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Fine Tuning

When the Fine Tuning Sliders operational mode is selected, the color of the sampled pixel within the Viewer window is registered as a reference color for fine tuning. It is displayed in the current color chip in the Actions section. To perform the tuning operation, sample a color region on the image, select a Fine Tuning slider and move the slider to achieve the desired effect. See the Fine Tuning Sliders tool descriptions further on in this section for more details on slider selection.

Spill or L-poly slider (Spill Removal)

When in the Fine Tuning operation mode, this Spill slider can be used to remove spill from the registered color region. After selecting the Fine Tuning Actions mode and registering a color region, this slider can be moved to remove spill from the registered color region. The more to the right the slider moves, the more spill is removed. The more to the left the slider moves, the closer the color component of the selected region is to the color in the original foreground image. If moving the slider all the way to the right does not remove all the spill, re-sample the color region and again move the slider to the right. These slider operations are additive. This result achieved by moving the slider to the right can also be achieved by clicking on the color region using the Spill(-) operational mode. This slider bulges the Primatte large polyhedron near the registered color region.

Transparency or M-poly slider (Adjust Transparency)

When in the Fine Tuning operation mode, this Transparency slider can be used to make the matte more translucent in the registered color region. After selecting the Fine Tuning operation mode and selected a color region, moving this slider to the right makes the registered color region more transparent. Moving the slider to the left makes the matte more opaque. If moving the slider all the way to the right does not make the color region translucent enough, re-sample the color region and again move the slider to the right. These slider operations are additive. This result achieved by moving the slider to the right can also be achieved by clicking on the color region using the Matte(-) operational mode. This slider bulges the Primatte medium polyhedron near the registered color region.

Detail or S-poly slider (Add/Restore Lost Detail)

When in the Fine Tuning operation mode, this Detail slider can be used to restore lost detail. After selecting the Fine Tuning operation mode and selected a color region, moving this slider to the right makes the registered color region more visible. Moving the slider to the left makes the color region less visible. If moving the slider all the way to the right does not make the color region visible enough, re-sample the color region and again move the slider to the left. These slider operations are additive. This result achieved by moving the slider to the left can also be achieved by clicking on the color region using the Detail(-) operational mode. This shrinks the small polyhedron (which contains all the blue or green background colors) and releases pixels that were close to the background color. The S-poly slider in the Fine Tuning mode is useful for restoring pixels that were lost because they were so similar to the background color. This slider dents the Primatte small polyhedron near the registered color region.