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Duplicating Geometry

Often, it's the details that make objects compelling, and Modo's toolbox helps you focus on details when needed. By providing a variety of cloning and array tools, Modo makes it easy for you to produce multitudes of seemingly complex forms from basic geometry. With the Radial Sweep and Bridge tools you can extend and shape a surface very quickly. Extrusions provide a diverse set of options for generating and extending existing geometry, and therefore, you can take something simple and make it complex. For information on using a specific tool, click a link below to see that tool's topic.

Duplicate Geometry

Cube Icon Radial Sweep

Torus Icon Curve Extrude

Sphere Icon Sketch Extrude

Torus Icon Bezier Extrude

Torus Icon Pen Extrude

Ellipsoid Icon Curve Clone

Ellipsoid Icon Bezier Clone

Ellipsoid Icon Pen Clone

Tube Icon Scatter Clone

Teapot Icon Clone

Pen Icon Array

Sketch Icon Radial Array

Cone Icon Mirror

Bezier Icon Mesh Paint

Cylinder Icon Bridge

Curve Icon Paste Tool

Curve Icon Duplicate Commands


Radial Sweep

Sketch Extrude



Curve Extrude

Bezier Extrude

Pen Extrude

Curve Clone

Bezier Clone

Pen Clone

Scatter Clone



Radial Array

Mesh Paint

Paste Tool

Duplicate Commands