Converting Replicas From Instances

You can also create replicas from instances from within the Mesh Item window. A replica differs from an instance in that they duplicate your mesh item instead of referencing it. This means that they can create heavier scenes, but are able to be edited independently of the source of your instanced mesh.

Note:  For more information on Instances in Modo, see Instances.

Converting Instances

To convert your instances:

  1. Right-click the Instance you wish to convert to a Replica, and navigate to the Replicator option in the list.
  2. Click Instance to Replicator.
  3. The Instance to Replicator window opens.

    There are two options for Replicas in the Instance to Replicator window:

    Create Item Map


    Convert Selected Instances

    Create Item Map allows you to create a single replicator that holds multiple mesh items within an item map instead of creating a replicator per instance, while Convert Selected Instances converts selected instances into a replicator but does not group them into an item map, allowing you to control replicators independently of each other.

    If neither option is enabled before pressing OK the conversion produces a Mesh Point Cloud and a Mesh Replicator.

  4. Select what type of conversion you want to be applied to your instance, and press OK.

Your Mesh items are now converted to replicas.