You are here: Getting Started > Using the Interface > Working with Nodes > Creating Node Tool Sets

Creating Node Tool Sets

If you find yourself creating the same set of nodes repeatedly, you might want to make that set of nodes into a tool set in the Nuke toolbar. A tool set is any set of nodes you want to easily create by selecting it in the ToolSets menu, rather than creating each node separately. Like Gizmos, tool sets can be shared between artists if they are using a centralized .nuke folder. This needs to be accessed through a NUKE_PATH environment variable that you can set up (for more information on environment variables, see the Configuring Nuke chapter in the Nuke User Guide). To create a tool set do the following:

1.   In the Node Graph, select any number of nodes (or just one node). The nodes don’t have to be connected to each other.
2.   Click (ToolSets) on the toolbar and select Create. You can also right-click on the Node Graph and select ToolSets > Create. The Create ToolSet dialog appears. You can also access your tool sets by pressing Tab and searching for them in the search field.
3.   In the ToolSets menu dropdown, select the menu where you’d like to place your new tool set. Then give it a name in the Menu item field and click Create.

By default, your new tool set goes under the Toolsets menu, but if you’d like to create a subfolder for the tool set, you can do that by specifying the folder name before the tool set name, separated by a forward slash, in the Menu item field. For example, entering Roto/BasicRoto would create a subfolder called Roto in the Toolsets menu, and place a new tool set by the name of BasicRoto in it.

There are some tool sets for creating particles, for instance, that are readily built in to Nuke. These can also be found in the ToolSets menu. To prevent confusion between built-in tool sets and tool sets that you’ve created, if you happen to create a tool set folder with the same name as a built-in one, Nuke adds [user] in front of the folder name for clarity.

4.   To delete a tool set you’ve created, you can click ToolSets > Delete in the toolbar and select the tool set you want to remove.