You are here: Rigging and Animation > Deformers Overview > Deformer Falloffs

Deformer Falloffs

Falloffs serve a variety of functions related to deforming items and meshes. You apply falloffs to the target based on their intended function.

You can use falloffs to attenuate the effects of deformers on a mesh (much like modeling falloffs do for tools). You can use them as deformers to define an area of influence that then modulates the surface based on the falloff's shape and size. Additionally, you can use them to limit how global forces act upon dynamic items in a dynamic simulation to influence particle simulations.

Click any link below to view the topic for a specific falloff.


Cube Icon Capsule Falloff

Capsule Icon Linear Falloff

Sphere Icon Radial Falloff

Sphere Icon Spline Falloff

Sphere Icon Bezier Falloff


Bezier Falloff

Capsule Falloff

Linear Falloff

Radial Falloff

Spline Falloff