Extending Existing Camera Tracks

CameraTracker allows you to extend an existing set of tracking data by adding new frames, such as when more frames become available from a shoot.

Note:  You can update tracking data as often as you like before solving, but once you've solved the camera position, updating tracking data should only be used to add a relatively small number of frames. See Updating Solves with Extended Tracking Data for more information.

To add new frames to your tracking data:

1.   Read the new frames into Nuke using the Read node's frame range controls.
2.   Open the CameraTracker properties panel and click Update Track.

A dialog displays allowing you to set the frame range to update.

3.   Set the required frame range and click OK.

CameraTracker tracks the specified range and combines the tracking data with the existing tracks.

For example, if your original AutoTracks > num tracks curve appeared as shown on the left, the image on the right represents the new tracking data after the update is complete.

Original frame range track data. Updated track including the extended frame range.

Tip:  If the transition between the ranges seems abrupt, you can retrack the frames around the join using the method described in Retracking Partial Frame Ranges.

4.   Proceed to Solving the Camera Position.