Module _curvelib :: Class CorrespondencePoints
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Class CorrespondencePoints

object --+

Correspondence points add a relation to the interpolation of two curves. These points are made up of two values; a t-value on the source curve and a corresponding t-value on the destination curve T-values should be in the range [0-1], where 0 is the start of the curve, and 1 is the end of the curve

Instance Methods [hide private]
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value
addPoint(cps, time, t_src, t_dest)
Adds a correspondence point
getAnimCurve(cps, index, which)
Returns: An AnimCurve object for the timeline of the specified point and src/dest value
Returns: Returns the number of correspondence points in the object
(t_stc, t_dest)
getPointValues(cps, time, index)
Returns: A tuple containing source and destionation t-values
modifyPoint(cps, time, index, which, t)
removePoint(cps, index)
cps->reset() Resets the correspondence points object to empty

Inherited from object: __format__, __hash__, __init__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]



x.__delattr__('name') <==> del

Overrides: object.__delattr__



x.__getattribute__('name') <==>

Overrides: object.__getattribute__



x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value

Overrides: object.__setattr__

addPoint(cps, time, t_src, t_dest)


Adds a correspondence point

  • time - Time at which to t_src and t_dest will be set
  • t_src - Position on the source curve (where 0=start and 1=end)
  • t_dest - Position on the destination curve Note that the correspondence point is not animated. Animation must be set manually to avoid conflicting with existing points.

getAnimCurve(cps, index, which)

  • index - Index to the point to get the associated AnimCurve object for
  • which - Whether the source (0) or destination (1) t-value is being modified
Returns: AnimCurve
An AnimCurve object for the timeline of the specified point and src/dest value


Returns the number of correspondence points in the object

getPointValues(cps, time, index)

  • time - Time at which to evaluate point's values
  • index - Index to the point to evaluate
Returns: (t_stc, t_dest)
A tuple containing source and destionation t-values

modifyPoint(cps, time, index, which, t)

  • time - Time at which to t_in and t_out will be set
  • index - Index to the point to modify
  • which - Whether the source (0) or destination (1) t-value is being modified
  • t - Position on the curve specified in by 'which'

removePoint(cps, index)

  • index - Index to the point to remove