Package nukescripts :: Module drop
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Source Code for Module nukescripts.drop

 1  # Copyright (c) 2010 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd.  All Rights Reserved. 
 3  _gDropDataCallbacks = [] 
5 -def addDropDataCallback(callback):
6 """Add a function to the list of callbacks. This function will called whenever data is dropped onto the DAG. Override it to perform other actions. 7 If you handle the drop, return True, otherwise return None.""" 8 _gDropDataCallbacks.append(callback)
10 -def dropData(mimeType, text):
11 """Handle data drops by invoking the list of callback functions until one has 12 handled the event""" 13 for callback in reversed(_gDropDataCallbacks): 14 if callback(mimeType, text) == True: 15 return True 16 return None