
The GeoScopePrim node creates a single Scope object, which can be used for grouping objects together to organize the scene graph.

Inputs and Controls

Connection Type

Connection Name




The file containing the material you want to apply to the object.

Control (UI)

Knob (Scripting)

Default Value






The root path of the new object. Path defaults a prim path variable {nodename} which is equal to the node name, such as GeoScopePrim1 or GeoScopePrim5.

Create Missing Parents



Sets the type of prim to create if there are missing ancestors in the path.

Primitive Attributes




Sets the Kind associated with this object. Nuke only uses Kinds with the GeoDrawMode node, which allows you to display complicated geometry in a simplified form, such as a bounding box or crossed cards, to load scenes faster. It's also good practice to follow the conventions on the use of Kind to create properly-constructed USD stages if you intend to export the scene for use in your pipeline. The model option is valid, but should not be used in most cases:

model - the root prim in the scene, which is a superclass of group and component.

assembly - used to denote an important group in the scene.

group - a container for other kinds.

component - a leaf kind, which cannot contain other kinds apart from subcomponents.

subcomponent - a special leaf kind for use in components.




Sets the object’s purpose, which can be used to control how a scene is rendered:

default - the object has no particular purpose and is rendered by default.

render - the object is the full resolution version for use when rendering the scene.

proxy - the object is a proxy version used for test purposes, which can be a lower resolution to decrease render times.

guide - the object is not rendered, but is visible in the Viewer for reference.

Note:  The render, proxy, and guide purposes are only displayed in the 3D Viewer when they are enabled in the Viewer Properties in the 3D tab.




Controls whether the object and its descendants are visible in the scene. Making objects invisible can increase scene performance.

inherited - the object's visibility is controlled by its parent.

invisible - the object and its descendants are invisible in the scene.