Channel Modifiers

Channel Modifiers provide you with different ways to procedurally control elements by overriding or modifying channel values as they are fed into other nodes in a schematic graph. Channel Modifiers adjust raw channel values in various ways and can be added to a scene in the Modifiers toolbox sub-tab of the Setup interface layout. You can also use the Add button in the Schematic view.

Click any link below to view a particular topic. You can find additional Channel Modifiers specific to shading in the Shading Nodes topic.


Sphere Icon Channel Noise

Sphere Icon Channel Oscillator

Sphere Icon Channel Relationship

Sphere Icon Channel Sound

Sphere Icon Channel Waveform


Sphere Icon Logic


Sphere Icon Mesh Info Modifier


Cylinder Icon Basic Math

Cylinder Icon Math Multiple

Ellipsoid Icon Math

Ellipsoid Icon Trigonometry


Cube Icon Matrix Blend

Cube Icon Matrix Compose

Cube Icon Matrix Construct

Cube Icon Matrix Euler

Cube Icon Matrix Invert

Cube Icon Matrix Transpose

Cube Icon Matrix Vector

Cube Icon Matrix Vector Multiply


Sphere Icon Measure Angle

Sphere Icon Measure Distance

Sphere Icon Measure Speed

Sphere Icon Measure Velocity


Sphere Icon Particle Constraint:Position

Sphere Icon Particle Constraint:Rotation


Sphere Icon Curve Probe

Sphere Icon Falloff Probe


Sphere Icon Quaternion Conjugate

Sphere Icon Quaternion From Axis-Angle

Sphere Icon Quaternion From Euler

Sphere Icon Quaternion From Matrix

Sphere Icon Quaternion Get Value

Sphere Icon Quaternion Math

Sphere Icon Quaternion Normalize

Sphere Icon Quaternion Set Value

Sphere Icon Quaternion Slerp

Sphere Icon Quaternion To Axis-Angle

Sphere Icon Quaternion To Euler

Sphere Icon Quaternion To Matrix

Sphere Icon Quaternion Vector Multiply


Sphere Icon ADSR Envelope

Sphere Icon Simulation Flow-Through

Sphere Icon Simulation Modifiers

Sphere Icon Simulation Latch


Sphere Icon Encode String

Sphere Icon String Compose

Sphere Icon String Constant

Sphere Icon String Find and Replace

Sphere Icon String Switch


Sphere Icon Cycler

Sphere Icon Time

Sphere Icon Time Offset

Sphere Icon Time Warp


Cylinder Icon Vector

Cylinder Icon Vec. Magnitude

Cylinder Icon Vector Maths

Cylinder Icon Vector Orthogonalize

Cylinder Icon Vector Reflection

Cylinder Icon Vector Multiply by Scalar


Tube Icon Clamp

Ellipsoid Icon Dual Joint Planar IK

Tube Icon Dynamic Parent

Tube Icon Expression

Tube Icon Generate ID

Tube Icon Linear Blend

Tube Icon Random

Tube Icon Randomize ID

Tube Icon Revolve

Tube Icon Simple Kinematics

Tube Icon Smooth

Tube Icon Switch