Timeline Editing in Nuke Studio and Hiero

Nuke Studio's timeline is designed to provide shot management, conform, and playback capabilities for people creating visual effects and delivers visual effects sequences without resorting to other third party applications. These are the topics covered:

Using Tags tells you how to quickly sort or filter source clips and shots for better visibility, organization, and export.

Viewing Metadata describes how to examine extra clip data and filter your project to find the footage you need.

Conforming Sequences describes the process of matching up the footage from a shoot with the required edit decisions to create a meaningful timeline.

Managing Timelines describes the timeline interface and how to add and manage footage on timelines.

Adding Effects on the Timeline tells you how to add real-time GPU effects to timeline shots.

Create Comp explains the difference between comps and regular shots and how to create and manage them.

Annotations allow you to add editorial comments to your timeline output, enabling collaborative work between Nuke Studio and other Nuke workstations.

Sync Review allows multiple participants to collaborate on a single project in Nuke Studio, Hiero, or HieroPlayer.

Timeline Editing Tools describes how you manipulate your shots directly in the timeline using a series of modal editorial tools that complement the Multi Tool.

Versions and Snapshots describes how to record the different states of your workflow as you progress using versions and snapshots.

Exporting from Nuke Studio deals primarily with Nuke Studio's shot management and export functionality when you're farming out shots or sequences to other artists. It also deals with presets, which dictate how Create Comp passes data between the Timeline and Compositing environments.

Contact Sheet in Nuke Studio describes how to review and compare shots in the Contact Sheet Viewer.