Connecting Denoise

1.   Create a Denoise node by clicking Filter > Denoise.
2.   Connect the Denoise node’s Source input to the image you want to denoise.
3.   If you’re working with complex footage that doesn’t have a convenient area for analyzing noise (a flat area free from image detail, edges, and luminance variations), you can attach an optional noise clip to the Noise input. When a Noise clip is supplied, the noise is analyzed in this clip, rather than the Source clip. The Noise clip should have similar noise characteristics to the Source clip.
4.   You can attach pre-calculated motion vectors to the Motion input. You can generate motion vectors using VectorGenerator, NukeX's SmartVector, or an external vector generator. See VectorGenerator or SmartVector for more information.

Denoise can generate motion vectors internally, but connecting this input may produce significantly faster results.

5.   Attach a Viewer to either the Source or Noise clip, depending on which you want to use for the analysis.
6.   Proceed to Analyzing and Removing Noise.