You are here: User Guide > Nuke > Tracking and Stabilizing > Positioning Track Anchors

Positioning Track Anchors

Each track anchor consists of a pattern and search area:

Pattern - the target pixels tracked across multiple frames. This pattern should be as distinct as possible from the surrounding frame and remain visible throughout the majority of the sequence.

Search - the area of the current frame in which the pattern is likely to be found in the next frame. Large search areas can affect performance.

1.   Drag the crosshair in the center of the anchor over the pattern to be tracked or manually adjust the track_x and track_y fields in the Tracks list.

In the example, the corner of a building is directly under the crosshair.

NOTE:  You can enable Settings > snap to markers to assist you when placing anchors.

NOTE:  Whether you select blobs or corners, a guide displays in the Viewer as you drag the anchor, highlighting likely patterns.

Release the mouse to snap the anchor to the marker.

2.   Adjust the pattern and search areas as required using the following methods:

Click and drag the boundaries to adjust on a single axis. For example, dragging a vertical boundary adjusts the area on the x axis.

Click and drag the corners of the boundaries to adjust on both axes. Hold Shift, click and drag to scale the area.

NOTE:  Hold Cmd/Ctrl to adjust boundaries asymmetrically, that is, irrespective of the anchor position.

3.   Reset the pattern and search areas by clicking in the Viewer tools.