Module _curvelib :: Class AnimCTransform
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Class AnimCTransform

object --+

An animated transform, where each part of the transform is represented as a curve over time.

Instance Methods [hide private]
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
a new object with type S, a subtype of T
__new__(T, S, ...)
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
addPivotPointKey(self, time, x, y, pressure, view='default')
addRotationKey(self, time, x, y, pressure, view='default')
addScaleKey(self, time, x, y, pressure, view='default')
addSkewXKey(self, time, x, y, pressure, view='default')
addTransformKey(self, time, view)
addTranslationKey(self, time, x, y, pressure, view='default')
evaluate(self, time, view)
getExtraMatrixAnimCurve(self, i, j, view)
Returns the AnimCurve object for the 4i+j element in the transform's extra matrix.The view parameter is optional.
getNumberOfPivotPointKeys(self, view)
Get the number of keys for the pivotPoint attribute.
getNumberOfRotationKeys(self, view)
Get the number of keys for the rotation attribute.
getNumberOfScaleKeys(self, view)
Get the number of keys for the scale attribute.
getNumberOfSkewXKeys(self, view)
Get the number of keys for the skewX attribute.
getNumberOfTransformKeys(self, view)
Get the number of keys for all attributes of this transform.
getNumberOfTranslationKeys(self, view)
Get the number of keys for the translation attribute.
getPivotPointAnimCurve(self, index, view)
getPivotPointKeyTime(self, index, view)
Get the time for a specific key on the pivotPoint attribute.
list of floats
getPivotPointKeyTimes(self, view)
Get the times for all keys on the pivotPoint attribute.
getRotationAnimCurve(self, index, view)
getRotationKeyTime(self, index, view)
Get the time for a specific key on the rotation attribute.
list of floats
getRotationKeyTimes(self, view)
Get the times for all keys on the rotation attribute.The view parameter is optional.
getScaleAnimCurve(self, index, view)
getScaleKeyTime(self, index, view)
Get the time for a specific key on the scale attribute.
list of floats
getScaleKeyTimes(self, view)
Get the times for all keys on the scale attribute.
getSkewXAnimCurve(self, index, view)
getSkewXKeyTime(self, index, view)
Get the time for a specific key on the skewX attribute.
list of floats
getSkewXKeyTimes(self, view)
Get the times for all keys on the skewX attribute.
getTransformKeyTime(self, index, view)
Get the time for a specific key.
list of floats
getTransformKeyTimes(self, view)
Get the times for all keys, across all attributes of this transform.
getTranslationAnimCurve(self, index, view)
getTranslationKeyTime(self, index, view)
Get the time for a specific key on the translation attribute.
list of floats
getTranslationKeyTimes(self, view)
Get the times for all keys on the translation attribute.
Check whether this transform has been modified away from the default values.
removePivotPointKey(self, time, view)
removeRotationKey(self, time, view)
removeScaleKey(self, time, view)
removeSkewXKey(self, time, view)
removeTransformKey(self, time, view)
removeTranslationKey(self, time, view)
setExtraMatrixAnimCurve(self, i, j, animcurve, view)
Sets the AnimCurve object for the '4i+j'-th element of the extra matrix.The view parameter is optional
setIdentity(self, view='default')
setPivotPointAnimCurve(self, index, animCurve, view)
Set the anim curve for the pivot point attribute of this transform.
setRotationAnimCurve(self, index, animCurve, view)
Set the anim curve for the rotation attribute of this transform.
setScaleAnimCurve(self, index, animCurve, view)
Set the anim curve for the scale attribute of this transform.
setSkewXAnimCurve(self, index, animCurve, view)
Set the anim curve for the skewX attribute of this transform.
setTranslationAnimCurve(self, index, animCurve, view)
Set the anim curve for the translation attribute of this transform.

Inherited from object: __format__, __hash__, __init__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]
The name for this transform.
The order in which to perform rotations around the axes.
The order in which to perform the transformations.

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]



x.__delattr__('name') <==> del

Overrides: object.__delattr__



x.__getattribute__('name') <==>

Overrides: object.__getattribute__

__new__(T, S, ...)

Returns: a new object with type S, a subtype of T
Overrides: object.__new__



x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value

Overrides: object.__setattr__

getNumberOfPivotPointKeys(self, view)


Get the number of keys for the pivotPoint attribute. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: int

getNumberOfRotationKeys(self, view)


Get the number of keys for the rotation attribute. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: int

getNumberOfScaleKeys(self, view)


Get the number of keys for the scale attribute. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: int

getNumberOfSkewXKeys(self, view)


Get the number of keys for the skewX attribute. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: int

getNumberOfTransformKeys(self, view)


Get the number of keys for all attributes of this transform. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: int

getNumberOfTranslationKeys(self, view)


Get the number of keys for the translation attribute. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: int

getPivotPointKeyTime(self, index, view)


Get the time for a specific key on the pivotPoint attribute. index is the index of the key. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: float

getPivotPointKeyTimes(self, view)


Get the times for all keys on the pivotPoint attribute. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: list of floats

getRotationKeyTime(self, index, view)


Get the time for a specific key on the rotation attribute. index is the index of the key. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: float

getScaleKeyTime(self, index, view)


Get the time for a specific key on the scale attribute. index is the index of the key. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: float

getScaleKeyTimes(self, view)


Get the times for all keys on the scale attribute. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: list of floats

getSkewXKeyTime(self, index, view)


Get the time for a specific key on the skewX attribute. index is the index of the key. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: float

getSkewXKeyTimes(self, view)


Get the times for all keys on the skewX attribute. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: list of floats

getTransformKeyTime(self, index, view)


Get the time for a specific key. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: float

getTransformKeyTimes(self, view)


Get the times for all keys, across all attributes of this transform. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: list of floats

getTranslationKeyTime(self, index, view)


Get the time for a specific key on the translation attribute. index is the index of the key. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: float

getTranslationKeyTimes(self, view)


Get the times for all keys on the translation attribute. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: list of floats

setPivotPointAnimCurve(self, index, animCurve, view)


Set the anim curve for the pivot point attribute of this transform. The index parameter should be 0 for the x values, 1 for the y values. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: None

setRotationAnimCurve(self, index, animCurve, view)


Set the anim curve for the rotation attribute of this transform. The index parameter should be 0 for the x values, 1 for the y values. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: None

setScaleAnimCurve(self, index, animCurve, view)


Set the anim curve for the scale attribute of this transform. The index parameter should be 0 for the x values, 1 for the y values. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: None

setSkewXAnimCurve(self, index, animCurve, view)


Set the anim curve for the skewX attribute of this transform. The index parameter should be 0 for the x values, 1 for the y values. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: None

setTranslationAnimCurve(self, index, animCurve, view)


Set the anim curve for the translation attribute of this transform. The index parameter should be 0 for the x values, 1 for the y values. The view parameter is optional.

Returns: None