Particles Nodes
Particles nodes (NukeX and Nuke Studio only) deal with Nuke's built-in particle system, often used for creating effects like fog, smoke, rain, snow, and explosions.
Creates particle systems using BlinkScript.
Bounces particles off a 3D shape instead of traveling through it.
Saves the geometry simulation for a particle system to disk.
Applies a curve to particles to change them over time.
Applies a directional force to your particles.
Applies drag on particles to alter their velocity over time.
Emits the particles that other Particle nodes affect.
Adjusts particles by setting expressions on their attributes.
Applies gravity to your particles.
Extracts particle data from particles attached to the node's input.
Sets a 3D point that particles are "looking" toward.
Combines multiple particle systems into one stream.
Aligns all particles along their direction of motion.
Attracts or repels particles to or from a point in 3D space.
Sets how many steps of particle simulation occur per frame.
Emits particles from existing particles.
Restricts particles to a specified speed.
Controls particles in a simulation by channel.
Applies noise to particle movement.
Applies force to particles to attract them to an imaginary line.
Simulates wind blowing on particles.
Example Nuke Scripts
Using particles to simulate fireworks
Using particles to simulate smoke
Using particles to simulate an electricity ball
Using particles to simulate a blue light trail