DD::Image::GeoOp Class Reference

Inherits DD::Image::Op, and DD::Image::GeneralInfoProvider.

Inherited by DD::Image::ModifyGeo, DD::Image::NullGeo, DD::Image::ParticleRender, DD::Image::TransformGeo, and DD::Image::WriteGeo.

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual ~GeoOp ()
Scenescene () const
void build_scene (Scene &scene)
void get_geometry (Scene &, GeometryList &out)
void setupScene ()
bool evaluate_transform (int obj, GeometryList &out, bool transform_normals=true)
int minimum_inputs () const
int maximum_inputs () const
Opdefault_input (int input) const
bool test_input (int input, Op *op) const
GeoOpinput (int n) const
GeoOpinput0 () const
GeoOpinput1 () const
const char * node_shape () const
unsigned node_color () const
void knobs (Knob_Callback)
void shadow_knobs (Knob_Callback f)
void knobs (Knob_Callback, bool sourcegeo, bool geoselectSaves=false)
int knob_changed (Knob *k)
virtual void print_info (std::ostream &o)
unsigned objects () const
unsigned vertices (int obj) const
std::vector< GeoInfo::Cache > & getCacheList ()
HandlesMode doAnyHandles (ViewerContext *)
void build_matrix_handles (ViewerContext *ctx, const Matrix4 *localMatrix=NULL)
void build_handles (ViewerContext *ctx)
virtual void select_geometry (ViewerContext *, GeometryList &scene_objects)
void assign_drawlists (int obj, GeoInfo &info)
Display3DMode display3d () const
RenderMode render_mode () const
bool selectable () const
virtual bool selection3DChanged (ViewerContext *ctx)
virtual bool selection3DCleared ()
virtual bool selection3DMouseDown (ViewerContext *ctx)
virtual bool selection3DMouseUp (ViewerContext *ctx)
virtual bool selection3DMouseDrag (ViewerContext *ctx)
const Hashhash (int i) const
const GeometryMaskrebuild_mask () const
bool rebuild (const GeometryMask &m=GeometryMask(Mask_All_Geometry)) const
void set_rebuild (const GeometryMask &m)
void clear_rebuild (const GeometryMask &m)
const GeneralInfogeneralInfo () const

Static Public Member Functions

static void transform_points (PointList *out, const PointList *in, const Matrix4 &)
static void transform_points (PointList *out, const PointList *in, int start, int end, const Matrix4 &)
static void clear_drawlist_trashbin ()

Protected Member Functions

 GeoOp (Node *)
 Base class constructor.
void _validate (bool for_real)
virtual void updateGeneralInfo ()
void display3d (Display3DMode v)
void selectable (bool v)
void render_mode (RenderMode v)
void backface_culling (int v)
void update_geometry_hashes ()
virtual void get_geometry_hash ()
void delete_cache ()
void synchronize_cache (GeometryList &out)
void delete_allocations (GeoInfo::Cache &cache)
virtual void geometry_engine (Scene &, GeometryList &out)
void add_draw_geometry (ViewerContext *)

Protected Attributes

Hash geo_hash [Group_Last]
 Points to scene if it is turned on.
GeneralInfo info_
std::vector< GeoInfo::Cachecache_list
 Geometry cache structures.
Hash cache_hash [Group_Last]
 Cache out-of-dateness hashes.
GeometryMask rebuild_mask_
 What groups need updating.
bool cache_resursive
Hash cache_build_hash
int display3d_
 GUI display setting.
bool selectable_
 GUI selectable checkmark.
int render_mode_
 Render setting.
int backface_culling_
 Backface cull setting.
bool cast_shadow_
bool receive_shadow_

Static Protected Attributes

static Hash sInitialGeoHash
static Hash sInitialCacheHash


class GeometryList
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &, const GeoOp &)

Detailed Description

Base class for an Op that produces a GeoInfo. The data is accessed by calling geometry_engine() and passing it a Scene to add a new GeoInfo to.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GeoOp::~GeoOp ( ) [virtual]

Base class destructor destroys the cache if there is one.

References delete_cache(), and scene_.

GeoOp::GeoOp ( Node *  node) [protected]

Base class constructor.

Only subclasses can create an instance.

References backface_culling_, cache_hash, cache_list, display3d_, geo_hash, rebuild_mask_, render_mode_, scene_, and selectable_.

Member Function Documentation

void GeoOp::build_scene ( Scene scene)

Start the geometry construction process. This would typically be called directly by a viewer, renderer or write node. If the scene's hash are different than the geo's, rebuild the scene. The output object list/cache is filled in by the GeoOp tree during the geometry_engine() call. To reduce having to constantly recalculate primitive structures, we only rebuild those geometry groups whose rebuild flag is set in the cache's rebuild_mask.

References DD::Image::GeoInfo::Cache::attributes, cache_list, DD::Image::Op::Class(), DD::Image::Scene::clear_lights(), DD::Image::Box3::empty(), geo_hash, get_geometry(), DD::Image::Mask_Attributes, DD::Image::Mask_Matrix, DD::Image::Mask_Object, DD::Image::Mask_Points, DD::Image::Mask_Primitives, DD::Image::GeoInfo::matrix, DD::Image::Scene::object_list_, DD::Image::GeoInfo::Cache::points, DD::Image::GeoInfo::Cache::primitives, rebuild_mask_, DD::Image::GeoInfo::recursion_geo, DD::Image::GeoInfo::selected_items_list, DD::Image::GeoInfo::source_geo, DD::Image::GeometryList::synchronize_objects(), DD::Image::Box3::transform(), and DD::Image::GeoInfo::validate().

Referenced by DD::Image::Render::_validate(), and setupScene().

void GeoOp::setupScene ( )

Create a scene if necessary and do prerequisite setup to allow drawing

References assign_drawlists(), build_scene(), DD::Image::Scene::object_list_, scene_, and DD::Image::GeometryList::size().

Referenced by add_draw_geometry().

bool GeoOp::evaluate_transform ( int  obj,
GeometryList out,
bool  transform_normals = true 

Check if matrix is non-identity and if so, apply it to all the points. This 'cooks' the matrix into the points so that subsequent modifiers get the points in the correct space. The matrix is reset to identity.

References DD::Image::Attribute::array(), DD::Image::Matrix4::inverse(), DD::Image::Matrix4::makeIdentity(), DD::Image::Mask_Points, DD::Image::GeoInfo::matrix, DD::Image::NORMAL_ATTRIB, DD::Image::Matrix4::ntransform(), and transform_points().

Referenced by DD::Image::ModifyGeo::geometry_engine().

void GeoOp::transform_points ( PointList *  out,
const PointList *  in,
const Matrix4 m 
) [static]

Transform all points by a matrix.

Referenced by evaluate_transform().

void GeoOp::transform_points ( PointList *  out,
const PointList *  in,
int  start,
int  end,
const Matrix4 m 
) [static]

Transform a range of points by a matrix.

References DD::Image::Matrix4::transform().

Op * GeoOp::default_input ( int  input) const [virtual]

Return a default op for input0.

Reimplemented from DD::Image::Op.

Reimplemented in DD::Image::TransformGeo.

bool GeoOp::test_input ( int  input,
Op op 
) const [virtual]

Allows only GeoOp.

Reimplemented from DD::Image::Op.

Reimplemented in DD::Image::TransformGeo.

const char * GeoOp::node_shape ( ) const [virtual]

Draw a round sided box.

Reimplemented from DD::Image::Op.

int GeoOp::knob_changed ( Knob k) [virtual]

Forces tile_color & gl_color knob changes to update op.

Reimplemented from DD::Image::Op.

Reimplemented in DD::Image::ReadGeo.

References DD::Image::Op::invalidate(), DD::Image::Op::knob(), DD::Image::Knob::NO_KNOB_CHANGED, and DD::Image::Knob::showPanel.

void GeoOp::build_handles ( ViewerContext ctx) [virtual]

Internally this calls build_matrix_handles with a NULL matrix

Reimplemented from DD::Image::Op.

Reimplemented in DD::Image::TransformGeo.

References build_matrix_handles().

void GeoOp::select_geometry ( ViewerContext ctx,
GeometryList scene_objects 
) [virtual]

Search up the tree to set the selected nodes and bounding box based on whether user has nodes selected and/or open.

References DD::Image::GeoInfo::display3d, DD::Image::Op::input(), DD::Image::Op::node_selected(), DD::Image::GeoInfo::select_geo, select_geometry(), DD::Image::GeoInfo::selectable, and DD::Image::GeoInfo::selected.

Referenced by add_draw_geometry(), and select_geometry().

void GeoOp::assign_drawlists ( int  obj,
GeoInfo info 

Assigns the current drawlist allocation for object obj to the GeoInfo. If it doesn't exist yet create it.

References cache_list.

Referenced by setupScene().

const GeometryMask& DD::Image::GeoOp::rebuild_mask ( ) const [inline]

What groups need updating.

Referenced by get_geometry().

void GeoOp::_validate ( bool  for_real) [protected, virtual]

GeoOp subclass-dependent portion of validate(). This builds

Reimplemented from DD::Image::Op.

Reimplemented in DD::Image::ReadGeo, and DD::Image::TransformGeo.

References update_geometry_hashes().

void GeoOp::update_geometry_hashes ( ) [protected]

Calculate the geometry hashes. If the hashes are different from the cache's, set the cache rebuild flags.

References cache_hash, display3d_, geo_hash, get_geometry_hash(), DD::Image::Op::node(), DD::Image::Op::node_gl_color(), rebuild_mask_, render_mode_, and selectable_.

Referenced by DD::Image::TransformGeo::_validate(), and _validate().

void GeoOp::get_geometry_hash ( ) [protected, virtual]

Return a hash value which indicates the out-of-dateness of the object's primitives. The default implementation validates the passed-in GeoOp and copies its hashes. If the GeoOp depends on an input's geometry this should be called prior to other knob hashes being applied.

Reimplemented in DD::Image::NullGeo, DD::Image::ReadGeo, DD::Image::SourceGeo, and DD::Image::TransformGeo.

References geo_hash, DD::Image::Hash::reset(), and DD::Image::Op::validate().

Referenced by update_geometry_hashes().

void GeoOp::delete_cache ( ) [protected]

Delete all locally allocated geometry and clear the cache.

References cache_list, and delete_allocations().

Referenced by DD::Image::GeometryList::delete_objects(), and ~GeoOp().

void GeoOp::synchronize_cache ( GeometryList out) [protected]

Synchronize the local cache objects with the output GeometryList. For an empty output this simply means adding objects to it, otherwise if a higher up GeoOp has already added objects we must compare our cache objects against the output objects and resolve any differences.

For each object in the local cache find the corresponding object in the output list. Rearrange, add or delete if different. Two pieces of information are needed for this: 1) The unique hash id derived from the originating GeoOp Node and the index of the object. 2) The version number, or copy number, incremented at each split. We must handle cases of an object disappearing from the output as well as new objects appearing. There are two distinct update phases we must handle: The cache being brand new and the cache already existing but objects are in a different order.

References DD::Image::GeoInfo::Cache::bbox, cache_list, DD::Image::GeoInfo::Cache::call_lists, DD::Image::GeoInfoRenderState::castShadow, delete_allocations(), DD::Image::GeoInfo::display3d, DD::Image::GeoInfo::final_geo, DD::Image::GeoInfo::Cache::out_id, DD::Image::GeoInfo::Cache::points, DD::Image::GeoInfo::Cache::primitives, DD::Image::GeoInfoRenderState::receiveShadow, DD::Image::GeoInfo::Cache::recursion_mask, DD::Image::GeoInfo::render_mode, DD::Image::GeoInfo::selectable, selectable_, DD::Image::GeoInfo::source_node_gl_color, DD::Image::GeoInfo::Cache::src_id, DD::Image::GeoInfo::Cache::type, DD::Image::GeoInfo::valid_source_node_gl_color, DD::Image::GeoInfo::Cache::version, DD::Image::version(), and DD::Image::GeoInfo::Cache::vertices.

Referenced by DD::Image::GeometryList::synchronize_objects().

void GeoOp::delete_allocations ( GeoInfo::Cache cache) [protected]
void GeoOp::geometry_engine ( Scene scene,
GeometryList out 
) [protected, virtual]

Sub-class dependent portion of get_geometry(). This should be implemented on plugins to construct geometry. The default implementation gets the input's geometry.

Reimplemented in DD::Image::ModifyGeo, DD::Image::NullGeo, DD::Image::ReadGeo, DD::Image::SourceGeo, and DD::Image::TransformGeo.

References get_geometry().

Referenced by get_geometry().

void GeoOp::add_draw_geometry ( ViewerContext ctx) [protected]

Subclasses can call this in build_handles(). It will construct the output geometry and add callbacks to draw it in the viewer. You should only call this if ctx->connected is >= SHOW_OBJECT and should then set ctx->connected to CONNECTED before calling any inputs, so that objects are not drawn more than once. Also you must call validate(false) before this.

References DD::Image::ViewerContext::add_draw_handle(), DD::Image::Box3::empty(), DD::Image::ViewerContext::expand_bbox(), DD::Image::Matrix4::makeIdentity(), DD::Image::GeoInfo::matrix, DD::Image::ViewerContext::modelmatrix, DD::Image::Op::node(), DD::Image::Op::node_selected(), DD::Image::Scene::object_list_, scene_, DD::Image::GeoInfo::select_geo, select_geometry(), DD::Image::GeoInfo::selected, setupScene(), DD::Image::SHOW_BBOX, DD::Image::GeoInfo::source_geo, and DD::Image::Box3::transform().

Referenced by DD::Image::TransformGeo::build_handles(), and build_matrix_handles().

Member Data Documentation