Updating Solves with Extended Tracking Data
CameraTracker allows you to add more frames to an existing camera solve using updated tracking data. It is usually not possible to extend the range very far (about 10-15% of the original range), because the existing solve locks the 3D points in place, so matching new 2D tracking data to 3D points can produce high tracking errors, which CameraTracker rejects.
For example, if you've calculated a solve from frames 1-10, the 3D point for a given track is based on the data from only those frames. Updating that track by extending it to frame 20 attempts to fit the 2D point from frames 11-20 to the calculated 3D point. This generally doesn't produce a good fit, and the solve error for the extended range is increased.
To update a solve with updated tracking data:
1. | Track the additional frames as described in Extending Existing Camera Tracks. |
If there are a lot of rejected tracks, highlighted in red, try using fewer frames in the tracking update.
2. | Click Update Solve to calculate the new tracking data. |
If there are a lot of rejected tracks, you may find it easier to retrack the entire range and solve the camera position from the new, complete data. Re-solving from scratch uses all of the parallax information over all frames (rather than the initially solved frames), and so you often get a lower overall solve error.