The GeoDrawMode node sets the draw mode for objects with a Kind assigned, allowing you to display complicated geometry in a simplified form, such as a bounding box or crossed cards, to load scenes faster. It's also good practice to follow the conventions on the use of Kind to create properly-constructed USD stages if you intend to export the scene for use in your pipeline.
Note: Draw mode only works on objects that have their Kind set. Objects with no Kind assigned are unaffected.
Inputs and Controls
Connection Type |
Connection Name |
Function |
Input |
unnamed |
The previous stage in the scene you want to affect. |
Control (UI) |
Knob (Scripting) |
Default Value |
Function |
GeoDrawMode |
Mask |
mask_patterns |
All roots |
Specifies the mask pattern to match the prim names to affect. The default mask, All roots, defaults to select the top most level Xforms in your scene graph. You can use standard glob-style variables, such as /*, to create masks or use individual prim names separated by spaces. For example, /GeoCube 1 /GeoCard3 applies the effect to only those prims. All roots - select the top level Xform(s) in your scene. Last modified - selects whatever the last node modified was. All Cameras - selects all Cameras in your scene graph. All Lights - select all lights in your scene graph. All Meshes - selects all meshes in your scene graph. Custom - sets a custom selection of prims that exist in your scene graph. Tip: You can also use the cog menu, the Viewer picker, or drag and drop paths from the Scene Graph to create masks. |
Apply Draw Mode |
apply_draw_mode |
on |
When enabled, any prims with a Kind set are drawn using the selected Draw Mode. Any prims with no Kind set are drawn as normal. When disabled, all prims are drawn as normal. |
Draw Color |
draw_mode_color |
1, 0, 0 |
Sets the draw color of the replacement proxy prims. |
Draw Mode |
draw_mode |
Default |
When Apply Draw Mode is enabled, the specified prims are affected by the mode selected: • Origin - the prims are replaced by a proxy origin indicator drawn in the selected Draw Color. • Bounds - the prims are replaced by a proxy bounding box indicator drawn in the selected Draw Color. • Cards - the prims are replaced by proxy cards drawn in the selected Draw Color. The appearance of the cards is determined by the Card Geometry and Texture XYZ controls. • Default - the prims are drawn as normal, regardless of what Kind attribute they have set. • Inherited - the prims inherit their Draw Mode from their parent prim. |
Card Geometry |
card_geometry |
Cross |
When Draw Mode is set to Card, determines how the proxy cards are drawn: • Cross - two proxy cards replace the specified prims along the XYZ axes. • Box - six proxy cards replace the specified prims a box shape. |
Texture XYZ |
card_texture_X_neg |
none |
Specifies files on disk as textures applied to the proxy cards and sets the texture's orientation on the card's XYZ axes. Note: The Texture controls are only available when Draw Mode is set to Card. |
card_texture_X_pos |
none |
card_texture_Y_neg |
none |
card_texture_Y_pos |
none |
card_texture_Z_neg |
none |
card_texture_Z_pos |
none |