher
*Displacement preview is currently only available on the cards and drivers that support OpenGL 4.0 or newer.
Recommended System Requirements
- 2.5+Ghz Quad-core processor
- 250+GB disk space available for caching and temporary files. SSD is preferable.
- 16GB RAM with additional virtual memory*
- Display with 1920 x 1080 pixel resolution
- An NVIDIA or AMD* graphics card with the latest drivers
- 2+GB of graphics memory
- OpenGL 4.4 or higher support
*The use of virtual memory improves stability and helps prevent data loss on large projects.
'Recommended' does not guarantee that it meets your particular needs.
Tested Hardware
The configurations listed below are those that Foundry have tested with Mari. Due to the constantly changing nature and wide variety of computer hardware available in the market, Foundry is unable to officially certify hardware. The list below can be used as a recommendation and does not guarantee that it meets your particular needs.
Please download and install the latest graphics driver from the NVIDIA or AMD websites, and ensure that you are using 8.982.1 drivers or higher for AMD cards.
If you encounter any issues, please contact Customer Support directly through the Support Portal at the following address:
Tested Workstation Hardware
HP | Dell | Lenovo |
HP XW6600 HP Z600 HP Z620 HP Z640 HP Z8 G4 Workstation |
Dell Precision 7820 | Lenovo P620 |
Tested GPU Hardware
Vendor | Tested GPUs |
AMD Prosumer Graphics Cards | Radeon Pro 560 Radeon Pro 5500M Radeon Pro W6700 Radeon Pro W6800 |
NVIDIA Prosumer Graphics Cards | NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1070 NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1080 NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1080 Ti NVIDIA Geforce RTX A2000 NVIDIA Geforce RTX A3000 Mobile NVIDIA Geforce RTX A4000 NVIDIA Geforce RTX 3080 NVIDIA Geforce RTX 3080 Ti Mobile NVIDIA Geforce RTX 3090 NVIDIA Geforce RTX 4090 |
NVIDIA Enterprise Graphics Cards | NVIDIA Quadro P2000 NVIDIA Quadro P3200 NVIDIA Quadro P4000 NVIDIA Quadro P5000 NVIDIA Quadro RTX 8000 |