Exporting a Ptex Channel or Layer

1.   To export a .ptx channel, select:

Channels > Export > Export Current Channel, or

right-click on a channel and select Export > Export Current Channel.

Note:  If you want to export more than the current channel, select Export > Export All Channels or Export > Export Everything from the Channels menu or right-click menu.

Alternatively, you can also export channels in a flattened format to save space when exporting. To export flattened channels, navigate to Export Flattened in the Channels menu or right-click to find the same three options for flattened channels.

2.   To export a .ptx layer, select layers and navigate to:

Layers > Export > Export Selected Layers, or

right-click on a layer and select Export > Export Selected Layers.

Note:  If you want to export more than the selected layers, select Export > Export All Layers from the Layers menu or right-click menu.

Alternatively, you can also export layers in a flattened format to save space when exporting. To export flattened layers, navigate to Export Flattened in the Layers menu or right-click to find the same two options for flattened layers.

The Export dialog displays.

3.   Enter the Ptex export path in the Path field or manually browse to the location.
4.   Set the Ptex File Template for Mari to use when generating the Ptex filename. You can edit this line manually. As you edit, the Example Path updates with an example .ptx filename. You can use any combination of the following variables (which Mari replaces with the appropriate values when it exports the files):

$ENTITY - exports a single .ptx file, where the object name is part of the filename.

$CHANNEL - exports a single .ptx file, where the channel name is part of the filename.

$GEO - exports multiple .ptx files, where the individual geometry names is part of the filename

$LAYER - exports multiple .ptx files, where the layer name is part of the filename.

$COLORSPACE - exports a single .ptx file, where the colorspace used is part of the filename.

Experiment:  Experiment with the different Ptex File Template variables, and see how the Example Path changes to show how Mari generates exported filenames.

5.   In the Ptex Options panel set whether Mari includes or excludes Face Mipmaps.
6.   In the Ptex Metadata panel set whether Mari includes or excludes the following information with the file when exporting:


User Attributes


7.   Set the Use Template For field to determine if the template above is used for Only this layer or Everything.
8.   For the Colorspace field, this is the colorspace to which the output values are converted. Automatic is determined by the file name, size, and type of data in file.
9.   Click Export.

Mari exports your textures to disk in .ptx format.

Note:   As the options above only export channels one dialog at a time, to export multiple channels at once, see Export Manager Dialog.