Package nukescripts :: Module flags
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Source Code for Module nukescripts.flags

 1  # Copyright (c) 2009 The Foundry Visionmongers Ltd.  All Rights Reserved. 
 3  import nuke 
5 -def toggle(knob):
6 """ "Inverts" some flags on the selected nodes. 7 8 What this really does is set all of them to the same value, by finding the 9 majority value and using the inverse of that.""" 10 11 value = 0 12 n = nuke.selectedNodes() 13 for i in n: 14 try: 15 val = i.knob(knob).value() 16 if val: 17 value += 1 18 else: 19 value -= 1 20 except: 21 pass 22 23 status = value < 0 24 for i in n: 25 if not nuke.exists("."+knob): 26 continue 27 knobbie = i.knob(knob) 28 knobbie_str ="."+knob 29 size = nuke.animation(knobbie_str, "size") 30 if size is not None and int(size) > 0: 31 knobbie.setKeyAt(nuke.frame()) 32 knobbie.setValue(status) 33 else: 34 knobbie.setValue(status) 35 nuke.modified(True)