Exporting a Flattened USD Preview of Your Asset's Look

The USD Export feature enables you to generate flattened preview looks from a USD Preview Surface, Arnold Standard Surface, PxrSurface or Principled BRDF Shader in Mari, so that they may be used in other programs that support the USD format, such as Katana.

Note:  The USD Export tab has changed between Mari 5.0 and Mari 6.0, and the legacy USD Export has been hidden for the updated USD Look Exporter. The legacy tab can still be accessed by using the environment variable MARI_USD_LEGACY_EXPORT_TAB. For more information on environment variables in Mari, see Environment Variables That Mari Recognizes.

The USD Look Export tab as it appears in the Export Manager.

USD Export Types

The USD export options for Mari are as follows:

Note:  To export USD Assembly files, you must specify an associated USD payload file.

Exporting USD Preview Looks

To export a USD Preview Surface in Mari: