Some of the algorithms in the FurnaceCore tool set are sensitive to the color space of the source footage. If the footage is not in the expected color space, you may get poor results from some of the plug-ins.
FurnaceCore on NukeX expects all footage to be in Linear space.
NukeX converts all footage to Linear upon import, so unless you have changed the color space in your Read nodes (or in the node tree by using a Colorspace node before a FurnaceCore plug-in), your footage should be Linear by the time it reaches the plug-in anyway.
Plug-ins most sensitive to color space are:
• F_MatchGrade
• F_ReGrain
If you know the input to one of these color-space sensitive plug-ins isn’t Linear, you should use a Colorspace node before and after the plug-in to convert to and from Linear for processing. This should ensure optimal results.
Because color space transformations can distort the look of grain, and by default, NukeX converts your footage to linear, if you are sampling grain from your own plate, you need to make sure you tell the plug-in what space the plate was in originally, so the sample isn’t distorted.
This is accomplished by setting the Grain Colour Space dropdown menu in the F_ReGrain controls to the right space. For example, if you were sampling grain from a film scan, you would want to set this to Cineon. If you had footage from a digital video camera, this would most likely be sRGB. F_ReGrain automatically sets the right color space when using one of the pre-sampled grain clips, which are in sRGB.
F_ReGrain also works best when applying grain in the same color space that the sampled grain originally existed. There is a dropdown menu in the Response section of the F_ReGrain controls which allows you to match or override this. It defaults to applying the grain in the same space as the sample.