You are here: Reference Guide > Merge Nodes > MergeExpression


Allows you to merge two images using TCL expressions. The syntax is the same as for the Color > Math > Expression node, except that you need to precede channel references with either A or B to indicate the input. For example, to reference the red, green, blue, and alpha channels of input A, you should use Ar, Ag, Ab, and Aa. Similarly, to reference these channels in input B, use Br, Bg, Bb, and Ba.

To reference pixels in other layers, use, for example Bmatte.garbage. If you don’t specify a layer, Nuke assumes the channel is in the current layer, for example Bgarbage.

For more information on the syntax for TCL expressions, see the Expressions chapter in the Nuke User Guide or select Help > Documentation > Knob Math Expressions in Nuke.

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