Other Nodes
Other nodes contain additional nodes for script and Viewer management.
Tests the validity of Tcl expressions.
Reads in audio files for display in the Curve Editor.
Groups nodes in the Node Graph with a colored background.
Runs a Blink kernel over every pixel in the output.
Adds text to certain areas of the footage.
Caches scanlines from its input to disk.
Bends connecting arrows between nodes for clarity.
Nests multiple nodes inside a single node.
Adds an input arrow to a Group node.
Allows multiple artists to work collaboratively on the same shot.
Adds an input arrow that can reference external scripts.
Passes the input image through unchanged.
Adds an output arrow to a Group node.
Displays a thumbnail of the output at any frame.
Stores a script in an independent .nk file.
Contains project settings and is not displayed in the Node Graph.
Adds notes to the Node Graph.
Displays gizmos and updates the node list.