To bookmark the pan and zoom level:
1. | Pan and/or zoom the script as necessary. |
2. | To save the current pan and zoom level, navigate to Edit > Bookmark > Save Location 1 (or press Ctrl/Cmd+F7). |
You can save three more locations in a similar manner, using Save Location 2, Save Location 3, and Save Location 4 (or by pressing Ctrl/Cmd+F8/F9/F10).
The saves are temporary and not saved to the script.
3. | To restore a saved location later, select Edit > Bookmark > Restore Location1, Restore Location 2, Restore Location 3, or Restore Location 4 (or press Shift+F7/F8/F9/F10). |
Note that restoring a saved location doesn’t work across different Node Graphs - you can’t save a location in one Node Graph and then restore it in another.