
You can use the Group node to nest multiple nodes inside a single node. The original nodes are replaced with the Group node. When you create a Group node, its internal structure is shown in a separate Node Graph that opens.

You can also create this node by pressing Ctrl/Cmd+G on the Node Graph.

See also Precomp, VariableGroup.

Inputs and Controls

Connection Type

Connection Name




The image sequence to which you want to apply the nodes nested inside the Group node.

Control (UI)

Knob (Scripting)

Default Value


Group Tab (this includes the controls common to all nodes plus the following)



Shows the internal structure of the Group node in a separate Node Graph. This can be useful if you want to see what the Group does or ungroup the nodes nested inside it.

export as gizmo...



Exports the group of nodes as a gizmo that can be reused by other artists. Gizmos are saved in a separate .gizmo file in your Nuke plug-in folder. Nuke scripts can use gizmos just like any other node type. Saved scripts only contain the name and control settings for the gizmo; the definition is in the gizmo file and it is read at the same time the script is loaded into Nuke. Thus, you can alter the implementation of the gizmo and change all the scripts that are using it.

lock all connections



When enabled, the connections between the grouped nodes are locked so that they cannot be accidentally disconnected.

Step-by-Step Guides

Grouping Nodes with the Group Node