Edit Commands - Cut/Copy/Paste
The Cut, Copy, and Paste commands work together to move geometry from one layer or scene to another or to duplicate geometry within the same layer. These commands work by holding the cut or copied geometry in an internal Modo-specific buffer called the Clipboard. The Cut and Copy commands place data into the Clipboard, and the Paste command pulls it out and places it in the active layer.
The Cut and Copy commands take the current selection (determined by the current selection mode) and move it to the Clipboard until you exit Modo or you perform another Cut or Copy operation and overwrite the contents of the Clipboard. (There is only one Clipboard that Modo uses.) The Paste operation places the contents of the Clipboard into the current mesh layer regardless of the selection mode. For example, if you cut selected vertices to the Clipboard, Modo doesn't magically convert them to polygons if you paste them into a layer while in Polygons mode.
Note: Although if you select edges, cut or copy them, and then paste them, Modo pastes the edges as a string of polylines (two-point polygons) and not true edges. (Edges cannot exist by themselves without a polygon.) You can select these polylines in both Edges and Polygons modes.
To move geometry from multiple layers into a single layer:
1. | In the Item List, press Ctrl as you select multiple Mesh Item layers by clicking each layer's name. |
2. | In the 3D viewport, paint around or marquee select the target geometry. |
3. | Choose Edit > Cut or press Ctrl+X (or Cmd+X) on the keyboard to cut the selection. The selected geometry moves from the scene into the Clipboard. |
4. | To place this data into another layer or scene, select the target Mesh Item layer in the appropriate scene and choose Edit > Paste or press Ctrl+V (or Cmd+V). If you retain the original selection of item layers, Modo inserts all geometry into the topmost selected layer. |
To duplicate geometry in the same layer:
1. | In the 3D viewport, select the component elements to duplicate with either the paint or marquee selection tool. |
2. | Choose Edit > Copy or press press Ctrl+C (or Cmd+C) on the keyboard to copy the selection into the Clipboard. |
3. | Activate one of the transform tools (the Move, Rotate, or Scale tool) and transform the original selection as needed. (You can also press the W, E, or R key respectively on the keyboard.) |
4. | Choose Edit > Paste or press Ctrl+V (or Cmd+V) to paste the selection back into its initial position or orientation. |
5. | Repeat steps 2-4 to make subsequent duplicates. |