Creating Geometry

Modo offers a variety of different tools for quickly generating geometry. Primitive items, such as spheres and cubes, are a good way to build basic forms, which can then be edited, added to, modified, and otherwise molded into the form you want, using any of the deform or mesh editing tools. Drawn curves are useful for creating wireframe skeletons of a form, where patches are then used to define the final surface. Functions, such as Solid Sketch, allow you to explore forms more readily without needing to manipulate specific geometry.


Cube Icon


The Box primitive provides a simple method for creating boxes or cubes.

Sphere Icon


The Sphere primitive provides a simple method for creating sphere or balls.

Cone Icon


The Cone primitive provides a simple method for creating conical shapes.

Cylinder Icon


The Cylinder primitive provides a simple method for creating cylinders or tubes.

Capsule Icon


The Capsule primitive provides a simple method for creating capsules or rounded-edge tubes.

Torus Icon


The Torus primitive provides a simple method for creating toroids or "doughnuts".

Ellipsoid Icon


The Ellipsoid primitive provides a simple method for creating ellipses or "pills".

Tube Icon


The Tube primitive provides a simple method for creating spline curve-based tubes.

Teapot Icon


The Teapot primitive provides a simple method for creating a teapot.



Pen Icon


The Pen tool allows you to create geometry vertex by vertex. You can use the Pen tool to create polygons, lines, vertices, spline patches, or subdivision surface polygons.

Curve Icon


The Curve tool allows you to create a spline curve. This is a hermite curve type and can be very useful for creating modeling guides, quickly roughing out a shape, or setting up an outline for lofting with the extrude, lathe, or other multiply tools.

Bezier Icon


The Bezier tool allows you to create a type of curve defined by off-curve control handles.


The B-Spline tool allows you to draw B-spline curves, which are spline curves defined by at least four vertices and a weight map.

Sketch Icon


The Sketch tool allows you to quickly create a curve by drawing in the 3D view.

Curve Icon


The Arc tool allows you to make closed segments of a disc (like the shape of a pie wedge, or a pie with a piece missing).




The Circle tool allows you to create a circle using a Bezier or Hermite spline curve.


The Star tool allows you to create a star shape using a Bezier curve or a polyline.


The N-Sided tool allows you to create a regular polygon with a give number of sides. it can be drawn using a Bezier curve or a polyline.


The Rectangle tool allows you to create a rectangle or square, using a Bezier curve or a polyline.


The Ellipse tool allows you to create an ellipse using a Bezier or Hermite spline curve.


The Diamond tool allows you to create a diamond shape using a Bezier curve or a polyline.



Solid Sketch Icon

Solid Sketch

The Solid Sketch tool provides a quick method for roughing out organic shapes - building up basic geometry.

Text Tool Icon


The Text tool simplifies the process of creating 3D text using system fonts.

Vertex Tool Icon


The Vertex tool provides a method for quickly plotting points in 3D space.

Vertex Tool Icon

Make Polygon

The Make Polygon tool uses the currently-selected vertices to create a polygon.

Patch Tool Icon

Patch Curves

The Patch Curves tool generates a smooth surface from three or four curves that define the contour edges of the surfaces.


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